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b Variables Entered/Removed

Model 1

Variables Entered Biaya Tenaga Kerja, Biaya Bahan a Baku

Variables Removed



a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan

Model Summary Model 1 R R Square .956 a .914 Adjusted R Square .908 Std. Error of the Estimate 416.512

a. Predictors: (Constant), Biaya Tenaga Kerja, Biaya Bahan Baku


Model 1

Regression Residual Total

Sum of Squares 58885273 5551441 64436714

df 2 32 34

Mean Square 29442636.55 173482.537

F 169.715

Sig. .000a

a. Predictors: (Constant), Biaya Tenaga Kerja, Biaya Bahan Baku b. Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan

a Coefficients

Model 1

Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error (Constant) -7871.579 1154.780 Biaya Bahan Baku .164 .054 Biaya Tenaga Kerja .136 .036

Standardized Coefficients Beta .433 .540

t -6.817 3.049 3.798

Sig. .000 .005 .001

a. Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan

a Coefficients

Model 1

Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF Biaya Bahan Baku .133 7.495 Biaya Tenaga Kerja .133 7.495

a. Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan

a Coefficient Correlations

Model 1

Correlations Covariances

Biaya Tenaga Kerja Biaya Tenaga Kerja 1.000 Biaya Bahan Baku -.931 Biaya Tenaga Kerja .001 Biaya Bahan Baku -.002

Biaya Bahan Baku -.931 1.000 -.002 .003

a. Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan

a Collinearity Diagnostics

Model 1

Dimension 1 2 3

Eigenvalue 2.982 .017 .001

Condition Index 1.000 13.263 62.010

Variance Proportions Biaya Bahan Biaya Tenaga (Constant) Baku Kerja .00 .00 .00 .11 .14 .00 .89 .86 1.00

a. Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan

a Residuals Statistics

Predicted Value Std. Predicted Value Standard Error of Predicted Value Adjusted Predicted Value Residual Std. Residual Stud. Residual Deleted Residual Stud. Deleted Residual Mahal. Distance Cook's Distance Centered Leverage Value

Minimum 546.10 -1.920 72.911 -182.83 -619.46 -1.487 -1.523 -649.73 -1.557 .070 .000 .002

Maximum 5801.61 2.073 274.126 5747.40 981.37 2.356 3.042 1682.83 3.551 13.756 2.357 .405

Mean 3072.86 .000 115.041 3046.25 .00 .000 .028 26.61 .055 1.943 .092 .057

Std. Deviation 1316.024 1.000 41.032 1356.997 404.076 .970 1.062 494.439 1.139 2.589 .398 .076

N 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

a. Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan

Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan


Expected Cum Prob



0.00 0.00 .25 .50 .75 1.00

Observed Cum Prob

Scatterplot Dependent Variable: Harga Makanan


Regression Studentized Residual

3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

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