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Felicidad Claudio has hired our oIIice to represent her in a deIense oI shopliIting charges.
Our client Dra. Claudio, was on her way home last July 15, 2011 when her daughter texted her to
say that she needed an illustration board, 5 colors oI paint and colored pentel pens Ior her school project
due the next day.
Dra. Claudio parked in Marquee Mall, Angeles City to purchase the items at the National
Bookstore. While there, and anticipating other materials needed Ior the project, she also got construction
paper, scotch tape, and glue. Finding the number oI items unwieldy to carry around, Mrs. Claudio placed
the scotch tape and glue in the pocket oI her doctor`s coat.
AIter paying Ior the items, Dra. Claudio proceeded to the exit, where she was accosted by the
security guard, who noticed the bulge in her coat pocket.
Seeing that she Iorgotten to pay Ior a couple oI items, Dra. Claudio gave her apologies, and started to go
back to the cashier to pay. However, she heard the security guard mutter 'magnanakaw, and her vision
went black with rage. In her anger, she slapped the security guard and demanded to see the store manager.
A Iew minutes later, the store manager came. AIter listening to the testimony oI Dra. Claudio, the
security guard, and a handIul oI witnesses, the manager got Dra. Claudio`s identiIication. Thinking that
the purpose was Ior the disciple oI the security guard, Dra. Claudio gave the necessary inIormation.

Two days ago, Dra. Claudio received notice directing her to appear beIore a prosecutor Ior
preliminary investigation relating to her alleged crime oI theIt.

Prepare a legal opinion on the matter. The legal opinion must be printed ion short bond paper, no
more than 5 pages long, and be submitted to the School oI Law OIIice no later than 5:30 pm on Monday,
October 3, 2011. Late submissions will not be accepted.

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