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In the present world of competition there is a race of existence in which those are having
will to come forward succeed. Immersion is like a bridge between theoretical and practical
working. With this willing I joined this particular work.

First of all, I would like to thank the supreme power the Almighty ALLAH who is
obviously the one has always guided me to work on the one has always guided me to work on the
right path of life. Without his grace this kind of work (this OJT) could not become reality next to
him are my parents, even my father is gone. Thank you very much Inakulay for your sacrifices,
for your support, for your guidance and thank you for everything.

And to my husband together with our beloved children, whom I am greatly indebted for
me brought up with love and encouragement to this stage. To their Abe, thank you for not just
believing that I could do this. Thank you for the unconditional love, support and to help me for my
financial needs.

I am feeling oblige in taking the opportunity to sincerely thanks to Mrs. Rasmia

Macarambon (Principal of Dpdmnhs) and special thanks to my worthy adviser of our immersion
Mrs. Normilah Mayo, thank you Ma’am for your help. I am highly obliged in taking the
opportunity to sincerely thank to all the advisers/focal persons of this immersion for their generous
attitude and friendly behaviour.

To my friends and classmates especially to my best friends Lailah HS. Mamao who
always there when I need her. Thank you for encouraging me to finish my study.

At last but not the least I am thankful to all my teachers who have been always helping me
though out year especially to Ma’am Faidiah Sharief and my former teacher Ma’am Tarhata
Disomimba thank you so much and thank you a lot for your help and encouragement. Thank you
for believing that I could do this. I have no valuable words to express my thanks, but my heart is
still full of the favours received from every person.

“Everything is always created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.”

The knowledge of a student gained from the professors are not enough when only learned
by pure imagination. That is why an internship or the so-called OJT (on- the- Job Training) is
created. This serves as a way that gives students a chance to apply the lessons learned from the
school. It also aids the students achieve relevant knowledge and skills through the actual
experience in working in the field of their profession. Thus, the workplace and the field serve as a
new venue of learning for the student.

On-the-job training is valuable where realism is essential. Student are required to complete
such hours of training. It is a particularly good way of developing technical skills and expertise.
During On-the-job training, a supervisor guides the trainee through tasks and processes for them
to know how to perform the obligation and to what standard. Typically, the supervisor observes
the trainees while they perform their duties. After observation, the observer provides the trainees
with feedback on their performance.

For a company or an organization who willingly accept a student trainee, OJT program
provides them additional manpower without expecting salary to pay back. Student trainees
can bring fresh ideas, and if even given such opportunity to speak their minds freely, they
may be ables

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