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ICT TEST - FORM 2 1. ____________ was one of the first generation computer scientists.

A Bill Gates B Steve Jobs C John Napier D Presper Eckert

2. The first computer which was delivered to the client was ___________. A Mark 1 C UNIVAC B IBM 360 D CDC2600 3. There are 8 generations in the development of computers. (TRUE / FALSE)


Charles Babbage invented the Mechanical Calculator Machine in _________. A 1673 C 1823 B 1801 D 1941 5. Rewrite the inventions below according to their correct sequence.

Abacus was udes in China Mark 1 was invented in Harvard Pascaline was invented by Blaise Pascal Charles Babbage invented the Mechanical Calculator Machine
i. ii. iii. iv.

6. Arrange the components below according to their technological advancement: Integrated circuit, vacuum tube, transistor i. ii. iii. Question 7 -10. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers:-

System software Application software

system application

instructions program

7. Software is a ______________ which consists of a set of _________________ that tells the computer how to perform an operation.

8. Software an be divided into two categories :________________ software and ______________ software. 9. ____________________ provides the environment in which an application software perform task. 10. ____________________ enables users to create, communicate and be entertained. Question 11 Fill in the empty boxes with the correct answers.

Question 12 Fill in the empty boxes with the correct examples of application Software.

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