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Law Of Torts

Concept of Wrongs Law of Torts/Law of Tort Kinds of Damages Essentials of A Tort
Injuria Sine Damno Damnum Sine Injuria

Causation Intention and Malice in Torts

Defenses In Torts
Volenti Non Fit Injuria Plaintiff Is the Wrongdoer Act of God Private Defense Necessity Statutory Authority

Capacity to Sue or Be Sued

Minor Corporations Act of State State-Judicial Authority-

Vicarious Liability
Master Servant Relationship
Tests for Master Servant Relationship Unauthorized Act-Authorized Act Done Wrongly Test of Functionality Cloak of Authorization

Independent Contractor Principal Agent Relationship Partners

Remoteness of Damage
Remember Causation? Initiation Test of Reasonable Foresight Test of Directness

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