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HP way

Students: Irina Pak Aigerim Nagayeva Yana Mun Zhanayev Yelaman

Structural problems
Too many and confusing management layers Poor work organization and coordination Inefficient sales structure Internal bureaucracy

Mark Hurds solution

Elimination of three management layers Firing of underperformers Elimination of one sales group Merging of individuals into other sales groups

Management: By the Numbers

51% of respondents of a survey of professional, managerial and technical knowledge workers in companies with more than 1,000 employees said that wrong decisions were regularly made because employee knowledge was not effectively tapped

The Project Structure

The main function of the project structure is to define standards the team will use during the project. These include communication standards, documentation standards, and change control procedure standards. Program Management takes the lead in defining the project structure.

Defining Project Communications

Planning for Risks

Defining Documentation Standards

Assigning Team Member Roles and Responsibilities

Defining How You Manage Change Control

A learning organization
is the term given to a company that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself.

A boundaryless organization
is a contemporary approach in organization design. It is an organization that is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.

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