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europe carrie guns n roses don't cry dire straits sultans of swing metal church waiting for a savior

*boy crying* mum asking: why are? you crying? boy:Justin bieber is dead! Mumon w orry,its fake. boy:THATs why i am crying You say Taylor Swift,I say Rammstein You? say? Lady Gaga,I say Evanescence You say Miley? Cyrus,I say Billy Talent You say T-Pain,I say Slipknot You say Eminem,I? say Linkin Park You say Jonas? Brother,I? say? Green?? Day You? say? Flowers,I say Rise Against 92% of teens have?? turned to pop and hip-hop.If you are? part of the 8% that st ill listens to? real? music, copy? and paste this message somewhere.? DONT LET R OCK N ROLL DIE ! , P.S Thumbs? Up If You? Agree.!!!!!!!

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