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October 2011

2 World Communion Worship Leader Youth Reader Ushering * denotes team captain Crib Nursery Toddler Nursery Greeters (front/rear entrances) Counters Welcome Table Ann Pharr Marshall, Sara * HUNT, CONNIE Ames, Debbie Scott, Shannon Vigilante, Debbie Pennell, Dale Tuftie, Lana Pennell, Keith Bishop, Adrianna Tuftie, Claire Dunn, Mary Lee Eason, Don Ames, Debbie Pennell, Dale Saunders, Verni Canaday, David Daniels, Bev Eason, Charlotte Eason, Don Fleming, Delores Fleming, John 9 Wightman, Jim Bishop, Megan * FLEMING, JOHN Mayes, Betty Goble, Grace Lanford, Diana Hall, Patti Hall, Terry Marshall, Liz Marshall, Sara TenEyck, Katie Harvey, Don Harvey, Peggy Ellis, Gerry Hall, Terry Marshall, Liz 16 Pennell, Dale Baldwin, Erin * MINCH, RAY Minch, Elaine Eason, Don Bowers, Ken Eason, Don Stevens, Rita Greene, Frances Powers, Kate Powers, Kayla Hoopes, Irene Jones, Bill Avery, Anne Crippen, Sara Ames, Debbie 23 Williams, Emily Bishop, Megan * HARVEY, DON Harvey, Peggy Pharr, Ann Rhodes, Van Dunn, Mary Lee Silva, Christy Scott, Shannon Vigilante, Debbie Lamb, Brenda Lanford, Diana Lynn, Marcie Silva, Christy Dunn, Jay 30 Spivey, Kristi Canaday, Katie

Marshall, Justin Marshall, Liz Marshall, Sara Aiken, Shirley Burns, Suzanne Marchese, Andrea Marchese, Briana Bishop, Megan Lassiter, Earl Lassiter, Shirley McLeod, John Williams, Phillip Fleming, John


If you are unable to serve on your designated Sunday, please exchange service dates with someone else who has volunteered for the same activity.

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