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Oct/Nov 2011

Matt Taylor

Media Luna, Mexico

Theology As Devotion I was grateful that one of our introduction classes of this school year was a discussion on an article by a man named BB Wareld called, The Religious Life of Theological Students. The thrust of his article is to bring a balance to the mind and life of bible students into a twofold devotion of Christ: The practice of studying cannot be separated from personal growth in holiness. Its academic and character building, zealous application and religious (or spiritual) exercise. But both need to be there. In all its branches alike, theology has as its unique end to make God Known: the student of theology is brought by his daily task into the presence of God, and is kept there BB Warfield

This article has been a massive spiritual help this year, which I often return to. Week in and week out, these principles have been key as we have primarily been spending 25 hours per week in an academic-style of learning. At the beginning of each week, I have found joy in calling upon Jesus to be our teacher and to transform us (students) as a result of the vigorous amount of studying in the weeks as each one began, and I have rejoiced and rested in my Savior when Saturdays have rolled around.

First Trip to Media Luna, Mexico (pictured above) Media Luna is a small shing village which To Every Tribe has been in contact with over the past several years. The village is located in north eastern Mexico on the Laguna Madre. It is made up of about 100 people or so with only 3 believers. Throughout this year, with the exception of this November, each month I will head to this village with a team to continue building on the shoulders of many who have gone before in an effort to plant a church. We will continue to conduct bible studies (with and without believers), build relationships with people in the village, and seek ways to love and serve them. Our long term goal is to make disciples in this village, and therefore we work with the believers God has already provided and train them to continue on the work themselves. One day, it would be a joy to see a completely indigenously run gathering of Christians in this village. Here is a brief recap of 10 things I absorbed during my rst 3 day visit to Media Luna last week: 1. Short term trips are difcult to produce long-lasting, gospel affects (discipleship) 2. I'm thankful to God for transcendent Biblical strategy (Jesus gives a clear example of how to make disciples- it provides some direction) 3. I have no clue what I'm doing 4. Im thankful that Jesus knows what He's doing 5. I had many WRONG presuppositions of Mexican culture 6. I wish I would have tried harder in high school Spanish class (all three years) 7. Cultures who don't struggle with materialism tend to be happier (even if they are without Christ) 8. I'm bad at initiating relationships with others 9. I love being away from the media, entertainment and the internet... feels so freeing 10. The Holy Spirit will establish Christians, no matter how few there are in a specic village

Oct/Nov 2011

Matt Taylor

Forthcoming: South Oaxaca, Mexico Trip On November 7-18, we will be heading to South Central Oaxaca, Mexico: WE NEED PRAYER. We will be doing some of the initial work of church planting in an effort to love, serve, and gain the trust of a specic unreached people group by conducting a three-day medical and dental clinic. Last year when the staff and students went into a similar part of Mexico, hundreds of people showed up from different villages to receive treatment. In the past, To Every Tribe has used this method as a key resource to earn the right to be heard and trusted by people groups from Papua New Guinea and Mexico. (You can read about last year's trip to Oaxaca here at AJ's blog) The difference from last year to this year is that this will be our rst time with a team going into this specic village, so we are trusting the Lord (literally) with what will happen. Please pray for these things: Major Goals -God's glory among the nations (Ps 96) -Christ' supremacy among the nations (Ps 2) -Gospel (long-term) advancement in X, Oaxaca (1 Thes 1:1-10) -Overthrow of Satanic dominion in X, Oaxaca (Is 42:1-17) -Safety in Travel (Ps 121) -Protection from enemies (police and criminals) (Ps 27) -Team unity, humility, and brokenness (Col 3:12-17, Phil 2:1-11) -Personal transformation and change (Rom 8:28-30, Jam 1:2-4) -Spiritual warfare and attacks (Col 1:15-16, 2:15, Rev 12) -Love and grace for those whom we minister (1 Thes 2:1-12) Specics -Provision of an interpreter -Acquisition of medications -Ease of border crossings -Safety in travel -Freedom from problems with police/military -Team unity, humility -Grace to earn the right to be heard -LOVE -Stamina, Health (not sure how many people we'll treat) -Boldness and wisdom if/when faced with opposition -My knowledge/remembrance from what I learned in dental training

Dinner w/ Media Luna Believers

Gulf of Mexico: Media Landscape

How amazing that as we go, we have His authority and knowledge to do this work. May the God of peace be with all of Mexico in this time of dark oppression. God owns these nations. To Him alone, be the glory. For the gospel,

Matt Taylor

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