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Ch 7 Leadersh|p

O lnLroducLlon
4 fdrshlp ls Lh mosL lmporLfnL yL mosL mlsundrsLood Loplc ln f of mfnfmnL
4 fdrshlp ls noL [usL on Lhln buL f comprhnslv sL of prsonf chfrfcLrlsLlcs
skls fnd bhfvlors LhfL cfn b frnd by fnyon wlLh Lh dslr Lo do so
4 fdrshlp Lh fbllLy Lo lnfunc pop Lo sL fsld Lhlr prsonf concrns fnd
supporL f frr fndffL fsL for f whl
4 MosL ffcLlv fdrs moLlvfL pop Lo prform fbov fnd byond Lh cf of duLy
4 fdrshlp ls LLln pop Lo wfnL Lo o byond whfL nds Lo b don
4 8ln f ood mfnfr dosn'L ncssfrly mfn f ood fdr fnd vlc vrsf
4 fdrshlp mfLLrs
fdrshlp cfry mfLLrs fnd pop fr fr for wfys Lo frn fbouL how Lo
mor ffcLlvy fd fnd lmprov Lhlr roups fnd orfnlzfLlons
1h mfny lsLs mods fws cL Cf fdrshlp mfk lL hfrd Lo know whfL ls
rfy fssoclfLd wlLh fdrshlp ffcLlvnss fnd supporLd by mor Lhfn [usL
4 1h fu rfn of fdrshlp
LffcLlv fdrshlp ls noL comprlsd of [usL on skl or compLncy
rsonf chfrfcLrlsLlcs fnd bhfvlors
O 8comln sffwfr fnd promoLln poslLlv LrfnsfcLlons fnd Lrfnsform
oLhrs Lo o fbov fnd byond
lu rfn of fdrshlp fpprofch
fdrshlp myLhs
O fdrs fr born noL mfd
O fdrs musL b chfrlsmfLlc
O fdrshlp lsLs ony fL Lh Lop
O fdrshlp lncompLnc rsuLs from Loo lLL of Lh rlhL sLuff"
O rsonf chfrfcLrlsLlcs of fdrs
4 lmporLfnL prsonf LrflLs ln fdrshlp
ALhouh lmporLfnL LrflLs fon won'L ufrfnL ffcLlv fdrshlp
1rflLs fr howvr ood prdlcLors of fdrshlp mrnc rfLhr Lhfn
fdrshlp ffcLlvnss
Som sL of LrflLs pop possss mfy b mor lky Lo b prclvd fs f fdr
by oLhrs
lnLlnc domlnfnc soclfbllLy sfmoLlvfLln hfvln hlh nry or drlv
sfconfldnc fnd Lorfnc for fmblulLy f do f rfsonfb [ob of
prdlcLln who wl rls Lo Lh fsslnd poslLlon of fdr
4 ChfrfcLrlsLlcs LhfL pop fdmlr
Lfmln prsonf chfrfcLrlsLlcs LhfL pop fdmlr ln Lhlr fdrs
O PonsL
O lorwfrdookln
O lnsplrln
O CompLnL
Commony undrsLood fdrshlp LrflLs fr noL fwfys ood prdlcLors of
fdrshlp ffcLlvnss
ulvrslLy ln Lh Lyps of pop who hfv Lh propnslLy Lo b ffcLlv fdrs
1rflLs LhfL pop ofLn fssoclfL wlLh succssfu fdrs mfy [usL nd up bln
[udmnL rrors or blfss
CrfL mfnfrs fr fb Lo show pop Lhy hfv whfL lL Lfks vn whn
Lhy don'L flL Lh prconclvd mod
O 8sL wfy Lo fccomplsh Lhls ls Lo bhfv fs fn ffcLlv fdr
O 1rfnsfcLlonf fdrshlp
4 CrfL fdrshlp ls mor fbouL whfL on dos Lhfn who on ls
8hfvlors LhfL focus on Lh Lfsk fL hfnd
8hfvlors LhfL focus on Lh rfLlonshlp bLwn fdr fnd foowr
4 undrsLfndln Lh slLufLlon fnd fdfpLln
SlLufLlonf fdrshlp Lh fpproprlfL fdr bhfvlor dpnds upon Lh
dvopmnL v of Lh mpoys
O undrsLfndln whfL mpoys nd fnd fdfpLln your sLy Lo flL
Lhos nds
O ulffrnc bLwn dlrcLlv fnd supporLlv bhfvlor how Lhos Lwo
dlffrnL Lyps of fdr bhfvlor combln Lo form four dlffrnL
fdrshlp sLys Lh four poLnLlf dvopmnLf vs of foowrs
how Lo mfLch sLy Lo Lh dvopmnLf v of your mpoys
ulrcLlv fnd supporLlv bhfvlors
O ulrcLlv bhfvlor Lh LnL Lo whlch f fdr nfs ln onwfy
communlcfLlon sps ouL Lh foowr(s) ro fnd Ls Lh foowr(s)
whfL Lo do whr whn how fnd cosy suprvlss prformfnc
4 SLrucLur conLro suprvls
O SupporLlv bhfvlor Lh LnL Lo whlch f fdr nfs ln Lwowfy
communlcfLlon lsLns provlds supporL fnd ncourfmnL
ffcllLfLs lnLrfcLlon fnd lnvovs foowr(s) ln dclslonmfkln
4 rfls lsLn ffcllLfL
1h four bhfvlorf sLys of slLufLlonf fdrshlp
O ulrcLln hlh dlrcLlv$ow supporLlv
4 fdr dflns Lh ros of foowrs fnd Ls Lhm whfL how
whn fnd whr Lo do vfrlous Lfsks probm sovln fnd
dclslon mfkln fr lnlLlfLd soy by Lh mfnfr souLlons
fr fnnouncd communlcfLlon ls fry onwfy fdr
suprvlss lmpmnLfLlon
O Cofchln hlh dlrcLlv$hlh supporLlv
4 fdr sLl provlds f rfL df of dlrcLlon fnd fd wlLh
ldfs buL fso fLLmpLs Lo hfr Lh foowrs flns fbouL
dclslons fs w fs susLlons Lwowfy communlcfLlon
lncrfsd buL sLl fdr
O SupporLln hlh supporLlv$ow dlrcLlv
4 ConLro of dfyLodfy dclslon mfkln fnd probm sovln
shlfLs from fdr Lo foowr fdr provlds rconlLlon fnd
ffcllLfLs probm sovln
O ufLln ow supporLlv$ow dlrcLlv
4 fdr dlscusss probms unLl [olnL frmnL ls fchlvd
fnd dclslon mfkln procss ls dfLd LoLfy Lo foowrs

Plh supporLlv SupporLln (S3) Cofchln (S2)
ow supporLlv ufLln (S4) ulrcLln (S1)
ow dlrcLlv Plh dlrcLlv

usln Lh four bhfvlorf sLys
O uvopmnLf v dLrmlns whlch sLy Lo us
O uvopmnL v compLnc on Loplc fnd commlLmnL
1h four dvopmnL vs of foowrs
O Lfch v rprsnLs f dlffrnL comblnfLlon of compLnc fnd
O lrom dvopln (u1) Lo dvopd (u4)
O u1 ow
4 ow compLnc * hlh commlLmnL
4 usufy clLd Lo sLfrL frnln f nw Lhln
4 ulrcLln sLy (S1)
O u2 ow Lo modrfL
4 Som compLnc * ow commlLmnL
4 8com dlsluslond or flnd lf ss lnLrsLln ffLr Lryln lL
nd hp from boss Lo ovrcom
4 Cofchln sLy (S2)
O u3 modrfL Lo hlh
4 Plh compLnc * vfrlfb commlLmnL
4 SfdoubL lf Lhy cfn do lL on Lhlr own
4 SupporLln sLy (S3)
O u4 hlh
4 Plh compLnc * hlh commlLmnL
4 fk prformrs
4 ufLln sLy (S4)
O uvopmnL v ls noL f obf concpL buL f Lfskspclflc concpL
O ulffrnL fpprofchs for dlffrnL pop
4 fdln Lhrouh LrfnsfcLlons
1rfnsfcLlonf fdrshlp fn chfn or LrfnsfcLlon bLwn Lh fdr fnd
O fdr chfns rwfrds fnd LrfLmnL for dslrd srvlcs
(prformfnc fforL Lc)
fdrmmbr chfn Lh numrous bnflLs Lo Lh mpoy mfnfr
fnd orfnlzfLlon LhfL com from hfvln f poslLlv rfLlonshlp bLwn
mpoy fnd mfnfr
O SLron rfLlonshlps fd Lo bLLr mpoy fnd mfnfr
prformfnc sfLlsffcLlon fnd rfLlns Lc
1rfnsfcLlonf fdr bhfvlors
O 8rnfrd 8fss
4 MfnfmnLbycpLlon fnd conLlnnL rwfrd bhfvlor fr
Lwo of Lh mosL ffcLlv LrfnsfcLlonf fdr bhfvlors
ConLlnnL rwfrd bhfvlor rwfrdln fn mpoy
for doln f ood [ob
O suLs ln poslLlv consuncs ln boLh
mpoy fLLlLuds fnd mpoy bhfvlors
O lnks prformfnc fnd rwfrds whlch srvs
fs f fdbfck oop for boLh mpoy fnd
MfnfmnLbycpLlon lk conLlnnL punlshmnL
(provldln fn fvrslv consunc Lo rduc Lh
fruncy of f bhfvlor)
1h ro of LrfnsfcLlonf fdr bhfvlors
O fys lmporLfnL ro ln ffcLlv fdrshlp
4 LsLfblsh crdlbllLy LrusL fnd rspcL for on's mfnfr
4 lorm Lh foundfLlon upon whlch oLhr ffcLlv bhfvlors fr
4 LsLfblsh fflrnss ln Lh workpfc
SomLlms nd conLlnnL punlshmnL Lo b fflr
O Cfn'L snd mssf crLfln Lhlns fr frlhL
fnd ls fso noL fflr for oLhr workrs
O 1rfnsformfLlonf fdrshlp Lo mfk mpoys byond Lh cf

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