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Viruses And Worms

Presented by,
 Introduction

 Viruses

 Worms

 Examples

 Properties
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Virus - Definition
Computer viruses are small but
efficient software programs that are
designed to spread from one
computer to another during file
transfer and to interfere with computer

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A virus might corrupt or delete data
on your computer, use your e-mail
program to spread itself to other
computers, or even erase everything
on your hard disk.

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Viruses are most easily spread by
attachments in e-mail messages or
instant messaging messages. That is
why it is essential that you never open
e-mail attachments unless you know
who it's from and you are expecting it.

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Viruses can be disguised as
attachments of funny images, greeting
cards, or audio and video files.
Viruses also spread through
downloads on the Internet. They can
be hidden in illicit software or other
files or programs you might download.

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To avoid viruses, it's essential that
you keep your computer current with
the latest updates and antivirus tools,
stay informed about recent threats,
and that you follow a few basic rules
when you surf the Internet, download
files, and open attachments.

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Once a virus is on your computer, its
type or the method it used to get there
is not as important as removing it and
preventing further infection.

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Worms - Definition
A computer worm is a self-replicating
computer program.

It uses a network to send copies of

itself to other nodes (computer
terminals on the network) and it may
do so without any user intervention.

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Unlike a virus, it does not need to
attach itself to an existing program.
Worms always harm the network (if
only by consuming bandwidth),
whereas viruses always infect or
corrupt files on a targeted computer.

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Identified Viruses in TSM
Microsoft Power Point.exe

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Trojan horse
Screen Saver

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New Folder.exe(Downloader)
MS Attacker

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Properties – Copy.exe
Type - Worm
Location - C:\Windows\System32

– Disable all the hard drives

– We can’t open them directly
– Disable spoolsv.exe system file

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Preventing Methods
Antivirus – AVG 7.1

Avoid Using Pen Drives

Open or install any files after scan

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Properties – Death
It’s really a great program based on
Mouse and Key Listeners

We can’t delete it simply

It has the capability of initiate 432

processes in Background

Make the system to hang

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Properties – W32, Black Mal
Harmless in the Beginning
Has the capability of corrupt the
OS, Keyboard and Mouse
Location – System Volume
Change the location Every Time
Antivirus – Protector Plus

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Properties – Nxyem
Harmful Worm

Location – System Volume


Change the location Every Time

Antivirus – Protector Plus,

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Properties – Winzip_Tmp
Very Harmful Worm
Has the Capability of Shut down a
Network with 150 systems
Spreads very quick in a Network
Attack all the Winzip files and the
Contents in it

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Prevention Techniques
Avoid Downloading the Winzip files
from the net.
If you do the above please scan the
file after save in in your system
Update your Antivirus Thrice in a
week atleast
If your system was attacked by this
virus remove Winzip from your system

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Properties – Trojan Horse
Not a single one
Group of Harmful viruses with
different Properties
Run some automatically initiated
Easily attack the OS and System files

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Prevention Technique
AVG is the best antivirus for Trojan
If once it attacks the system we can
remove this by AVG.
But AVG cannot fully remove Trojan
For that we can then uninstall AVG
and reinstall it in our system

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Recycler - Properties
Recycler is one of the best viruses
develop by the Virus programmers
It’s not easy to remove by using any of
the existing Antivirus
We can remove this virus by changing
it’s compatibility from one platform to
another and then press Shift + del key.

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It has the capability of attacking all the
Macromedia files in our system

It also generates a folder called

Recycler on it’s own with increasing
size on the disk

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Natspammer - Properties
It’s not so Harmful
Has the ability to corrupt the boot

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