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09-10 Events

AP World History 1st Semester Dates Dates 10,000 BCE 3100 BCE - 27 BCE (death of Cleopatra) 800 BCE 499 BCE (Battle of Marathon, Salamis-Thermopalae 480BCE) 5th Century BCE called The Axial Age 276 BCE 264 BCE (midpoint) 44 BCE 476 CE (1000 BCE - 500 CE, 1500 years) 622 CE (died 632) 732 CE 800 CE 955 1066 1100 - 1300 1180-85 1215 1200 - 1400 1307 1325 - 1349 1337 - 1453 (England and France) 1347 - 1351 1405 1453 (seige of Constantinople by the Ottomans) 1492 (also ending of reconquista Granda falls to Christian forces) 1514 1517 1571 1588 1603 1642-46 Dates 1757 end of Seven years war 1763 1775 (American Rev 1775 - 1781)Battle of Yorktown 1781 1788 (took effect March 4, 1789) 1789 - 1799 1815 1850 1854 -1856 1861-1865 1868 1870-1871 (Unification of Germany/Italy) 1901 (her reign began in 1837;known as Victorian Era) 1917 August 1914-November 1918 Sept 1, 1939- May 8,1945 Europe 9/2/1945 Japan April 1917 / December 7, 1941 1950-1953 armistice only no peace treaty 1961 & 1989 1947, 48, 49 2001 Date Range (ca.) 10,000 BCE - 500 CE (Axial Age begins 500 BCE) 500 CE - 1000CE 500 CE - 800 CE 800 CE - 1300 CE 1000 - 1500 1300 - 1600 1400 - 1700 1600 - 1800 1800's 1700s - 1920s 1600 - Present Day

Neolithic Revolution Egyptian Civilization Rise of La Venta (Olmecs) Greek Persian Wars Life of Buddha, Confucius, Socrates Chins Reign in China (China becomes China) Punic Wars death of Julius Caesar Fall of Rome Muhammads flight to Medina (hegira) Battle of Tours (Christians defeat Islamic Moors) Charlemagnes crowning by the Pope Battle of Lechfeld (Otto defeats Magyars) Battle of Hastings (William the Conqueror) Crusades Gempei Wars (Japan) Signing of the Magna Carta (John) Conquests of Ghengis Khan & successors Mansu Musa Reign in Mali begins Travels of Ibn Battuta Hundred Years War Black Death in Europe Zheng He Voyages begin Byzantine Empire (fall of) Columbus discovers San Salvador Battle of Chaldiran (Ottomans defeat the Safavids) Matin Luther posts 95 thesis Battle of Lepanto (sea battle Holy League defeats Turks) defeat of the Spanish Aramada death of Queen Elizabeth English Civil War Events Battle of Plessy (during 7 years war) Battle of Lexington and Concord Constitution of the US ratification French Revolution (beginning of and end of) Congress of Vienna Taiping Rebellion Crimean War American Civil War Meiji Restoration in Japan Franco-Prussian War Death of Queen Victoria Russian Revolution World War I (beginning and ending) World War II (beginning and ending) US entry into WWI / WWII Korean War Building & Fall of the Berlin Wall formation of India, Israel, and China bombing of world trade center in New York Eras Ancient & Classical Civilizations Post Classical Period Dark Ages Middle Ages High Middle Ages Renaissance Age of Discovery (Exploration) Age of Reason/ Revolutions Victorian Era (Age of Imperialism) Industrial Revolution Modern Era

APWH 2nd Semester Dates

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