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Occupy Wall Street. NY.

Thousands of protesters occupied Wall Street. They marched to Times Square this weekend, and met with violent opposition, but it didnt stop them. The movement has officially reached its one-month mark. One month after the first group of protesters began a camp out in Lower Manhattans Zuccotti Park Lets talk to a protester. Excuse me, Mrs. Whats your name? My name is Can I ask you a few questions? Of course! What do you think about this manifestation? I think the American people understand that not everybody has been following the rules; that Wall Street is an example of that How do you think people feel about this situation? "I think people are frustrated, and the protesters are giving voice to the peoples frustration about how our financial system works. Some people think that this generates more violence. Do you agree? Yes I do. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Everyone is demanding an answer for your requests. What do you hope to achieve with this movement? I think the question is where it will continue and what form it will take, How would you qualify this movement? And. Do you agree with them? I think it's a very good idea and I think it's a wonderful movement, and I agree with a lot of their ideas, To finish. Tell me How will we manage the situation?, Where do you sleep and have breakfast? It must be very difficult. We have breakfast at 7.30 in the morning. We have lunch around noon. and we serve dinner at 7.30, and I have got my sleeping bag and my pad. Its difficult but its all worth it" Thank you very much for your time. And That is all for now. Reporting from Wall Street in NY Carlos Galvan. Returned to the studio with you Angel.

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