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Creative Thinking

Week 1: Course Introduction


3-Statement Introductions

So Why did you sign up for this course?

Write it down somewhere

I signed up because
My friends signed up

This is a light course ;-)

I want to develop my creativity


What do these have in common?

How about these?

How then would you define Creativity?

Work in groups of 2-3

What can you expect from this course?

How many fs are in the following paragraph?

The necessity of training farmhands for first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock is foremost in the minds of farm owners. Since the forefathers of the farm owners trained the farmhands for first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock, the farm owners feel they should carry on with the family tradition of training farmhands of first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock because they believe it is the basis of good fundamental farm management.

How many fs are in the following paragraph?

The necessity of training farmhands for first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock is foremost in the minds of farm owners. Since the forefathers of the farm owners trained the farmhands for first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock, the farm owners feel they should carry on with the family tradition of training farmhands of first class farms in the fatherly handling of farm livestock because they believe it is the basis of good fundamental farm management.

4 4 3 4 5 4 2 4 3 3 = 36

Did you see anything unexpected?

What do you see?

How do you solve this problem?

Imagine you are the person in the illustration above. Your challenge is to tie together the ends of the two strings suspended from the ceiling. The strings are located in such a way where you cannot reach one string with your outstretched hand while holding the second. The room is bare, and you have only the things with you that you typically have in your pocket.



Not a Hogwarts professor, but Thomas Edison 1093 patents Idea quota 1 minor invention every 10 days 1 major invention every 6 months

Course expectations!

Individual Assignments

Group Final Project

Class Project

Class Participation & Attendance

My expectations!

Do be punctual Participate actively No plagiarism No free loading Do be respectful

See you next week!

Meanwhile, I can be contacted at

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