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MWA Server and Dispatcher Configuration Quick Start Reference

(January 2003)

Key Mappings
Setup default_key.ini 1. Locate file in $MWA_TOP/secure 2. Use the default_key.ini if there is no change 3. If you need to customize, create a new file e.g. intermec2415_key.ini a. Assocate Server-Defined actions to Device keys <Action> =<Key>=<Description>

Environment Verification
Verify the telnet port that is not in use Verify the environment that is set

This quick start reference is for setting up the MWA telnet server and Dispatcher

MWA Configuration file

Setup mwa.cfg file 1. Locate file in $MWA_TOP/secure 2. Copy mwa_template.cfg to mwa.cfg 3. Edit mwa.cfg and configure following parmameters: a. Set mwa.DbcFolder=full directory of .dbc file ending with / b. Set mwa.DbcFile=dbc file name c. Set mwa.logdir=full directory of log file d. Set mwa.TelnetPortNumber=default port# e. Setmwa.DropConnectionTimeout= no. of minutes f. Set mwa.StaleSessionTimeout= no. of minutes g. Set mwa.LogLevel=error or trace

b. Specify devices width and height

correctly by sourcing the APPLSYS.env file Verify $MWA_TOP is set correctly Verify the DbcFolder and DbcFile in the mwa.cfg file that is set to the location and file name of your Oracle Application .dbc file Verify the log directory that exists Verify the $CLASSPATH that includes and

Device IP
Setup deviceIP.ini 1. Locate file in $MWA_TOP/secure 2. Copy deviceIP_template.ini to deviceIP.ini 3. This file is to associate device with a key mapping file 4. Map the device name and IP address as follows: a) Mapping by device name Intermec 2415=intermec2415_key.ini b) Mapping by IP address 130.35.112.*=intermec2415.ini

Starting/Shutdown the MWA Server

To start the MWA telnet server: 1. Source the APPLSYS.env 2. cd $MWA_TOP/bin 3. start [port number] To shutdown the MWA telnet server 1. cd $MWA_TOP/bin 2. login xxx/yyy stop port# where xxx is application user id with system administrator responsibility and yyy is the application user password Note: for NT server, use mwactl.cmd script to start/stop servers

MWA Server and Dispatcher Configuration Quick Start Reference

(January 2003)

D I S P A T C H E R 2300


Server 1 port 2310

Alternating the MWA telnet servers with Dispatcher

See metalink note: 198543.1 on how to use the dispatcher to bounce the MWA Servers at predefined intervals, so that database sessions can be refreshed, and possible memory leaking can be avoided.

Starting/Shutdown the MWA servers and Dispatcher

To startup: start 2310 start 2320 start 2330 start_dispatcher Mobile users connect to the Dispatcher port 2300. Dispatcher will distribute mobile users among the three MWA servers. Mobile users can hit control-X to view the MWA server port#, host name and other connection information To shutdown: stop 2310 stop 2320 stop 2330 stop_dispatcher Note: MWA server will be terminated only when all mobile users are disconnected. New users cannot sign-on when the server is stopped. If you want to terminate the server while users are connected, you can use stop_force to stop server immediately. Note: for NT server, use mwactl.cmd script to start/stop servers

Server 2 port 2320

Server 3 port 2330

If you want to use the Dispatcher to perform load balance among multiple MWA servers, use the following steps to configure and manage the Dispatcher.

Configuring MWA Dispatcher

Setup Dispatcher parameters in mwa.cfg 1. Specify the port number and machine for running the dispatcher mwa.Dispatcher=hostname:port# Note: the dispatcher uses 3 consecutive ports for internal control 2. Specify the dispatcher worker thread count mwa.DispatcherWorkerThreadCount=15 3. Specify the dispatcher clients per worker


For MWA configuration details, please see following Metalink notes: Mobile Applications Technology Stack: 163931.1 MWA Dispatcher port number usage: 170939.1 MWA Dispatcher usage and example: 198543.1

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