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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF GAUTENG ONLINE ICT AiGENERAL STATEME The availability of a broadband infrastructure in South Africa is the

basis for the successful implementation of ICT in school. The Department of Education has committed itself to providing infrastructure that supports the development and use of data, voice, video and mobile communication platforms in all schools as stipulated in the Draft White Paper On Eeducation. The integration of the Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) into the curriculum enhances the delivery of teaching and learning in all Provincial Schools. There are great expectations resting on teachers to incorporate computer technology into their teaching and to model positive attitudes to computers to their students. As Ramsey (2000, p.68) describes, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is one of the most significant challenges now confronting teacher education, teachers and schools. However, as Lundin (2002) points out, despite years of concerted effort in all provincial education departments to provide ICT at school, it is unlikely that more than fifty percent of teachers have a basic standard of computer skills.Many teachers have a general awareness that the Internet offers a rich source of potential learning resources, that multimedia tools and design can make interesting, impressive, and interactive tools of learning, and that many of their colleagues are finding ways of harnessing the learning possibilities of ICTs in unique contexts. SPECIFIC STATEMENT The premise of my research will be based the Innovative and effective use of ICT in learning and teaching in exclusive Gauteng schools. The main purpose of the rationale of research is to perform the baseline study on ICT effectiveness and innovation in Gauteng schools. Eight elements of Becta self-review framework are used as a survey instrument in this regard. These elements are Leadership and management, Curriculum, Learning and teaching, Assessment, Professional Development, Extending opportunities for learning, Resources and Impact on learner outcomes. MOTIVATION

KHANYA SCHOOL AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust aims to foster excellence among learners and build partnerships between schools for the purposes of sharing knowledge. The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust offered the Khanya Project and Khanya schools free membership of its International Affiliation Scheme. In September 2003 the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SST) Cape Academy of Mathematics, Science & Technolo Cape Academy is a specialist school for Mathematics, Science and Technology, thus ICT is used extensively to support curriculum delivery. This school has various permutations of technology to support both learners and educators with curriculum integration. They have wireless technology which enables educators to access software from the server in any classroom. All educators also have access to notebook technology and some classrooms have computers with access to the server. The school has also acquired electronic interactive white boards for the different learning areas and two further computer suites havenow

been completed at the Cape Academy. These forms of technology are being used to enhance the learning experience in the classroom.

Khanya Schools The schools in the Western Cape are divided into eight regions called Education Districts. Khanya has therefore decided to manage the schools on the project in alignment with this structure and have appointed an Education Co-ordinator to oversee the project implementation in each of these regions

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