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Variables Entered/Removed Variables Model 1 Variables Entered Interest Rate, Exchangre Rate , Inflation Rate


Method . Enter

a. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary Adjusted R Model 1 R .978


Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson .408

R Square .956

Square .953


a. Predictors: (Constant), Interest Rate, Exchangre Rate , Inflation Rate b. Dependent Variable: Non-Performing Loans

ANOVA Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 1.196E12 5.523E10 1.251E12 df

Mean Square 3 40 43 3.987E11 1.381E9

F 288.735

Sig. .000

a. Predictors: (Constant), Interest Rate, Exchangre Rate , Inflation Rate b. Dependent Variable: Non-Performing Loans


Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) Inflation Rate Exchangre Rate Interest Rate B -604529.404 -4.590 13856.544 -4.253 Std. Error 32810.261 1.991 644.667 3.439 -.123 1.097 -.085 Coefficients Beta t -18.425 -2.306 21.494 -1.237 Sig. .000 .026 .000 .223 95.0% Confidence Interval for B Lower Bound -670841.415 -8.614 12553.625 -11.203 Upper Bound -538217.393 -.566 15159.464 2.696

a. Dependent Variable: Non-Performing Loans

Residuals Statistics Minimum Predicted Value Residual Std. Predicted Value Std. Residual 1.22122E5 Maximum 6.53015E5

Mean 2.86426E5 .000000 .000 .000

Std. Deviation 1.667750E5 3.583856E4 1.000 .964

N 44 44 44 44

-7.599921E4 8.586049E4 -.985 -2.045 2.198 2.311

a. Dependent Variable: Non-Performing Loans

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