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Mira Desai Nutrition 302

One study was conducted on rats and their reaction toward the consumption of blueberry

extracts. A populationo{ratsfas diagnosed with cancer. The whole population consumed a



typically rat diet except for half of the population had blueberry extract added to theirs. The
population that had received the blueberry extracts had 80% less tumors than the rats that had not
consumed any of the blueberry extracts. Through this study, many more scientists are becoming

interested in the health benefits of consuming blueberries. Although, researchers have found

positive health benefits from consuming blueberries, it is not enough evidence to claim
blueberries can be a reliable source to prevent carrcerlg.


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A person must consume enough blueberries to observe any positive health benefits.
What amount of blueberries should one consume then? The reported average intake blueberries to possibly see a positive outcome should be about


I cup per day. The form that

blueberries are consumed in also effects the actual intake of the key ingredients. Fresh is the best way to consume them, but frozen is also acceptable when blueberries are out of season.

Although, the frozen blueberries covered in sugary synrLare not going to provide any benefits. Also consuming 100% juices containing blueberries are also very beneficial. They contain the


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Blueberries are very beneficial to a person's health. They are full of antioxidants that are

helpful in the function of the human body. But who would have ever guessed that blueberries could also reduce the chances of developing cancer. Based on my research, I do believe that
there is a correlation between blueberry consumption and its preventative measure of cancer. The ingredients of blueberries can only be a great source of nourishment, so whether they

actually do prevent cancer or not, they are still a healthy fruit to consume.

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