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Book report connected to After 1.

From the list below, choose 3 ideas which are clearly represented in both the book you have chosen to read independently, and the novel, After. Courage control betrayal growth rebellion love paranoia jealousy friends independence assertive reform

2. Next, determine which of the following categories each of your chosen ideas fall under in both books youve read Brainwashing Controlled societies government control conformity conspiracies disappearances school shootings suspense

3. Then, in a book format, draw and color detailed pictures or find and print detailed, colored pictures from the Internet which show the specific ACTION(s) from both books that connect to your idea and category selections. 4. Finally, underneath each picture, explain in detail your selections connections to both your chosen category and chosen idea. Your detailed explanations should be at least 3 sentences in length. See an example on the reverse side of this sheet:

Category: Conformity Idea: REBELLION
19 Minutes After

In 19 Minutes, Josie rebels against her mother. Josie would sneak out of her house to see her boyfriend Matt without her mother knowing. Josie does these types of things to conform with the popular crowd and knows she would be teased if she doesn't sneak out.

In After, Stephanie rebels against the school administration. She wears a red ribbon in her hair, something has done for a long time as a tribute to honor her dead brother. This is a form of rebellion because the school has said it is against the new school dress code which is meant for students to all conform in a similar way to decrease individuality.

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