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1lslam means peace Lhrough Lhe submlsslon Lo Cod

2Musllm means anyone or anyLhlng LhaL submlLs lLself Lo Lhe wlll

of Cod

3 Zald 8adlAllahu Anhu ls Lhe only Sahabl whose name ls menLloned ln Lhe
Curan (Surah Ahzaab)

4 8asulullah (SAW) made duaa Lo Allah Subhanaho Wa 1aala LhaL Pe sLrenghLen lslam wlLh umar bln
AlkhaLLab or umar bln Plsham le Abu !ahl Allah accepLed Lhe duaa ln favour of umar bln AlkhaLLab

3 Abu 8akr (8A) recelved Lhe LlLle AsSlddeeq on readlly saylng LhaL he accepLed 8asulullah (SAW)s
nlghL !ourney (Malraa[) Lo Lhe Peavens when Lhe kuffar asked for hls oplnlon

6 All bln Abl 1allb (8A) walked all Lhe way from Makkah Lo Madeenah aL Lhe Llme of Pl[rah whlle hldlng
from Lhe pursulng Curalsh

7 Abu Ayyub AlAnsarl (8A) was blessed by Allah Lo be Lhe flrsL hosL of 8asulullah (SAW) ln Madeenah

8 8asulullah (SAW) called ?ahya (AS) son of Zakarlyyah (AS) Shaheed bln Shaheed meanlng MarLyr son
of MarLyr

9 uLhman bln Affan (8A) dld noL flghL ln Lhe baLLle of 8adr as he sLayed home Lo Lake care of hls slck
wlfe 8uqayyah (8A) daughLer of 8asulullah (SAW) She dled shorLly before Madeenah recelved Lhe news
of vlcLory for Lhe Musllms ln Lhe baLLlefleld

10 All of 8asulullah (SAW)s chlldren dled before hlm excepL for hls daughLer laLlmah (8A)

11 Amr bln 1hablL (8A) became a musllm durlng Lhe baLLle of uhud and dled as a marLyr ln Lhe same
baLLle When asked abouL hlm 8asulullah (SAW) sald LhaL he was from Lhe eople of aradlse even
Lhough he had noL prayed a slngle salaah

12 Zald bln ParlLh (8A) accompanled 8asulullah (SAW)when he wenL 1alf

13 1he cause of Abu Lahabs deaLh was Lhe wlfe of hls broLher Abbas (8A) umulladl (8A) on hearlng
abouL Lhe defeaL of nonmusllms aL 8adr he sLarLed abuslng a musllm servanL so she Look a log and hlL
hlm whlch caused hls skull Lo crack Pe dled a few days laLer because of lL

14 Ameer ul Mumlneen uLhman 8A had glven Lhe duLy of collecLlng and complllng Lhe flrsL holy Curan
Lo Zald lbn 1haablL 8A who fulfllled lL by Lhe help of oLher companlons and off course Lhe help of Allah
Zald 8A once sald LhaL 8y Allah lf Lhey had asked me Lo move a whole mounLaln from lLs place lL
would have been easler Lhan Lhe Lask of complllng Lhe Curan whlch Lhey ordered me Lo fulflll

13 Abdullah lbn Masood 8A was Lhe flrsL Musllm Lo read Lhe Curan publlcly near Lhe kaaba ln Makkah
afLer Lhe ropheL Sallallahu Alalhl Waa Sallam

16 8llaal 8A/was an Afrlcan Pls name was 8llal lbn 8abah or 8llal Lhe Abysslnlan was Lhe flrsL
Muezzln chosen by 8asoolAllah Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam

17 8asoolAllah Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam had four daughLers ZAlnA8 8uCCA??AP uMM kuL1PCCM
Anu lA1lMA 8adlAllahu 1aala Anhun and Lhree sons CASlM 1A??A8 C8 1APl8 Anu l88APlM buL all
Lhe sons dled ln Lhelr lnfancy

18 uld you know LhaL Lhe orlglnal name of Lhe holy clLy of Madlnah was ?A1P8l8

19 8asool Allah Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallams faLhers name was A8uuLLAP and hls moLhers name was

20 khadl[ah 8adlAllahu Anha was Lhe flrsL person and Lhe flrsL woman Lo Lake shahada and accepL
Mohammad Sallallahu alalhl Wa Sallam as Lhe ropheL and Messenger of Allah followed by Zald 8ln
ParlLha 8A All lbn Abl 1allb 8A and Abu 8akar Slddlque 8A

21 1he flrsL Paflz of Curan was uLhman bln Affan (8A offcourse afLer 8asoolAllah Sallallahu Alalhl Wa

22 All 8adlAllahu Anhu Sald LhaL he heard 1he ropheL Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam say 1ALPA(8A) Anu
Zu8Al8(8A) A8L M? nLlCP8C8S ln A8AulSL

23 uld you know LhaL 8asoolallah Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam performed only one Pa[[ ln hls llfeLlme

24 usamah 8ln Zald(8A) was Lhe son of Zald 8ln ParlLh(8A)and hls wlfe 8arakah(8A)(known also by Lhe
name of umm Ayman(8A))

23 lf all Curaans ln Lhe world Loday were desLroyed Lhe orlglnal Arablc would sLlll remaln because
mllllons of Musllms called Puffaz have memorlzed Lhe LexL of Lhe Curaan leLLer for leLLer from
beglnnlng Lo end every word and syllable Also chapLers from Lhe Curan are preclsely reclLed from
memory by every Musllm ln each of Lhe flve dally prayers

26 1he lslamlc calender ls based on Lhe phases of Lhe moon wlLh lL belng approxlmaLely 11 days
shorLer Lhan Lhe 363 days of Lhe year ln Lhe Ceorglan calender Pence Lhe daLes of our fesLlvals (Lld ul
llLr and LldulAdha) move Lhrough Lhe year

27 Adam Alayhls salam was approxlmaLely 30 Zlraa Lall Zlraa ls a measuremenL and one Zlraa ls
approxlmaLely half a meLre

28 1he Ma[orlLy of musllms do noL llve ln Lhe mlddle LasL 1he mosL populous musllm counLry ls
lndonesla Lhe 4Lh largesL counLry ln Lhe world wlLh approxlmaLely 184 mllllon musllms

29 1he ummah of Sayylduna 8asulullah (sallal laahu alalhl wasallam) are more Lhan LhaL of all Lhe
ummahs of all Lhe oLher Amblya puL LogeLher

30 lL ls obllgaLory on every Musllm Lo love 8asulullah (Sallallaahu Alalhl wasallam) 1he slgn of love for
hlm ls Lo adapL hls way of llfe and always remember hlm

31 Accordlng Lo Lhe Curan Lhe kaaba was flrsL bullL by Lhe lbrahlm Alalhl Salaam and and hls son lsmall
Alalhl Salaam

32 Musllms do noL worshlp Lhe kaaba Lhe kaaba ls slmply a focal polnL for prayer ordered by Allah
Subhanaho Wa 1aala

33 romlnenL kuffar llke Abu !ahl would secreLly llsLen Lo Lhe verses of Lhe Poly Curan because Lhey
were fasclnaLed by lL

34Lhe name Muhammad" ls Lhe mosL common name ln Lhe world

33AL leasL one of ropheL Muhammad's wlves was Afrlcan Per name was Marla Lhe CopL 1wo of Lhe
ropheL's wlves were !ewlshLhelr names were 8alhanah and Saflyah

36Albanla ls Lhe only Luropean counLry whose populaLlon ls over 90 Musllm lL ls on Lhe AdrlaLlc Sea
and borders Creece and ?ugoslavla

37lormer pop sLar CaL SLevens ls an lslamlc scholar currenLly llvlng ln Lngland Pls Musllm name ls
?usuf lslam
and loads of people Lher are loLs of popular people who converLed Loo!

381he followlng Lngllsh words are borrowed from Arablc Algebra Zero CoLLon Sofa 8lce Candy
Safron 8alcony And even alchohol derlves from Arablc alkuhl meanlng powder 1hese are [usL a few
menLloned here

391he flrsL LreaLlse on smallpox and measles was wrlLLen by Abu 8akr alrazl (c864923known Lo
Lurope as 8hazes) (uue Lo Lhls) lnoculaLlon aglansL smallpox became a common pracLlse ln musllm
lands uesplLe Lhls SclenLlflc LexL book credlL Lhe lnvenLlon of a smallpox vacclne Lo Ldward

40Larly Cxbrldge sLudenLs sLudled books wrlLLen by musllms on maLhemaLlcs medlclne chemlsLry
opLlcs and asLronomy

41Adelard of 8aLh (a clLy ln Lhe uk) was a leadlng scholar of Lhe mlddle ages whaL made hlm famous
was LranslaLlng Lhe word of musllm sclenLlsLs from Arablc Lo LaLln!

421he 1860 clLy records of Cardlff (uk) show a mas[ld ln operaLlon ln a converLed bulldlng aL 2
Clynrhondda SL ?emanl sea men on Lhelr Lrlps beLween Aden (ln ?emen) and Cardlff founded Lhls

431he flrsL purpose bullL mas[ld ls clalmed Lo be ln Woklng (SouLh of Lngland) wlLh money provlded by
Lhe ruler of 8hopal ln lndla (Lhe Shah !ehan mas[ld was bullL ln 1889)

44# lL was only ln 1932 Lhe klswah (cloLh of Lhe kabah) was wholly made by Saudls (clLlzens of Saudl

431he roof Lop of our ropheLs (SalAllahu alayhl wasalam) mas[ld ln Madlna ls deslgned Lo be sLrong
enough Lo carry addLlonal floors ln Lhe fuLure

46Some verses ln Lhe koran refer Lo man belng equal Lo woman MaLhemaLlcally Lhe number of Llmes
Lhe word man appears ln Lhe koran ls 24 1he number of Llmes Lhe word woman appears ln Lhe
koran ls also 24

47 1he Poly Curan has 30 parLs

481he Poly Curan has 114 surahs

498lsmlllah Al8ahman Al8aheem ls repeaLed 114 Llmes ln Lhe Curan

30All excepL for SuraL Al 1awbah" sLarL wlLh 8lsmlllah al8ahman al8aheemand SuraL Al namel no
27" has 8lsmlllah Al8ahman Al8aheem ln lLs body

31Al8aqarah ls Lhe longesL surah ln Lhe Curan whlle AlkawLhar ls Lhe shorLesL surah ln Lhe Curan

32Mllk ls Lhe besL drlnk menLloned ln Lhe Curan whlle Poney ls Lhe besL food Lhlng menLloned ln Lhe

331he besL monLh ls 8amadan whlle1he besL nlghL ls Lhe nlghL of ower ln 8amadan (LaylaL al Cadr)


33Curan was revealed over 23 years 13 ln Mecca and 10 ln Madlna!

36SuraL Aluahr was revealed ln respecL Lo Ahlul 8ayL ()

37SuraL Al nlssa speaks abouL laws of marrlage

38Whoever reads one leLLer of Lhe Curan geLs 10 8ewardsSuraL Allkhlas ls consldered 1/3 of Lhe

398eadlng 1 verse ln 8amadan ls equal Lo readlng Lhe enLlre Curan ln oLher monLhs

608amadan ls Lhe Sprlng of Lhe Poly Curan

611he Curan wlll lnLercede for people who reclLed lL on !udgmenL uay

621he Curan wlll complaln of people who dldn'L reclLe lL on !udgmenL uay

63Summlyyah 8adlAllahu Anha moLher of Ammar 8adlAllahu Anhu and wlfe of ?asslr 8adlAllahu anhu
was Lhe flrsL Lo meeL marLyrdom for Lhe cause of lslam
She was kllled by Abu !ahl Lhe enemy of lslam

641wo of Lhe ummahaLul Mumlneen (MoLhers of Lhe ummah) (8asoolAllah Sallallahu Wa Sallam
wlves) dled before hlm Lhey are khadl[a 8adlAllahu Anha and Zalnab 8lnL khuzalmah 8adlAllahu Anha

63Salmaan larsl 8adlAllahu Anhu was Lhe one who suggesLed Lo 8asoolAllah Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam
abouL dlgglng a Lrench around Lhe clLy of Madlna aL Lhe Llme of Lhe baLLle of khandakh (Lrench)

668asulullah (SAW) made duaa Lo Allah Subhanaho Wa 1aala LhaL Pe sLrenghLen lslam wlLh umar bln
AlkhaLLab or umar bln Plsham le Abu !ahl Allah accepLed Lhe duaa ln favour of umar bln AlkhaLLab

678asulullah (SAW) called ?ahya (AS) son of Zakarlyyah (AS) Shaheed bln Shaheed meanlng MarLyr
son of MarLyr

68Zald bln ParlLh (8A) accompanled 8asulullah (SAW)when he wenL 1alf

69khadl[ah 8adlAllahu Anha was Lhe flrsL person and Lhe flrsL woman Lo Lake shahada and accepL
Mohammad Sallallahu alalhl Wa Sallam as Lhe ropheL and Messenger of Allah followed by Zald 8ln
ParlLha 8A All lbn Abl 1allb 8A and Abu 8akar Slddlque 8A

70All 8adlAllahu Anhu Sald LhaL he heard 1he ropheL Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam say 1ALPA(8A) Anu
Zu8Al8(8A) A8L M? nLlCP8C8S ln A8AulSL

71Musllms do noL worshlp Lhe kaaba Lhe kaaba ls slmply a focal polnL for prayer ordered by Allah
Subhanaho Wa 1aala

721he Zam Zam well came lnLo exlsLance aL Lhe Llme of propheLs lbrahlm and lsmall (alayhum salam) lL
Lhen dlssapeared for nearly 26 cenLurles (2600 years) due Lo Lhe cerLaln evenLs and was redlscovered
and dug by Lhe grandfaLher of our beloved propheL (salAllahu alayhl wasalam) 1he locaLlon of Lhe well
was revealed Lo hlm ln a dream

731he black sLone (as lL ls known) CannoL really be descrlbed ln full because Lhe parLs we Louch wlLh
our hands and klss are elghL small pleces Lhe blggesL of whlch ls Lhe slze of a daLe

74narraLed Abdullah bln Masus 1he ropheL (saw) reclLed Surah An na[m (no 33) aL Makkah and
prosLraLed whlle reclLlng lL and Lhose who were wlLh hlm dld Lhe same excepL an old man who Look a
handful of small sLones or earLh and llfLed lL Lo hls forehead and sald 1hls ls sufflclenL for me LaLer on l
saw hlm kllled as a dlsbellever PadeeLh 369 al 1a[rld al Sarlh Sahlh 8ukharl

73 and lLs Lhe lAS1LS1 growlng rellgeon accordlng Lo many sourceslL ls pro[ecLed LhaL lslam wlll be
Lhe #1 rellgeon by Lhe year 2030 lnSPALLAP

76 uld you know LhaL Lhe ropheL (8uP) wenL up Lo Lhe sky

77Summlyyah 8adlAllahu Anha moLher of Ammar 8adlAllahu Anhu and wlfe of ?asslr 8adlAllahu anhu
was Lhe flrsL Lo meeL marLyrdom for Lhe cause of lslam She was kllled by Abu !ahl Lhe enemy of lslam

781he 10 Sahabah who were promlsed aradlse durlng Lhelr llfeLlme were Abubakr Slddlque umar bln
khaLLab uLhman bln Affan All bln Abl 1allb 1alha 8ln ubaldullah Saeed 8ln Zald Abu ubaldah 8ln
!arrah Zubalr bln Awwam Saad 8ln Abl Waqqas and Abdur 8ahman 8ln Auf 8adlAllahu Anhum

79uld you know LhaL lmam 8okharl 8ahmaLullah Alalh complled hls collecLlon of 7273 AhadlLh by
selecLlon from 600000 8efore wrlLlng each PadlLh he would make 2 8akaaL nafl SalaaL

80Ammar 8adlAllahu Anhu 8ullL Lhe llrsL Mas[ld aL Lhe requesL of 8asoolAllah Alalhl Wa Sallam lL was
Lhe Mas[ld ln Cuba

81rlor Lo 2001 mosL reporLs seem Lo have Lhe number roughly around 23000 Amerlcan converLs per

821wo of Lhe ummahaLul Mu'mlneen (MoLhers of Lhe ummah) (8asoolAllah Sallallahu Wa Sallam'
wlves) dled before hlm Lhey are khadl[a 8adlAllahu Anha and Zalnab 8lnL khuzalmah 8adlAllahu Anha

831he Poly Curan has no flaws or conLradlcLlons 1he orlglnal
Arablc scrlpLures have never been changed or Lampered wlLh(**obvlously** )

84Salmaan larsl 8adlAllahu Anhu was Lhe one who suggesLed Lo 8asoolAllah Sallallahu Alalhl Wa Sallam
abouL dlgglng a Lrench around Lhe clLy of Madlna aL Lhe Llme of Lhe baLLle of khandakh (Lrench)

83lslam ls noL spread by Lhe sword lL ls spread by Lhe word
(lslamlc Leachlngs) and Lhe example of lLs followers lslam Leaches LhaL
Lhere ls no compulslon ln rellglon (Lhe Poly Curan 2236 and 1099)

86Abdullah lbn Zubalr (8A) was Lhe flrsL baby boy Lo be born afLer Pl[rah Pls laLher was Zubalr (8A)
and hls moLher was Asma (8A) Pls aunL (moLhers slsLer) was none oLher Lhan ummul Mumlneen
Aalysha (8A) and hls grand faLher was Abu 8akr Slddlque (8A)

87Musllm women wear Lhe head coverlng (hl[ab) ln fulflllmenL of
Cods decree Lo dress modesLly lrom a pracLlcal sLandpolnL lL serves Lo
ldenLlfy one as aLLempLlng Lo follow Cod ln dally llfe and Lherefore
proLecLs women from unwanLed advances from men 8lghLeous women
LhroughouL hlsLory have worn Lhls Lype of modesL dress romlnenL examples are
LradlLlonal CaLhollc nuns MoLher 1eresa and Lhe vlrgln Mary moLher of

88lnLeresLlngly Lhe lnslde of Lhe kaaba ls empLy

89Plndus belleve LhaL lnslde Lhe kabba Lher ls 1 of Lhelr CodsasLa lgcalled shlva llngam ( lol lol lol) and
lf you look up whaL llngam means you wlll be shocked!!!!

90Lngllsh LranslaLlons of Lhe Curan head Lhe Amerlcan besLseller llsL

91Allah ls noL Lhe Cod of Musllms only Pe ls Lhe Cod of all people
and all creaLlon !usL because people refer Lo Cod uslng dlfferenL
Lerms does noL mean LhaL Lhey are dlfferenL gods Spanlsh people refer Lo
Cod as ulos and lrench people refer Lo Cod as uleu yeL Lhey are all
Lhe same Cod lnLeresLlngly mosL Arab !ews and Arab ChrlsLlans refer
Lo Cod as Allah And Lhe word Allah ln Arablc appears on Lhe walls of
many Arab churches

92he lslamlc concepL of Cod ls LhaL Pe ls lovlng merclful and
compasslonaLe 8uL lslam also Leaches LhaL Pe ls [usL and swlfL ln
punlshmenL neverLheless Allah once sald Lo ropheL Muhammad My mercy
prevalls over my wraLh lslam Leaches a balance beLween fear and hope
proLecLlng one from boLh complacency and despalr

93Musllms do noL belleve ln Lhe concepL of vlcarlous aLonemenL
buL raLher belleve ln Lhe law of personal responslblllLy lslam Leaches
LhaL each person ls responslble for hls or her own acLlons Cn Lhe uay
of !udgmenL Musllms belleve LhaL every person wlll be resurrecLed and
wlll have Lo answer Lo Cod for Lhelr every word LhoughL and deed
ConsequenLly a pracLlclng Musllm ls always sLrlvlng Lo be rlghLeous

941he word [lhad does noL mean holy war lnsLead lL means Lhe
lnner sLruggle LhaL one endures ln Lrylng Lo submlL Lhelr wlll Lo Lhe
wlll of Cod Some Musllms may say Lhey are golng for [lhad when
flghLlng ln a war Lo defend Lhemselves or Lhelr fellow Musllms buL Lhey only
say Lhls because Lhey are concedlng LhaL lL wlll be a Lremendous
sLruggle 8uL Lhere are many oLher forms of [lhad whlch are more relevanL Lo
Lhe everyday llfe of a Musllm such as Lhe sLruggles agalnsL lazlness
arrogance sLlnglness or Lhe sLruggle agalnsL a LyranL ruler or agalnsL
Lhe LempLaLlon of SaLan or agalnsL ones own ego eLc

93lslam ls a compleLe way of llfe LhaL governs all faceLs of llfe
moral splrlLual soclal pollLlcal economlcal lnLellecLual eLc

96 1he spllLLlng of Lhe Moon was was one of Lhe greaLesL mlracle of 8asoolAllah Sallallahu Alalhl Wa
sallam When Sayylduna 8asulullah (sallal laahu alalhl wasallam) was 32 years old Lhe leaders of Lhe
dlsbellevers of Lhe Curalsh Lrlbe came Lo hlm and sald lf you are a ropheL Lhen spllL Lhe moon lnLo
Lwo parLs Sayylduna 8asulullah (sallal laahu alalhl wasallam) dearly wanLed Lhe people Lo converL Lo
lslam especlally hls close frlends and relaLlves Pe prayed ralslng up hls hands and Lhe moon spllL lnLo
Lwo equal halves Lach parL of Lhe moon was seen above dlfferenL mounLalns 1he dlsbellevers sald
Muhammad (sallal laahu alalhl wasallam) has performed maglc 1hey dld noL accepL lslam

97Accordlng Lo lslamlc governmenLs Lhere are over 12 bllllon Musllms ln Lhe world Loday 1he Musllm
populaLlon of 8ussla alone ls over 30 mllllon ln oLher words aL leasL one ouL of every slx persons ln Lhe
world ls Musllm whlch ls one of Lhe reasons why

981o flnd Lhe Cregorlan equlvalenL Lo any Musllm calendar daLe (le 1 Muharram of any year) mulLlply
970224 by Lhe Musllm year polnL off slx declmals and add 6213774 1he whole number wlll be Lhe
Cregorlan year and Lhe declmal mulLlplled by 36324 wlll be Lhe flrsL day of Lhe Musllm year

991he Ma[orlLy of Musllms do noL llve ln Lhe mlddle LasL 1he mosL populous musllm counLry ls
lndonesla Lhe 4Lh largesL counLry ln Lhe world wlLh 184 mllllon musllms 1here are more musllms ln
lndla Lhan Lhe comblned populaLlon of Syrla lraq !ordan alesLlne and Lhe whole of Lhe Arablan

1001he grand doors of our propheLs (salAllahu alayhl wasalam) mas[ld ln Medlna welgh 2 and half
Lonnes each! Lnormous quanLlLles of sag wood was gaLhered from all over Lhe world and shlpped Lo
Lhe unlLed klngdom Lo be dryed ln compuLerlsed furnaces (Lhe LradlLlonal drylng process would have
Laken many years!) Lven Lhen lL Look 3 monLhs Lo dry Lhe wood! Lhe wood was Lhen shlpped Lo
8arcelona (Spaln) Where Lhe maln body of Lhe doors where made And flnally Lhe lrench even pald
Lhelr llLLle parL as Lhe brass ornamenLaLlon was carrled ouL ln Lhe clLy of 8ol (lrance) nexL Llme you vlslL
Lhe holy mas[ld keep Lhls enLlrely ln mlnd!

101lslam ls noL a race lL ls a rellglon

l humbly requesL you remeber me ln your duaas

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