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Bravo! The last weeks of this term have been immensely difficult to overcome. In
week 1, you have immersed yourself in finding the gap and for week 2, you were
able to present these gaps accordingly. As one of the bedrocks of research, the
past two weeks found their way to this week’s lesson which, consequently, will
enable you to identify the application of your future studies in existing and future
knowledge. Stay bright!

In the context of proceeding to the deeper and more meaningful parts of why a
study is conducted, we are now down to the identification of the importance and
dedication to the wider educational community the studies that you will be
conducting. In which premise you are confronted with this question:


Just like all the individual parts of a research, Significance of the Study must be
given enough and thorough consideration as this is the explication of why and
how will the readers benefit from their reading. The significance of the study
contains the reason why the result would be beneficial and its applicability in the
wider educational community. With that in mind, the researcher must uphold the
sense of inclusivity while pertaining to all the target recipients of research.

Characteristics of the Significance of the Study


1. Mainly anchored from the Gap/s and Research Problem

For a clear and definite stating of the significance of the study, the research gaps
and problem must adhere to its composition to have a goal in mind. When
researchers wish to solve a mystery, unlock problems, and find solutions, the
beneficiaries of this endeavor must be highlighted ultimately by forming
concretely the void the researchers want to fill and problems they want to solve.
2. Significance is Inclusive
Since there is a throw of educational result after the study is conducted, the
writing of the significance of the study must not be limited by the researcher’s
point of view. In a multi-faceted and technologically inclined 21 st century
research, one may not be all knowing of the beneficiaries of the study--- where
the study’s results will be used as an existing knowledge to further or to be
3. No less than written as a Reason
It must be reason plainly as a reason why it would benefit the recipients of the
knowledge but must not become the objective of the study.
4. Written as General to Specific and is Brief
To help easily in the statement of the why the society would benefit from it,
address the wider community like organizations, schools, etc., and move towards
individuals like yourself, a researcher.
5. Still a part of Introduction
Others often forget that this is still a part of the Introduction. It is still an
expository to the research topic, problem, gap and questions.

Format and Composition

Traditionally, this is written in bulleted form where each receiver/participants of
the study will be of segments. This is true in public institutions while in schools
like ours, the more refined it is, the better. But we may also utilize this as a
strategy to classify individually the contributions of the study while it may serve
as a blueprint before writing the final one.
1. The significance of the study assumes that the participants are the ones to
benefit from the result of the study--- mainly.
2. The contribution of the result to existing knowledge must be stressed.
3. The gap must state the void that it fills.
4. The significance of the research must state the other recipients of the results
of the study besides the participants.
Look at the examples below and identify the brevity of the Significance of the

The examples above are the easiest set of explanation that one may refer to.
True to all methods, be it qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods, the
significance of the study must be emphasized… its contribution to existing
knowledge and who can use the results for future studies besides the present
participants. For a grateful heart, “Appreciation can change a day, even a life.
Your willingness to put it into words is all that necessary”.

Do not forget that the format and style of the Significance of the Study may
sometimes depend on the institution where the study is conducted. Sometimes,
in other schools and agencies, they require an in-depth explanation of how each
beneficiary is affected by the results. While, in our school, we only state the
significance in brevity and precision by stating the true significance of it.

Instructions: By using all the tips above, compose the significance of the study by
using the title.


(Since teachers only belong to second priority of the government. The study
gathers their queries of not being prioritized, a qualitative study)
Write your significance of the study  on a separate sheet at home.
G E N E R A L I Z A T I O N:
By and large, all research endeavors are not merely conducted for the
sake of completion of the subject. One has the social and professional
duty to render the results for future use. This knowledge must always be
open to be exploited despite its errors or shortcomings. Only then, one
can be improved in his ways and become a scientific thinker. The
composition and style of the significance of the study are dependent on
the required format of the school or the agency. Take note of the
following characteristics as they will help you not forget why this part is
written in a paper: mainly anchored from the gap or problem, Significance
is Inclusive, No less than written as a Reason, Written as General to
Specific and is Brief, and Still a part of Introduction. For one know
meaning, significance of things must be a light!

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