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I extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. Rajat Jay Sehgal, Executive Director, S.

M. Sehgal Foundation, Gurgaon, for giving me the opportunity to do this study and
undergo the process of learning. I thank him for all the trust and faith he posed in me
and I only hope that I have been able to live up to his expectations.

I would also like to thank Mr. Rajesh Kumar Sinha, Program Leader, Income
Enhancement Program, S. M. Sehgal Foundation, Gurgaon, for the valuable guidance that
he provided and the insights he shared with me. His guidance and help was helpful in
providing me with a clearer perspective of what that organisation stands for and what
roles do different activities have to play in the organisation. I would also like to
thank other Program Leaders at S. M. Sehgal Foundation, Gurgaon, for without their help
and cooperation it would not have been possible to do the study.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. G.Krishnamurthi, my faculty

guide who encouraged me and guided me to prepare this report and helped me in carrying
out my task.

I would also like to thank Prof. Jayant Negi, our OTS coordinator who took all the
trouble in arranging my training at S. M. Sehgal Foundation, Gurgaon.

Abhishek Anand (24038)

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