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1h|s kamadan Ak D|g|ta| presents the

most acc|a|med re||g|ous host of

ak|stan's 1e|ev|s|on |ndustry
Dr Aam|r L|aquat nusa|n
whose |ns|ght |n re||g|on |s
commendab|e and spontane|ty |s
As he w||| sh|ne on a new hor|zon
w|th a new program and w|th a
rev|ta||zed fee|
"Aa||m aur Aa|am"
A un|que program w|th a d|fferent|at|ng
essence of a pecu||ar b|end between fa|th
and ||fe kenowned and cred|b|e ke||g|ous
Scho|ars w||| accompany the d|scourse
hence the|r re||g|ous expert|se w||| make
the d|spense of know|edge much more
A LIVL |nteract|ve program hosted by
Dr Aam|r L|aquat nussa|n
where v|ewers w||| ca|| |n and ask the|r
respect|ve quest|ons from the scho|ars and
can present the|r spec|a| requests to the|r
favor|te host
A|r|ng Schedu|e
W Iftar 1|m|ngs 730 pm (Da||y)
W Sehr 1|m|ngs S30 am (Da||y)
Cn|y Cn Ak D|g|ta|

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