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Leela’s Extraordinary Divine Perceptions - Part II

Realizing the Omnipresent God, Visualizing the same and the divine experience
it gives culminating in the eternal bliss are the most sought after wish for most of
the human beings But, How many have realized and achieved that goal? From
time immemorial, millions of people have tried hard and trudged the road for full
realization of God. I can also say humbly that I am one among the multitude of
people who have traversed in this path. It is extremely difficult to imagine the
magnitude of the water present in the ocean. I am just like a drop of water in that
vast ocean.
It is extremely difficult even to imagine the magnitude of God. All know
that his existence is beyond time and space and is endless. In spite of this,
countless people are eager to understand and realize Him. It is very difficult to
say how many of these seekers have achieved the goal. There are a number of
ways to follow in the path of realization of God. However, it is possible to realize
the God by following one or all of the paths. How this could be realized can be
explained in a simple way by an example. It is like a set of blind people touching
an elephant and describing it in different ways based on their individual
perception. Considering all these perceptions, one can understand how an
elephant can be. It is the same with that God also. It is next to impossible to
describe the God in totality. In such a difficult situation, it is not possible to
explain the God to ordinary human beings. Although one can try to describe Him
in a meaningful way, it is rather difficult to say that this is the end. This is the
case with me also. In spite of this difficult situation, I wish to share my different
experiences and visions I saw in the course of my realization of God, spanning
about 20-25 years. Experiencing God takes the centre stage rather than actually
beholding Him. It is extremely difficult to explain in a convincing manner the
Godly experiences to common people. They are not in a position to fully grasp
the truth behind these experiences. That is why; only those who have truly
experienced Him can understand and grasp the real truth very easily. This is cent
percent true in my case also.
Right from my childhood days I was very much eager to experience and
behold that God, which is not visible to the naked eye and having a limitless
expanse. When I realized the magnitude staring before me, I started wondering
whether I could achieve it. In spite of this, the intensity of reaching the goal
proportionately increased as I grew up .Which is the path that I have to follow in
my quest to realize and see the God was the question besieging me. But, whom
should I ask these questions considering my teenage. What the elders will think
about me in case of questioning them about my aspirations – was my fear. In the
beginning, I did not know why I had this intense attraction and curiosity about
God . But, as time passed I realized that this must be the result of my previous
During my teenage days, I used to sing devotional songs during pooja
time. At the time of singing certain songs, I felt completely immersed in them,
and I used to feel an extraordinary elation in my heart .By singing songs on
different Gods and goddesses, I used to feel as though I am beholding them. After
a period of time, I realize that this type of experience is the first step in the path
of bhakthi cult. Persons who had reached the zenith in bhakthi cult are
Purandaradasa, kanakadasa, Kabir, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Meera etc are the
foremost. But, after beholding these Gods and Goddesses one by one, a doubt
arose before me as to who that One Supreme God, which is above all. When
ancient sages, Mahatmas say that there is only one Supreme God, I came to know
that this experience of beholding Gods and Goddesses is only a siddhi in the
bhakthi cult. `
I have explained in detail beholding so many Gods and Goddesses in the
first part of my divine experiences. All those Gods and goddesses are not the
omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, omnific and endless Supreme God; but I
understood that there is one which is beyond all these and much more .In that
case, which is that? Which path one has to take in order to understand and realize
it? When one can experience that in a time frame? Is it possible to actually see it?
These were some of the hundred and odd questions which stared in my face and
started to pester me. A number of years passed before I could get convincing
answers to all of these questions. On this way, our family has to pay a huge price.
Inspire of all these huge losses and difficulties that I faced in my life, I have the
satisfaction of realizing my aim and goal of my life. I have written the
experiences that I underwent, which is spread over nearly three decades. These
experiences of the realization of God need not happen to others also. Majority of
these experiences happened to me while I was in deep meditation or while
performing pooja. There are a lot of varieties in these experiences.
Once, when I was performing pooja, the whole Universe disappeared and
only our house was floating in space. Afterwards, the other parts of our house
vanished leaving only the pooja room. Later, the pooja room also vanished
leaving behind Pushpaka Vimana in its place. I felt as though I was offering pooja
sitting inside that Pushpaka Vimana, which was made of pure gold and was
brilliantly dazzling. Another day, a Pushpaka Vimana landed beside our house. I
and my husband sat in it, which went around the world and came back. Although
it was traveling at a super-sonic speed, I did not feel it. The travel was
exhilarating. On the same day, our family and a few others journeyed around the
world once again and came back. Once, when I was bowing with folded hands
before the photo of God, I experienced the vanishing of the entire Universe
except our Pooja room. On the same evening – when it was raining- the entire
Universe vanished and I felt as though the rain was falling only on our house.
Once, I was sitting inside the Pushpaka Vimana wearing an OM crown. On the
same day, our house grew bigger than the world. I saw the world rotating inside
our house. I have seen my house- where I was born and brought up- and my
father’s factory in Doddaballapur floating in space many a time. In addition to
these, I saw Ghati Subrahmanya temple and its surrounding area also floating in
space. I also saw the entire Universe including the Earth and a number of
celestial bodies floating in space. I saw a portion of heaven floating. I came to
know that our real relatives are there. I heard a voice saying that my husband and
I are the leaders of the Universe. When the entire Universe vanished, I felt as
though I was standing alone. When we were circum-navigating the Universe
along with our house, I saw different Planets and other celestial bodies pass close
by. The view was really exhilarating. Our house and I were purified. I felt my
purified Soul becoming one with the God, which extends beyond the Universe.
We have traveled around the Universe many a times in the Pushpaka Vimana. On
the Ayudha Pooja day, we offered pooja too many of the articles in our house as
is done traditionally. Then, I heard a voice saying that there will be Universal
peace; people around the Universe will speak Kannada; Kannadigas will rule the
world and that we will travel the whole Universe with this worldly body.
Once Kamadhenu appeared in our pooja room and milched milk on the
idol of God, which spread over this earth and encompassed the entire universe. At
this point of time, I heard a voice saying that there is a big story behind as to why
Doddaballapur got its name. I felt all the planets, stars and the entire Universe
within my body and also I could feel their movement .I also felt that the power of
that God is responsible for their movement. I felt that the omnipresent God is
blessing me, when I bowed before the idol of God. I experienced a state where I
need not depend on any one or anything, when I became God. The earth also
started floating. Divine light engulfed the earth and universe. This can be seen
only with my divine eyes. Shoonya engulfed the earth and the universe. The
prana which has engulfed the universe entered inside me between the two eyes
and occupied my heart. ‘OM’ word appeared on my tongue .Then a realization
dawned in me that I could speak all the languages of the universe. All the rooms
of our house are floating in Shoonya separately .The power of the universe once
entered ‘OM’ which we worship and seemed to be controlled by my three bodies
and minds. The three bodies and minds of others also seem to be controlled by
my atman. At times, I felt complete detachment from this world. Yet at other
times I hear a voice saying ‘You will rule this universe’.
When a thought flashed before my mind regarding the ‘Punya’ that I have
earned till now, which was aimed to behold that Supreme God and to do good for
this universe, that ‘Punya’ encompassed the whole of universe and returned to my
body. I saw a bleak darkness engulfing Bangalore city, the earth and other
‘Lokas.I experienced God driving away this darkness. I also experienced that I
could travel about anywhere in the universe. Human being can do good or bad
using the enormous power of Kundalini. People misusing the power of this
Kundalini out number people who are doing good. I saw that power disappearing
from the entire universe. Once we had gone to see the Hebbal Lake near our
house where a beautiful garden has come up on one side where my ‘prana’ came
out of my heart, and passing through my head it encompassed the whole of
universe. Our three astral bodies went inside the earth and also the universe.
Once my astral body performed bharathanatya, first at the Bangalore
palace, then at Jakkur aerodrome and Devanahalli International Airport for the
goodness of the universe. Lastly, my astral body performed Bharathanatya
outside our house at the ‘Deva-moole’ (North-East corner) and then in front of
our pooja room. Once our house grew wings. Then the three of us in our astral
bodies flew to the Himalaya Mountain and landed along with our house. I heard a
voice saying, “You will rule the world from there”
I heard a voice saying, “Get up Leelavathi. Roar like a lion.” Then, all the
lions carved out of stone in the Universe roared. Other lions made out of Gold,
silver and other metals also roared. Then I heard a voice saying, “You will
become God at the earliest”. At that time, birds twittered, peacocks danced
opening their colorful plumage, Banadis flew in the sky. Peacocks, birds and
Banadis made out of different metals also danced. Then I understood perfectly
that an ordinary housewife can also conquer nature and the Universe. My mind
was wonderstruck at the grand spectacle of the extraordinary and beautiful scene
of the Devaganga falling down to the Earth from Heaven. This view of falling of
the Devaganga in the form of water from the sky to the Earth was really awe-
inspiring. Ganga was wearing a white silk sari. Her complexion resembled a red
Lotus flower. She had bedecked herself with flowers and was very beautiful. I
heard a voice say, “You are purer than the Ganga”. At this point of time, I
understood the act of purifying river water. The river water automatically gets
purified when we bathe in it.
Once, we had gone to Bhagamandala near Madikeri. There is a confluence
(Sangama) of three rivers by name Sujyothi, Kannika and Cauvery. Soon after
hearing the name of Sujyothi, I heard a voice saying, “I will come to your house
and light up your life”. I fully realized and was convinced that the said voice was
that of Sujyothi. From Bhagamandala we went to see the Abbe Falls, which is
near Madikeri. During the course of its flow, the Lokapavani River creates this
beautiful falls while cascading down a precipice. When I heard the name of
Lokapavani, I experienced extreme bliss.
Once when I was in a certain mood, I thought of “Swathi” pearl.
Immediately, a big pearl-oyster appeared on top of our house. When the cover
slowly opened, there was a pearl inside it. You and your real relatives are like
precious diamonds a voice said. I was fully convinced that the same was indeed
the “Swathi-Pearl”. Later, that pearl took the shape off my body and was really
beautiful to look at bedecked with Diamond ornaments. My body grew
enormously occupying the entire Universe. Till now, ‘Shoonya’ has encompassed
inside my body. But now, I am experiencing the ‘Shoonya’ encompassing my
enormous body, which has grown beyond this Universe. When I went to
Venkateswara Swamy temple and bowed before the idol with folded hands, I
experienced that I was bowing to the ‘Nirakara’ (Formless) God, which is
Omnipresent. I realized that this body is like a cloth and that the God is within
the body and also encompassing the whole Universe.
A number of my astral bodies came out of my physical body. These spread
across the whole of Universe reaching the places where ‘Yogis’ (irrespective of
caste and creed) had meditated and sat in all those places. Later, these bodies
grew as big as the Universe and merged with my enormous body. I experienced
all the power existing in the entire Universe entering my body.
Once, we had gone to the Kanva dam near Kengal, when I felt that my
eyes got purified. In all the ‘Lokas. ‘, many Yogis and Siddhas exist in different
layers. I experienced a Divine Light coming out of my body and guiding those
Yogis and Siddhas to our house. I also experienced that majority of them will
come to me for guidance after I become God, by taking re-birth in our real
relatives. At present, all these Yogis and Siddhas are present around our house in
deep meditation. Their bodies are shining with Divine Light. I realized and
experienced that if I win over this body, then I can definitely win this Universe
also. Once, the whole Universe disappeared and darkness engulfed. But then, my
body only was shining with Divine Light.
Once, my astral body grew wings, flew the entire Universe and after
returning merged into my physical body. The Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi
river water, supposed to be present between two eyebrows gushed and cleansed
my inner body. Later, the same water gushed out of my head and cleansed my
outer body.
Once, I was wearing a purple colored silk sari, a bright shining star
shooted up into the sky, from my astral body. I saw it positioned on top of our
Pooja room at a great distance. The light emanating from that engulfed the entire
Universe. My ‘Karana body’ reduced to a six inch body and merged with the
Supreme God residing in the heart of my physical body. I saw the entire Universe
bottled up within my ‘Karana body. Inspire of these divine experiences, I felt that
I was not in a position to offer any kind of help to our own family and people at
large. Then I heard a voice saying, “Will you not light up your home when you
are lighting up the entire Universe? Also, you always think of doing good to the
entire Universe, will it exclude your family? Good things will definitely happen –
when the time is ripe. “I experienced that I can expand up to the Universe and
even beyond it, as well as can as well become minute as an atom. I saw spiritual
light glowing in lamps in some of the buildings and Prayer Halls around the
World and the Universe. Once, when I partook the holy water (Theertha), nectar
which oozed from the throat reached my heart and later reached my stomach. I
heard a voice saying that this process has resulted in the achievement of
purification and concentration of the mind. Until now, I had eyes in each and
every atom of my body. Likewise, I experienced that the eyes in the whole
Universe will open, in order to realize and experience that one Supreme God.
“There is Divine Light in your body”, I heard a voice say.
I experienced my body grow enveloping the entire Universe and even
beyond where God is Omnipresent. In addition, I experienced that the entire
Universe will come under my control. Smaller and finer bodies came out of my
astral body and enveloped the whole of the Universe. Our house took the shape
of a boat and later it assumed the shape of an airplane. My astral body bathed in
Hogenkal Falls, Ganga, Yamuna, Sindhu, Saraswathi, Narmada, Godavari and
Cauvery rivers and returned to my physical body. The dirty water of Hogenkal
Falls vanished and in its place clean water appeared for about ten minutes in the
astral body. My astral body grew to about forty feet bedecked with Divine
ornaments, and stood beside the point where the three Seas confluence near
Kanyakumari. Then, a number of Gods and Goddesses bowed before my astral
My astral body dipped itself three times in the ‘Amrutha Sarovara’
situated on Nandi Hills and returned enveloping my physical body from outside.
Then, my old physical body disappeared. Another time, my astral body dipped
itself three times in the ‘Manasa Sarovara’ situated in the Himalayas and merged
with my physical body. Once, I touched the birth place of the Arkavathi River
situated on Nandi Hills. Then I experienced some divine force entering my body
through my fingers. In view of this, I felt that there will not be any dearth of
water in most of the rivers world-wide in future. We had also gone to the birth
place of Palar River on Nandi Hills. When I touched that point, I felt that a
Divine power entering my body through my fingers and enveloping the whole
body. Likewise, I felt the Divine Power of all the rivers in the Universe entering
my physical body.
Once, the three of us were floating as white Swans in the waters of
Sankey Tank. While going in a paddle boat there, all the impurities form our
bodies and that of our real close relatives were purified. I heard a voice saying,
“You have become Paramahamsa”.We thought of visiting Kanyakumari.
Immediately, I saw a panoramic view of the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Indian
Ocean, India, Europe, Russia, Singapore and other places through my Third Eye.
I experienced that Gods and Goddesses are within me; but I am not within them. I
also experienced that these Gods and Goddesses have assumed different shapes
and names in different worlds in the Universe.
The three of us dipped ourselves three times in the Ganges River
situated at the ‘Triveni Sangama’ near Allahabad in our astral bodies and returned
to our individual physical bodies. Another time, our three astral bodies dipped in
the waters of the Tungabhadra River near Purandaradasa Mantapa near Hampi
and merged with our individual physical bodies at Bangalore. Once, wings
appeared on our three bodies. Then we flew circum-navigating the entire
Universe thrice. Our two bodies and the bodies of our children encompassed the
whole Universe. When I was flying in an airplane to Nepal over the Himalayas, I
felt that I am the God; I am in the Gowrishankar and I am the Omnipresent One.
When ordinary people bathe in the rivers, their dirt will join the river. But, I also
felt that when Mahatmas bathe, dirt in the river gets purified spiritually.


Today is Friday. I was humming ‘Bhagyada Lakshmi baramma’ song
while cooking in the kitchen. Then I saw a silver colored brilliant light of about
five and half a feet height and two feet width entering our house from the front
door and disappearing in our Pooja room. I felt that the Goddess Lakshmi has
come to our house. Once I was bowing with folded hands before the ‘Navagraha’
idols in a temple. I saw light rays emanating from the nine Planets in the sky to
the Earth, to me, to our house and to our children. In the evening I lit a lamp in
front of our front door sill and bowed before the ‘Tulasi plant’. Immediately, our
entire house including the compound top was lit up with astral lights. Once, when
I was singing devotional songs in our Pooja room, I saw the Planets rotating
around the Sun. At that time, I felt that I am sitting on the Earth and singing
devotional songs. My body grew to the height of the sky and stood on this Earth.
Brilliant light rays were emanating from my body. The earth was completely
engulfed by this light and it seemed that the Earth was detached from the
I realized that I am more powerful and intelligent than the Sun. I saw
fire emanating from my body and from between my eyebrows. My body became
as large as a Star and shining. Five to six astral bodies came out of the physical
bodies of my husband and myself and left to rule the other worlds. Fire was
coming out of these bodies from the forehead. Fire of different hues engulfed the
Universe in which we were moving around. I felt that electric current is flowing
around our house. I worshipped God by offering ‘Yekkada’ flowers and other
flowers. Then, only ‘Yekkada’ flower entered through my forehead – one stood in
my heart, another on top of my head and the third one stood between my
eyebrows. Glowing rays of light started coming out of them, which was visible
for a few hours. Later, it was there for a whole day. Next day also these
‘Yekkada’ flowers appeared at these three places. The flower which is in the heart
signified that the entire Universe will be ruled by heart. The flower which is
lodged in-between the two eyebrows signified the existence of only one Supreme
God. The flower which is in the head signified that I will be in a position to
understand the Gods and Goddesses, Ghosts, Devils and this Earth completely.
I saw a bright light lit in a lamp rotating in between my two eyebrows. I
heard an inner voice saying that I will travel throughout this world and give light
to the entire Universe, Light emanated from my forehead and entered inside our
millions of our real relatives between their two eyebrows. Once, my body became
delicate as a dried leaf and a tender light started emanating from it. The bodies of
our entire family and our real relatives were filled with this light and were being
purified. Light started emanating from the diamond ear-ring I was wearing and
also from the millions of eyes present in my whole body. Our original relatives
are going to come to us in the near future. ‘Amrutha’ started oozing from the top
and inside of the Earth drenching my body and our entire real family members
spread over in the whole of the Universe and ultimately merging in the
‘OM’,which we are worshipping in the pooja room.
I heard a voice say, “Do not light your heart using the light of others;
your heart is self luminous and it will light up independently whenever it is
necessary “. Once I felt my light spread across the whole Universe and I was
walking in the same. In addition, that light appeared inside and out, of the bodies
of ourselves and our real relatives. Bangalore Palace was enveloped with that
light and dazzling. My astral body merged in the Sun and returned to my physical
body. Just as the Stars guide the sea-faring sailors across the oceans safely to
their destinations; so also, the high value-based ideals will guide us safely in the
turbulent ocean of life.
All the Jyothirlingas in the temples spread over the entire India which did
not like to stay in their respective temples, merged inside my body. Once, our
over-head water tank assumed the shape of a white swan and assumed its original
shape. The Crown which was on the Lord Hari-Hareshwara idol in Harihar
appeared itself on my head and disappeared. We had gone to a place called
Gangebhavi in Dharwar district. There was muddy water in that well. My mind
purified that water. In future, instead of the present day lights, I felt replacing
them with Divine light. Also I experienced that some people use this Divine Light
Once, my husband had gone to the cave temple at Kaiwara where Yogi
Nareyana Yatheendra had meditated and gave me flowers brought from there. I
wore it on my braid and after sometime ‘Sreechakra’ appeared behind my head.
Later, a Divine Light lit up inside the cave at Kaiwara, which I saw through my
Third Eye sitting in our house at Bangalore. In the night I saw huge lamps
lighting up the front portion of our house.
I saw my four astral bodies – each with four heads (Brahma has four heads
on a single body) sitting at the birth place of the Arkavathi river on Nandi Hills
facing four directions. I saw light rays radiating from my body. The astral bodies
of Siddhas who are meditating around our house poured concocted liquid
prepared out of medicinal plants on our heads. This spread to our whole body.
Then, we felt that our bodies have become taller and that a Divine Power entering
our bodies. Once, a Divine Light lit up in my head. Later, I saw this light
spreading out for about four inches. The power from all the Jyothirlingas entered
my heart. Ultimately this power entered my head. A halo of light like that of
moonlight appeared behind the heads of my husband and children, which I could
see from my Third Eye. This halo of light also appeared behind the heads of
An unusual type of light passed from my heart to my eyes. From this
experience a realization dawned and convinced me that I will definitely behold
that Supreme God and later become that God myself.
I saw lamps lighting up on the compound of our house and also at the front
door sill. I saw a pooja plate manifesting itself from Shoonya with a wick lit in it,
which performed pooja to me and disappeared. Our house is glowing with
different colored Divine Light. I heard a voice saying that there is Divine Light in
your body. I saw a Divine Light – as cool as Moonlight – of one foot in diameter
appearing behind my head. From this, I realized that my body is getting ready to
become that one Supreme God. I heard a voice saying “visit the Hulimavu Cave
temple near Bangalore, which will release all of you from bondage”. I came to
know that a long time ago, sages had meditated in that cave. When we visited the
cave, I saw the astral bodies of those Sages meditating. I also saw Divine Light of
nearly three feet diameter encircling their astral bodies.
One night, I sat in our Pooja room for meditation. There was neither
electric light nor the wick lamp burning at that time and there was darkness. I was
thinking as to how to pray in that darkness. Immediately, Divine Light engulfed
our Pooja room. Then I started to pray. When I was praying in the darkness, I saw
the Eastern half of the Hemisphere engulfed in darkness, while in America there
was daylight. I saw clearly the White House and the multi-storied buildings of
New York in bright sun light.
My husband and daughter had gone to the cave temple of Lord
Veerebhadra atop the Nandi Hills. As the descent was steep, I did not go with
them. After they returned, a Divine Light – the size of a Mosambi – came out of
that temple and merged in my heart. All the three of us also went to
‘Brahmashrama’ - another large cave atop the Nandi Hills. When I meditated in
that cave, I had the vision of three Rishis meditating ages ago. Three Divine
Lights – each the size of a Mosambi – emanated from them and merged in my
I saw a light- the size of a pumpkin – near the heart of our ten kids. I lit an
astral flower pot in my heart, which came out on top of my head emitting colorful
stars. I am hearing a voice since a few days saying, “You are the embodiment of
Light”. When I was meditating, I saw light appearing inside the eyes of my
daughter and myself. Later the light appeared outside our eyes also. From this it
was clear to me that our eyes got purified.
Once we had gone to Kigga near Sringeri. Brilliant light (just like
Moonlight, but not cool) appeared on top of the Shiva temple in the sky
extending for many kilometers. Another day, while I was meditating, all the
Jyothirlingas disappeared from their respective places, replaced by lights and
merged in my body. Many a time, I have seen stars twinkling in the sky while
sitting inside our house. Once, all the Jyothirlingas assembled near my heart. On
top of each one of them, bright lamps were burning.
When I was lighting the lamps in our Pooja room and saying ‘Let there be
Light in the whole World’, I experienced that there will be light in this World
through me only.
Today is Varamahalakshmi festival. I was singing devotional songs when
the pantheon of Hindu Gods and Goddesses entered between my two eyebrows.
When I went to the temple on this day, I experienced the presence of that
Supreme God within me rather than the idols installed there.
Today is Friday. I was humming ‘Bhagyada Lakshmi baramma ‘song while
cooking in the kitchen. Then, I saw a silver colored brilliant light of about five
and a half feet height and two feet width entering from the front door of our
house and disappearing in our Pooja room. I felt that Goddess Lakshmi has come
to our house. Afterwards, Ganapathi and Saraswathi appeared. After our lunch, I
saw Goddess Lakshmi manifesting in our Pooja room while I was sitting in the
Hall. She was wearing a red silk sari with zari border and bedecked with
ornaments. From her right hand, gold, silver and Lakshmi coins started falling on
to the floor. I kept a small plate near the place where the coins were falling in
order to avoid their fall to the ground. Then I heard a voice saying “It is a very
small plate”. Later, the wooden plank which was in the kitchen appeared in the
Pooja room. I heard a voice saying that all the Gods and Goddesses will come
and sit on this wooden plank. Once, when I was singing devotional songs, gold
coins fell on my head. I heard a voice saying that money will flow like water in
your house.
Today is AnanthaPadmanabha Vratha .When I thought of God, soon after
getting up in the morning Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara appeared sitting on
lotus flowers. Later, I realized the Omnipresence of that Supreme God. Today is
Friday. At the time of worshipping God - money, diamond and precious stones
rained on my body like flowers. These were later converted to different jewellery
and bedecked me. I went to the temple with an umbrella as it was raining, when I
understood the meaning of ‘Vamanavatara’. This is one of the incarnations of
Lord Vishnu. There is a ‘Sreechakra’ in the Ganapathi temple. That ‘Sreechakra’
entered my body through the place between my two eyebrows. I heard a voice
saying, ‘You are the Lord of Vaikunta’. I felt very sad for not seeing the form of
God. Immediately, I heard a voice saying ‘Look at your face in the mirror.
Abandon the attraction of Idols’.
When I was meditating, Shani Deva followed by the pantheon of Hindu
Gods, Jesus, Mary, Cross, Swastika, Moulvis, Allah went past in front of our
house in a procession. All of them had come to ask forgiveness. A voice was
heard saying, “We will accept you as the only God and good will befall on your
real relatives”.
Today is Nagarachouthi festival. When I worshipped the Ant-hill,
Adishesha – the seven-hooded serpent opened its hoods above my head. At
another time, I saw Adishesha opening its hood above my husband’s head. I also
heard a voice saying, “Your family and your house are very precious. Adishesha
is there to protect them”. I realized that Adishesha and Cobra appeared in their
astral bodies. Nagamani went inside me through the space between my two eyes.
I heard a voice say, “None can beat you in terms of wealth in this world”.
Once, my father came in his astral body and gave me “Theertha and
Rasayana”. Immediately, I felt as though I am reclining on Adishesha. Today is a
full moon day. A seven-hooded serpent appeared in our Hall. Lord Krishna
appeared on it. Two wooden boxes appeared out of which two cobras came out.
These boxes were filled with diamonds, other precious stones and were dazzling.
Later, Airavatha (Divine White Elephant) and Ucchaishravassu (Divine Horse)
appeared. The Elephant sat for some time and was finely decorated. Nagamani
and Choodamani went inside between my two eyebrows. A voice said,
‘Sparshamani is present in both of your hands’.
I experienced the awakening of the Kundalini power, entering the
Sahasrara and merging at the point between my two eyebrows. Then I felt that we
three are entirely different from others in this World. I understood as to why I was
born in this world, that is, to bring justice to the deserving and to re-shape this
evil world into a good world. Kundalini power stood like entwined curly hairs. Its
realization was an extraordinary experience. After a few days, I experienced the
joining of a new Kundalini power. This Power purified my three bodies and the
three minds. Later the Kundalini power vanished from this Universe. It had a
golden color. I heard a voice saying, ‘Golden opportunity awaits you. People will
accept you as God by placing kumkum and arishina and worship you’. We had
gone to Lepakshi. There is a seven-hooded serpent carved out of stone behind the
temple. The Serpent said, ‘Diamonds and precious stones will all be yours one
day’. Once, the Formless God manifested as Eswara appeared before me.
Adishesha (the seven-hooded serpent) used to open its hoods and stand in a
protecting manner above my head. I heard a voice saying “You are a precious
diamond and I have to protect you”.
While I was meditating, I heard a voice say ‘Kundalini power is not
required by you from now onwards.’
Once, I felt the divine power merging in my body. For a number of days at
a stretch, I felt I am that God. Once I beheld the whole of India followed by this
Earth, which entered through the space between my two eyebrows and reached
near the heart before disappearing. I heard a voice say, “You have to take the
World forward”. Once, when I was bowing before the Navagraha idols in a
temple, I heard a voice say, ‘are you not the power behind these Navagrahas”.At
that point of time, I felt as though I am that God. I felt a peculiar feeling as to
being the God myself, and I am bowing to these Navagrahas. Later, I realized that
God is present in Navagrahas also and is Omnipresent too. Once, a hole – the size
of a rupee coin – formed between my two eyes. Krishna Tulasi entered that hole.
Once, I had gone to the Ganapathi temple, where I saw ‘Sreechakra’. It entered
between my two eyes. I heard a voice say, ‘the Peacock Throne will be yours ‘.
Another time I was weighed in gold.
I felt that the Formless God has taken the shape of my body. I felt my soul
become one with God. I saw four bodies of mine sitting on top of our house
facing four directions wearing crowns and bedecked with gold ornaments. Four
astral bodies came out of them and went in four directions. I also felt that God
has come assuming the body of my husband and myself. Some of our true
relatives are alive even now after thousands of years. Goddess Saraswathi merged
into me. When I worship and meditate on ‘OM ‘, I feel as though I am
worshipping and meditating on myself. A number of times I have felt that there is
nothing that I can say is mine, but everything belongs to that God. I have seen our
and our real relative’s bodies often floating in space. I realized the presence of
God in each and every single atom of my body. The bodies of my husband and
mine had risen about a foot above the ground. I experienced that I am above time
and space. We two and our ten children went round the World thrice in a flying
saucer. One day there was darkness in my body. Then I had the ‘Vishwa-Roopa
Darshana’.Yoga means – in a broader sense – soul merging with God. One night,
my body assumed the shape of a heart. I heard a voice say, “The five sensory
organs, intellect, mind, prana and Athma of your husband, children and self will
become yours “. I felt that we two are the incarnations of God. Once, my body
disappeared; but I was seeing everything. It was rather difficult to explain this
experience in words. When I pronounced ‘OM’, I used to hear the sound
reverberating in each and every atom of my soul. My individuality merged with
the individuality of God. While meditating I heard a voice say, “Prana will come
under your control”. Once when I was meditating a ‘Harikatha’ was blaring at a
nearby temple. At that point of time, I did not hear the sound at all. Soon after the
conclusion of my meditation, I heard the sound.
Today, while I was meditating I saw five or six heads around me. Due to
some pain, I was experiencing difficulty to move my right hand occasionally. At
the time of plucking flowers in the evening, I remembered to think that the
flowers are meant for God, I did not feel any pain in the right hand. When I asked
God about his presence in both truth and un-truth, his reply seemed to me very
simple. I heard a voice say, “I am beyond the truth and un-truth”. I fully
understood the meaning of it. Soon after I got up in the morning, I heard a voice
say “Bayalu Alayavayithu” (Space assuming the shape of a temple). I also
experienced the phenomenon that God means ‘Bayalu’or ‘Shoonya’. It took the
shape of my body and my body itself became a temple. As I entered our Pooja
room, I heard a voice say “Bayalu has assumed the form (shape)”. I then
understood that God has assumed the shape of our Pooja room. I heard a voice
say “the characters of Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient are present in
you and will manifest shortly”. I am hearing a voice say that I will completely
realize God very soon. I learnt the method of separating milk from water and also
clean a dirty place.
I experienced that all the three of us will become God. I also experienced
as how Jeevathma will become one with Paramathma. I saw lamp lighting up
between my two eyebrows and it was rotating. I heard an inner voice say that I
will travel the whole world and that I will give light to the whole Universe. I
experienced my whole body being purified by the Athma. That night I had only
the mind without any body. After reading philosophical book, my body and my
mind experienced extreme bliss. I also experienced he presence of the Athma in
each and every atom of my body.
Innumerable Gods and Goddesses and Devendra showered flowers on me
and bowed. A few of the Gods have not asked my forgiveness. Yamadharmaraya
removed the knot from my body. Sun rays, air, light, water and food – all these
are entering our bodies and the bodies of our real relatives duly purified. People
in thousands cannot exert influence on us. ‘OM’ word appeared on the tongues of
ours and our real relatives. I heard a voice say, “Your voice will be melodious”.
We did not have previous births. Chakras are rotating under my feet.
While I was drinking milk in the night, I heard a voice say, “Milk is
Amrutha” The milk I drank spread over inside my entire body and I felt that I
have become immortal and later became the God. Once I thought that let God
assume control of my mind. I heard a voice say, “The three characteristic
qualities attributed to the Supreme God, namely, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and
Omniscient will be incorporated in your life”. Immediately, I experienced the
presence of these three powers in each and every atom of my body. I heard a
voice say, “You are born from Shoonya “. Once, I experienced my body melting
completely in the darkness. I often hear a voice saying that I am going to get
another body looking similar – but a younger and healthier one.
My Third Eye turned inwards. I heard a voice say, “True information will
come to light in this entire World. “I experienced that our real relatives will
discard this worldly pleasure and go forward in the path of realization of God. I
heard voices say, “The art of mesmerism will be yours; Sparshamani has become
yours; X-ray eyes will be yours; you are going to get the power of curing diseases
using air, light, water, fruits, flowers and vegetables”. Good and bad powers came
and merged in me. In future, the power of good will get an upper hand. Light rays
emanated from the diamond ear-studs I am wearing and also from the countless
eyes in my body. I heard a voice say, “Your real relatives will arrive in the near
future”. Henceforth, only the innermost voice will be audible. Good and
righteous people will get beautiful bodies.
First, I was under the impression that God resided only in the idols that
are in our pooja room. Now, I have realized that God is Omnipresent. By
completely surrendering myself to that God, I achieved concentration of mind. I
tried to behold God through bhakthi, Karma, Raja and lastly through
Gnanamarga. There is no re-birth for those whose Divine faculty (Shudda
Chaitanya) has awakened. Inspite of having this faculty some will take re-birth to
help others. A variety of medicinal plants from Siddarabetta (Tumkur District),
Vaidyanatheswara (Belgaum District), Minakanagurke (Chikkaballapur District)
and Sanjeevini Mountain entered my body through my nose. These got mixed up
in the juices of my stomach and spread to the whole of my body through the
blood vessels. There is great sanctity in Mahimapura temple situated atop a
hillock. This is a small village on near Dabaspet. Later, our real relative’s will go
atop that hill for meditation. The hill adjacent to the Nandi Hills will become a
place for meditation only to our real relatives.
I came to know that the outer part of my body is getting ready to become
more beautiful. Till today, I was under the impression that God is Omnipresent.
But, now I experienced that I am that God and that I am Omnipresent. Our real
relatives will live for millions of years. I heard an inner most voice says, ‘you
have come out of bondage (Runamukthalade)’. Now, Shoonya has engulfed
inside – out of my body. I heard a voice say, ‘you will travel at the speed of mind
along with your body and you are timeless’. After I ate mushroom I heard a voice
say, ‘You are going to attain Brahma-Gnana and you have also become invisible.’
I experienced that my body is composed of seven colors.
Once I experienced walking in Shoonya. Another time, when I was
worshipping ‘OM’, I saw my body encompassed for about half a foot – inside
and outside – by Shoonya. At this point of time we were worshipping ‘OM’.
Later, I felt that I should worship my own astral body and discontinuing
worshipping the ‘OM’. When I poured the liquid extract of ‘Krishna Tulasi’ into
my left ear, the door of my heart opened revealing the Athma. In addition to that,
I saw that Supreme God within the Shoonya of my heart. When I was reading the
‘Kalagnana’ of Kaiwara Yogi, my astral body went and sat in my heart. I heard a
voice say, ‘you are going to behold the Vishwa-Roopa’. Immediately, my body
became the four-headed Brahma. Later, my body became the Vishnu including
the Chakra and Conch. Then, my body became Eswara with the Cobra around the
neck. In the end my body assumed the Vishwa-Roopa just like the big statue
erected in the Vishwa-Shanthi Ashrama near Nelamangala – but resonating with
full life.
Since some days, I am feeling as though my body is doing Pranayama day
in and day out. One morning I heard a voice say, “You have realized the four-
headed Brahma. I saw Kamadhenu, Kalpavriksha and Nandini appearing in our
pooja room. My ears were adorned with star –shaped diamond ear- studs. Later,
this was replaced by Karna-Kundala flowers.Prana came into control of the three
of us. I saw a number of white swans floating on water. I realized that our real
relatives will become Paramahamsas.
Once, we had gone to the Suttur Mutt near Nanjanagud and visited the
‘Samadhi’ of the original Sri Shivarathri Swami. I saw the astral body of the
revered swamijji, who bestowed his fruits of his tapasya to me. Muddusanga
Swamy of Devanga Peetha in Gangavathi said that there is much holiness in the
Gayathri peeta of Hampi and also that he will take a re-birth amongst one of our
real relatives. We had gone to Kadu Malleshwara temple in Malleshwaram. The
two powers of Kashi and Rameshwara lingas arrived there and merged into me. I
heard a voice say, ‘Your husband will rule the world’. We had gone to Shiradi Sai
Baba mandir at Malleshwaram. Then, Sri Sai Baba told me that he represents
Hindu – Muslim unity. We had also gone to Buddhist and Jain temples in
Bangalore. Both said, “You are the Bhagavan – we are not” and gave me their
powers, which merged in my Athma. Kaiwara Yogi appeared and said,
“Henceforth, Kala- Gnana will be yours completely”. When we went to the
Gagananda Mutt in Doddaballapur, I learnt that I could understand extraordinary
subjects and that I will know the happenings in other Worlds also.
Now-a-days, I am experiencing a lot of changes taking place in my body,
such as, red lips, long hairs, fish – shaped shining eyes, long beautiful nails,etc.

When I am walking, lotus flowers appeared below my two feet ( Padma

Pada ); while in sitting posture there was lotus flower below me ( Padma-asana );
there was lotus flower on top of my head ( Padma-Shira ); while sleeping I feel as
though I am lying on lotus flower ( Padma-shayana ); I saw lotus flowers in my
eyes and face ( Kamala-nayane, Kamala-mukhi ); lotus appeared on my shoulder
( Kamala-Bhuja ); lotus appeared in my hands ( Kamala-Hasthe ); lotus between
my two eyes on the forehead ( Third Eye-Kamala ); lotus in place of my ears
(Kamala- Kiwi ); lotus in place of my nose ( Kamala-Nose ); lotus in place of my
mouth ( Kamala-mouth ); lotus in all the nava-dwaras ( Navadwara-Kamala ).
Large lotus flowers blossomed on top, inside and outside our house. We were
walking on them. My body assumed the shape of a lotus. I felt that the Formless
God is on that lotus. At that time I felt extreme bliss. I felt that I was sleeping on
a lotus in Kanva – a small village near Kengal on the way to Channapatna.
We had gone to the Sri Ranganatha Swamy temple at Madhyaranga
situated besides the Cauvery River on way to Kollegal. Lord Sri Ranganatha said,
“You can assume whatever body you prefer and also you have the power to
disappear”.Horanadu Annapoorneshwari said, ‘here afterwards you are going to
provide food for all’.
Once we had gone to Bylakuppe-a Tibetan settlement near Madikeri. In
that Buddhist temple apart from the idol of Lord Buddha, there were two more
idols, wearing crowns. These two crowns appeared on my head. While returning
from that temple, the crowns vanished. I hear an inner voice saying that the
Supreme God will come in the form of different incarnations and make them do
all the works necessary at that point of time, not considering whether they like to
do it or not. God will make us understand very clearly some of the subjects that
we do not know. Innocent people can see the God of their choice in my body.
I heard a voice say, “You are going to attain Nirvikalpa Samadhi”. I read
about a Tibetan Maha Yogi in the Kannada monthly digest Kasthuri. Dharma
chakras came out of the palm of that Yogi and entered into the bodies of my
daughter and myself. Later, the Chakras landed on top of the roof of our house.
Dharma chakras and Swastika appeared to be written on the back side of both my
feet. In future all people – irrespective of caste and creed – are going to become
‘Vishwa-Manava’; whereas our family and our real relatives will become ‘Deva –
One day when I was meditating, a gold lotus blossomed under me. Another
day, when I was meditating, my astral body went to the Ganapathi temple at
Kudumalai – a village near Chinthamani. There is a Sthala-purana about this
place according to which all the Gods and Goddesses of Hindu mythology
assemble here. Goddess Parvathi placed kumkum on my forehead. Goddesses
garlanded me. Later, I came out of the temple and went in the North direction. I
heard a voice say, ‘Vijayeebhava’ (Be victorious). I experienced that I have gone
beyond ‘OM’. One day, a thought passed through my mind as to what name shall
I call God. Then, I heard a voice say, “Call God as Leela “. Now-a-days, I am
hearing the word ‘Leela, Leela’ inside my body. When we had gone to Rishi
valley near Madanapalle (Andhra Pradesh), I heard a voice say, “You are
attaining Jeevan-Mukthi very shortly”. I have experienced ‘Ashtanga Siddhi
Yoga’ long back. We had gone to Kanva dam. My eyes got purified there. I heard
a voice say, ‘From now onwards you will hear voices through the heart’.
Our real relatives will do a lot of social service through their spiritual
powers. A replica of ‘Grantha Sahib’ of the Sikh’s Holy Book made out of cement
concrete is kept on Omkar hills, which is about four kilometers away from the
Raja Rajeswari temple. When I touched that, I heard a voice say, “You are going
to write books on spirituality for the betterment of mankind. When the big clock
there started striking the hour I realized that it is proclaiming the arrival of God in
the form of a human being. Beware. We three had gone to Omkar hills in an
Omni van. Another Omni van in its astral body came a-top that Omni van. The
three of us sat in the astral body Omni van, continued our journey and returned. I
experienced that after a lapse of some years we can assume whatever body we
I heard a voice say, “Nobody has become God till now. You alone will
become God. None will become God after you”. Once when I was meditating
‘Amrutha’ (Nectar) started flowing from my head covering my body inside-out. I
heard a voice say, “You will become God soon”. I am hearing the word ‘Leela,
Leela’ often. I also heard a voice say, “You are going to become timeless”. When
I recited the song, “Pranava Swaroopini Kalyani Janani”, I felt that I am that
Pranava Swaroopini.
Once, I saw my astral body sitting in the cave at Kaiwara in Chinthamani
taluk, where Yogi Nareyana Yatheendra did penance (Tapasya). He will
remember all the attainments he earned during his previous birth now and do well
to the world. By remembering their attainments in their previous births, a number
of Mahatmas will help the present generation, like cleaning the environment,
purification of water, etc., using their Yogic powers. One day, I saw my astral
body sitting in our Pooja room. An invisible power performed ‘Abhisheka’ to me
with milk, honey and ghee in a golden bowl. Later, my astral body merged in my
physical body. A garland of ‘Parijatha’ flowers from heaven adorned my neck and
also sprinkled on me.
While meditating, I felt that I am that God. In view of this, I felt as though
I am bowing to myself. I saw the entire Doddaballapur town floating about ten
feet above the ground. Our real relatives were there at that point of time. I felt
that I should be reciting ‘I am the God’ in my mind.
Once my astral body stood at the Bangalore Palace grounds and the Jakkur
Aerodrome. My astral body was wearing a pure silk sari, a golden crown and
bedecked with gold and diamond ornaments stood at the Bangalore Palace
grounds and the Jakkur Aerodrome. This body had attained a height of more than
one thousand feet and was performing Bharatha Natya conquering the entire sky.
A few years back, we had been to Hampi. Beside the Virupaksha temple,
where the present Gayathri Peetha is there, I heard the sound of different
instruments, namely Veena, Mridangam, Flute, Tabla, and Violin – playing
automatically on that hilly terrain. Hearing the melodious and divine sound
emanating I had forgotten myself by being deeply immersed in it. While
meditating, I heard a voice say, “You will have Trikala-gnana”. Gods, Goddesses,
Rakshas, Kinnaras, Yakshas, and Gandharvas showered Parijatha flowers on me,
accepting me as an ‘Avatara Stree’. The houses of our real relatives were also
decorated with Parijatha flowers. I also felt that I am actually reclining on a bed
of Parijatha flowers.
Gods and Goddesses appeared showering different flowers – white lotus,
shavanthige, kasturi shavanthige, rose, sugandharaja, etc., on me. Our house was
also decorated with a variety of flowers and lights. While I was meditating, the
last door – east door – opened. Gods and Goddesses again showered flowers on
me. I heard a voice say, ‘you have won Kama’. I realized that I have come out of
the whirlpool of this ‘samsara’.
I have experienced my body disappearing a few times. I heard a voice say,
“Your body is going to disappear at any moment. Immediately you will become
God and your body will become beautiful”. I realized that after some years, I will
stop partaking food. I heard a voice say, ‘you have become Avadhuthalu’. I
presented this to God. I also heard a voice say, ‘you are going to attain Virat-
Swaroopa-Sakshathkara’. Once I dipped my fingers into boiling oil. I neither felt
any heat nor were there any blisters on my fingers. Sandal and Kasthuri
enveloped our bodies inside out.
Once, our Pooja room got separated about two inches from our house.
Next, it became a golden chariot and was decorated with diamonds and other
precious stones. A throne, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones
appeared over which there was an umbrella also decorated with diamonds and
other precious stones. My astral body sat on that throne. I was wearing a golden
crown and my body was bedecked with diamonds and rubies. The anklet was
studded with diamonds. I was wearing a pure silk sari with all the colors of a
rainbow. All the Gods and Goddesses showered flowers on me and said, ‘you
have achieved Shoonya. Now you have acquired the power of Leelavathi Devi
and good things will happen’. I also heard a voice say, ‘all will worship you as
God and you have the power of disappearing’.
I heard a voice say, ‘your spiritual eyes (Third eye) have opened. You can
see God only through this eye. You will become world famous and your body
will become lighter’. When I become God, I will hold a meeting with the
journalists. I will answer to the questions coming to their mind in their respective
languages. But I will be speaking in Kannada only, which gets translated to their
respective languages. I experienced that my body has become ‘Paripoorna’
(complete). Now I hear only the God’s voice and am feeling extreme happiness.
Once, we had been to the Sahajananda Mutt in Doddaballapur. While
meditating there, I heard a voice say, ‘the real ananda, nityananda and
Brahmananda will be yours’. We had been to the Bull temple of Basavanagudi in
Bangalore. Then the Big Bull said, ‘stop the burden that I am carrying’. After
returning from there, the Bulls all over the world stood up and roared. The reason
for this act was to warn this world about the imminent manifestation of God.
When I was reclining on the bed in the night – I was not sleeping – gold coins,
diamonds, rubies and emeralds, showered on me. I experienced that nobody is
worshipping the real God. In future people will worship you. I felt that I am that
real God for a few minutes.
I am hearing voices frequently say, ‘preparations are afoot to make me that
God’. I saw a big shell of Swathi-pearl on the roof of our house. There was a
Swathi-pearl inside the shell. Later, the pearl vanished and in its place my astral
body appeared wearing pure silk sari and bedecked with ornaments. I heard a
voice say, ‘Eternal Bliss will be yours’. Often I will be seeing two large eyes.
These merged into the Shoonya. God is self – existing. Crown and jewels came
out of my soul and bedecked my body and also showered on me. Later, apple,
cucumber, carrot came out of God and decorated my body.
I realized that I will rule this world through my husband. I heard a voice
say, ‘Your family will lead a grand life’. I also heard a voice say, ‘You have
earned the power of seeing anyone living any where by sitting in the house
itself’. I realized that I can become as endless as the Universe and also as minute
as an atom. Swathi pearl appeared in my two hands. Later, another Swathi pearl
about a foot in size appeared in my body. I heard a voice say, ‘You are like a
Swathi pearl’. My body was bedecked with silver and gold plates. I heard a voice
say, ‘You will become a golden doll (puthali)’. One Swathi pearl entered my
body. In addition, one Swathi pearl each entered the bodies of our real relatives.
This resulted in the stomach becoming cool and well. While meditating, I saw my
body decorated with gold, silver, vegetables, fruits and flowers. I also saw
showers of gold and flower on my body. I heard a voice say, ‘You are going to
achieve purity and concentration of mind. Hamsa sanchara is happening in my
Sushumna nerve. You are going to see that Supreme God early’. My body
appeared on the platform of our Pooja room growing to about five feet in height
and rotating. I am seeing another body of mine besides the first one. I am hearing
a voice say, ‘You are going to attain Viraat – Swaroopa Sakshathkara’, when all
will accept you as God.
I heard a voice say, “Since your real relatives and your family have drunk
nectar, you are free from the circle of life and death. Your soul will merge with
the Supreme God”. My soul reached the ‘Sahasrara’, which is in the brain and
later merged with God. After some time my entire body was engulfed by
Shoonya, immersed in God and finally merged with God. Some of my forefathers
were Siddhas, who have made our house holy by their presence outside our
house. I experienced that I am going to uplift the Devanga community. I feel as
though ‘Amrutha’ is being mixed with whatever food I partake. Our real relatives
and we converse through telepathy. I have experienced fully that the
Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient God is within me and that I have
transcend these.
While meditating, I experienced that I have reached ‘Anandamaya kosha’
after passing through the phases of ‘Annamaya’, ‘Vignanamaya’ and
‘Manomaya’ koshas. I am feeling that my body is becoming lighter while I am in
meditation. While meditating I heard a voice say, “God will emerge in you and
people will come to you running”. I experienced that the entire Universe will be
under my control. I offered all these to the Supreme God.
Once I saw light in my head. I gained knowledge about my body preparing
to become God. I saw a film on Shiradi Sai Baba, when lot of good happenings
occurred to us. In the Hall of our house, I saw ‘Leelavathi’ written artistically
with rose petals facing all the four directions. I came to know that this was done
by the revered ‘Allah’. I saw an umbilical chord of about five feet in length
coming out of my body. A lotus appeared at one end. Brahma was sitting on top
of it. I saw Swathi pearls falling from the Muthyalamadu falls near Anekal. I
realized that all ‘Deva-manavas’ are Swathi pearl and are precious diamonds.
Another day also, I Swathi pearls cascading down in thousands. One pearl about
one and a half inch size went between my two eye brows and reached the heart. I
heard a voice say, ‘Go to Muthyalamadu. Very soon you are going to become
Kaiwara Yogi told me that I will become immortal. When we had gone to
Marugamalla – a place near Chinthamani – a garland made of Maruga appeared
on my neck. When we visited the Mukteshwara temple there, I heard a voice say,
‘You will become free from the worldly attachments’. When we had gone to
Nandi Hills I got Yogic powers. I got a magic wand in its astral body at the time
of our visit to the Hulimavu cave temple on the Bangalore – Banneraghatta road.
When good people meditate in Muthyalamadu (Pearl valley), Swathi pearls will
fall one day. When we had gone to Magadi Venkatachalapathy temple, I got
‘Vajrayudha’ in its astral body. Later, that ‘Vajrayudha’ appeared in our Pooja
room. When we were standing outside the Chamundeswari temple near
Kempegowdana Doddi, which is in between Magadi and Ramanagar. I heard a
voice say, “You are going to conquer this world without any blood shed”.
My body adorned with Bharathanatya dress started dancing on this Earth,
on the Planets, on Heavenly bodies floating in the sky, on the Stars and on the
Sun. My body grew to a height of about one thousand feet and performed
Bharathanatya on this Earth. I also danced before our Pooja room. When I told
my body to dance before the God, assuming about three feet height, it danced
beside my cot. When I heard the song, ‘You are in the sky and also you are every
where’, I felt that I am that God.
On Vijayadashami day I sat on the platform of our Pooja room. I
experienced that my husband and daughter worshipped me as God. In Bhakthi
marga I used to sing devotional songs, completely forgetting my bodily existence
and deeply immersed in that God. Then, I used to hear my own voice becoming
so melodious. The Goddess of justice gave the balance she was holding in her
hands to me and said, “Let all get justice from you.” I experienced that I am
existing since millions of years. I also experienced that God will remove the thin
curtain covering my outer body and emerge with a physical body.
Garlands made out of Swathi pearl, maruga and Sugandharaja adorned my
neck. The reason behind this is that I have attained the requisite abilities to
become God. When I was meditating today, I attained ‘Jeevan-Mukthi’ (freedom
from life and death) through my astral body. I heard a voice say, “A delicate layer
of curtain is remaining lastly before the appearance of God. That layer will
disappear shortly. Then you will know ‘Kala-Gnana’. But you will not know
when the time is ripe for the emergence of God from you”. I experienced the
presence of some power and also felt that the God has completely enveloped my
body. I saw the three of us floating on water as swans in the Sankey tank. When
we were going in a boat our body dirt and waste from our body and the bodies of
Deva-manavas were cleaned. I heard a voice say, ‘You have become
When I become God, all will focus their attention on India – as the country
from where the God has emerged. When I walk, I feel as though my body and I
are different entities. Those who enjoy God’s creations (leele) are called
Avadhoothas. I heard a voice say, ‘You are going to be an Avadhootha as well as
Sarvagna. I used to see colors of different worlds. The colors were really so
attractive and splendid which you cannot see them in this world. Two men
welcomed me as God at Kanyakumari. My astral body stood on the rock at
Kanyakumari, fully bedecked with gold and diamond jewellery, wearing a pure
silk sari. My body has grown to a height of about a thousand feet.
When I drank milk in the night, I realized that I am immortal and that the
progeny of Deva manavas will become immortal. Once I saw a diamond crystal
appearing on my head, which was a foot in size. Later it went into my stomach. I
experienced that this body and the God are different. My body does not have any
bones, muscles, etc. Formless God has enveloped and occupied those spaces.
That itself is the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Aprameya, Anandamayi
and Karunamayi Supreme God.
My astral body went to Gokarna and brought the Athma Linga keeping it
inside my body near the heart. I heard a voice say, ‘You are going to behold my
Divya Darshana’. Our Pooja room got purified. Later, my entire body and about
three inches around my body was purified. I heard voices saying, “You will be
proficient in God’s education. You are going to achieve this proficiency while
staying in the house itself and show it to people at large. I was sitting in the hall
of our house. Then, my astral body became God, bedecked with finery, came out
of our Pooja room and merged with my physical body. When I was meditating,
the astral body of my husband and our ten children appeared in the hall of our
house. My eldest son was wearing diamond studded armor. I came to know that
our entire family was born wearing this diamond studded armor. I heard a voice
say, ‘Your body will become lighter’.
One day, when I was singing devotional songs in our Pooja room, it rose to
about twenty feet. I saw our house below minus our Pooja room. When I was
sitting on a chair in the morning my body rose about a foot above and came back
to its original position. This happened 3-4 times.
Today is Ayudha pooja day. We offered pooja to our two - wheeler – Luna.
I asked my husband to take the Luna out for a ride. My husband replied that
when Shoonya is everywhere, is there any difference between Shoonya present
inside and outside the house and brought the Luna inside. Immediately, our Luna
went round the world once in its astral body, returned and stood in the Hall of our
‘OM’ is that Formless God. After realizing this truth, I did not like to
worship the idols. So, nowadays I am only reciting that ‘OM’. Inspite of this, my
mind is peaceful. Injustice is taking place in Heaven and other worlds also.
Once, I plucked all the flowers from the plants in our garden and sat in the
Pooja room to worship. At that point of time, I was offering 101 flowers of the
same kind to God. I found a shortage of only two flowers. From where to bring 2
flowers of the same kind when I had plucked all? Then I heard an inner voice say,
“Two flowers are still there in the plant. Go and pluck them.” When I went
outside, I saw two flowers of the same kind. I was astounded. I plucked them and
offered Pooja to the God.
Once we had gone to a place near Gangavathi where Sri Muddusanga
Swamy – one of the gurus of Devanga community had meditated there inside a
cave. Then Shoonya engulfed the ‘Ashwatha’ (peepal) tree and the book kept
inside the cave. I came face to face with different worlds. I heard a voice say,
‘You are going to apprehend truth clearly.’
We worshipped ‘OM’ written in Kannada for a few years. Our Pooja room
got separated from our house and was floating in Shoonya. It had ‘Gopuram’ on
top of it, as seen in the temples. I experienced that God will stand still observing
all the happenings going on in this World around him. The north-eastern (Deva
moole) corner of our house extended. When I bowed before the idol of God with
folded hands, I experienced as though the God encompassing the whole Universe
blessing me. I came to know that any article coming into our house gets
automatically purified. I saw Gandharvas living in the sky in palaces, which are
more grand and beautiful than the ones found in Heaven. Shoonya engulfed India
and around all atom bombs found in the whole world. Jammu and Kashmir was
fully included in it.
We had gone to the Ranganathittu bird’s sanctuary near Sriranagapatna. I
learnt that a few birds there will be re-born as human beings in their next birth. If
you pray before partaking the food, everything will become good food.
‘Amrutha’ was available only at Bhairaveshwara peak near Yana – a place near
Kumta, Manasa Sarovara and the top of our Earth. But, now it is not available.
‘Paramahamsa’ means separating milk mixed in water and removing the
wickedness from wicked people.
We had gone to the Chamundi Hill near Mysore. When I went near the big
statue of Mahishasura, he told me that he has a rare collection. He also told me
that these contain the true events in the History and that I should use it. We had
gone to the Shiva temple inside the Bellary fort. Goddess Parvathi advised me to
meet our Devanga Jagadguru Sree Dayananda Puri. After visiting the Lepakshi
temple, when we had covered some distance while returning, bulls (Basava) at a
few places got up and roared. Then I experienced that ‘Sathya-Yuga’ has
commenced. I felt that the present Gavi Gangadhareshwara temple was
previously the place of meditation of Yogis. Now they have
installed a Shiva Linga and worshipping. I experienced that the place where a
temple is built next to the ‘Sangama’ in T.Narasipura is s holy place.
Once I saw decoration of different flowers and different kind of colored
lights around our house and on top of our compound. I experienced that our
house and the articles were made of gold. Years ago, the god had shown me our
house constructed by gold bricks –spiritually. Now, our house has a silver cover
encompassed by a layer of sheets. Our house is decorated with a variety of
flowers, diamonds, and other precious stones with a gleam of its own.
Our Earth was cleansed first by water. Later, ‘Abhisheka’ using honey,
ghee, milk and curds was done. Afterwards banana and rice were smeared on the
Earth. Nine pulses and cereals were also smeared on the nine planets. Jasmine
flowers were showered on the Earth. About two feet of milk filled inside our
house as well as inside our compound.

Once we thought of staying in a cottage atop the Nandi Hills. A day before
we went there, I experienced that the cottage we intend to stay floating in the sky
in its astral form for the whole night. Before going to the Nandi Hills, I had
known that some Rishis had meditated in a cave. I did not know where that cave
was? After visiting the Brahmashrama – a cave on the Nandi Hills – I instantly
recognized it as the same cave where Rishis had meditated and the one that I had
seen sitting in our house itself. When I was reading my written spiritual
experiences, a few incidences used to manifest in true form.Eg: Kamadhenu in its
astral body milching milk standing on the platform of our pooja room. The milk
filled our house to a height of 4 inches. Kalpavriksha appeared in our pooja room.
Future Predictions
` Bangalore will get a new name in the near future as ‘Pushpanagara’.
Gradually money will not be used, In future; there will be no idol worship.
Recitation of ‘OM’ will also stop. Family members will stop performing pooja to
God. Instead they meditate. All humanity will have a common food habit,
common thinking and wear one type of clothes. They will not perform Pooja to
Gods and Goddesses. But, will worship only that Supreme God. In future, no one
can influence India. Earth will rotate in clock-wise direction in future. We will
use a replica of our house with full facilities as an American bus in our space
voyage. Whatever dirt that comes out of us disappears automatically. I saw our
earth rotate in a clock-wise direction once. New breed of birds, animals, plants,
trees, Etc., will evolve. Water will also be replaced.
People will not use telephones in future. Instead, they will converse
through telepathy. Some people will produce goods and clothes by their mind
power, which are being produced by factories now. When some people meditate,
all the dirt will disappear. Just like Mallammana Pavada, all the household chores
get done if some people meditate on God. A few people for whom the Third Eye
has opened can recognize culprits. Such people will become Judges. Only those
persons who’s Third Eye has opened will enter politics and rule the World. Then
only can all the people lead a peaceful and happy life. All deserts will become
beautiful places. Some people will travel from one World to the other in their
present physical body and some will pass through the walls. Using the spiritual
power, a few will construct houses of their choice and shift the houses from one
place to the other. God will come in the form of a family woman. Ships and Aero
planes will be nationalized. Emperors and monarchs who had buried their wealth
in secret places will be brought out. Global wars will stop. God will rule the
World. All will worship a single God. He will not sleep in the night.
I heard a voice say, ‘Change the name of Devanahalli to Swarnanagar’.
One day, nine openings (Nava-Dwaras) in our body will close. The sex life will
stop completely. Deluge will take place after thousands of years. Bodies of our
real relatives will disappear. Our house attains fame as God’s house. Siddhas are
considered as Jeevan-mukthas. But, as per the wish of God, they will take rebirth.
The bodies of our real relatives will become as strong as a diamond.
Once when I was meditating, I realized that Deva-manavas and their
progeny will get the following traits (special characters): bodies will become
bullet-proof; no one can do any harm to us using knife or any other weapons; will
not feel the heat of sun-light; will not feel cold in rain and snow; fire will not
burn them; will not die when drowned in water; will get young body.
The top soil to a depth of about 15 feet will become new. Then new plants,
trees, animals, birds, etc, will take birth on this Earth. Color of the skin of
Negroes, Americans and Europeans will change to that of Indians. The cottage
where we stayed atop the Nandi Hills and its surrounding areas will have a big
meditation hall. Our house will become an International prayer hall, meditation
centre and a spiritual centre.
It is a known fact that majority of the planets and other heavenly bodies are
rotating from left to right and their speed is tremendous. In the near future, all
these will start rotating from right to left with a lesser speed .Then everyone will
follow the right, good path and the hectic life style will also become slower. I
experienced that in the near future we will use our house as Pushpaka Vimana.
We will construct a palace in Devanahalli and reside there. I felt that we
will light up the entire palace and pooja room using the Divine light. I also felt
that salt in the oceans will disappear. Some of our real relatives use their divine
spiritual power gifted to them by that Supreme God-to light up crackers and
flower pots which emit dazzling rays of light and can be seen by ordinary people.
This type of crackers will not have an adverse impact on the environment.
Our real relatives are ‘Jeevan-muktharu’. They will not become old. They
will only beget Jeevan-muktha children. Weapons will not harm them. When
necessary they have the power to disappear. Our real relatives will travel to
different ‘Lokas’, with their physical bodies. I felt that our forefathers will come
to our house with their physical bodies. Our real relatives will be moving about
an inch above the ground.
I experienced that I am that kindness personified God. I also experienced
that this kindness is only towards our family. My parents will come donning their
previous birth’s bodies coupled with its remembrances. A few people around the
world will also don their previous birth’s bodies.
I heard a voice say, “In future you will not hear any inner voice and your
voice itself will become God’s voice. Eternal youth will be yours, with the body
becoming air-conditioned. When that voice which says – soon you are going to
become God stops, you are going to definitely attain the Supreme God. The time
to accept you as God by all is fast approaching”.

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