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Which Heritage Should I Embrace?

By Elton Camp According to what some scientists say Little different from a chimp is my DNA From common ancestors you both came. Evolution is the process that we now name. You and the chimpanzee are now both alive Only because natural selection let you survive. Since they assure me that this is absolutely true, There is a tempting action I wonder if I may do May I pick the heritage with which to identify If so, being a chimp is something I might try Nobody expects a chimpanzee any laws to obey For animals are free and not constrained that way Also, he doesnt have a monthly mortgage to pay A chimp can live free in a tree & be happy to stay If he should happen to locate a coy simian mate He neednt bother with sending flowers or a date The chimp has no need to make payments on a car Since he can swing on a vine if hes going very far And when the chimpanzee finally comes to die To assign him to a blazing place nobody will try

Being a chimp has its advantages

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