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1. length
1.1 the meter
1.2 the inch

2. gauge blocks
2.1 a short history of gauge blocks
2.2 gauge block standards (u.s.)
2.2.1 scope
2.2.2 nomenclature and definitions
2.2.3 tolerance grades
2.2.4 recalibration requirements
2.3 international standards

3. physical and thermal properties of gauge blocks

3.1 materials
3.2 flatness and parallelism
3.2.1 flatness measurement
3.2.2 parallelism measurement
3.3 thermal expansion
3.3.1 thermal expansion of gauge block materials
3.3.2 thermal expansion uncertainty
3.3 elastic properties
3.4.1 contact deformation in mechanical comparisons
3.4.2 measurement of probe force and tip radius
3.5 stability

4. measurement assurance programs

4.1 introduction
4.2 a comparison: traditional metrology vs measurement assurance programs
4.3 determining uncertainty
4.3.1 stability
4.3.2 uncertainty
4.3.3 random error
4.3.4 systematic error and type b uncertainty
4.3.5 error budgets
4.3.6 combining type a and type b uncertainties
4.3.7 combining random and systematic errors
4.4 the nist gauge block measurement assurance program
4.4.1 establishing interferometric master values
4.4.2 the comparison process
4.4.3 calculating total uncertainty
4.5 summary of the nist measurement assurance program

5. the nist mechanical comparison procedure

5.1 introduction
5.2 preparation and inspection
5.3 the comparative principle
5.3.1 examples
5.4 gauge block comparators
5.4.1 scale and contact force control
5.4.2 stylus force and penetration corrections
5.4.3 environmental factors
5.5 intercomparison procedures
5.5.1 handling techniques
5.6 comparison designs
5.6.1 drift eliminating designs
5.6.2 example of calibration output using the 12/4 design
5.7 current nist system performance
5.7.1 summary

6. gauge block interferometry

6.1 introduction
6.2 interferometers
6.2.1 the kosters type interferometer
6.2.2 the npl interferometer
6.2.3 testing optical quality of interferometers
6.2.4 interferometer corrections
6.2.5 laser light sources
6.3 environmental conditions and their measurement
6.4 gauge block measurement procedure
6.5 computation of gauge block length
6.6 type a and b errors
6.7 process evaluation
6.8 multiple wavelength interferometry
6.9 use of the line scale interferometer for end standard calibration
7. references

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