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8us|ness rocess ke 8us|ness rocess ke Lng|neer|ng Lng|neer|ng

An Introduct|on An Introduct|on
Asad Az|z Asad Az|z
ko|| No 34 ko|| No 34
IM IM 17 Sec A 17 Sec A
earn|ng Cb[ect|ves earn|ng Cb[ect|ves
W Lxplalnlng Lhe role of 8uslness rocess
8eenglneerlng (88) wlLhln an organlzaLlon
W undersLandlng Lhe orlglns and key
characLerlsLlcs of 88
W undersLandlng and be able Lo lmplemenL a
88 SLraLegy
W undersLandlng Lhe maln challenges ln
lmplemenLlng a 88 SLraLegy
Jat |s 8k? Jat |s 8k?
W n slmple layman Lerms lL ls Lhe search for and
lmplemenLaLlon of some radlcal changes ln
buslness processes Lo achleve breakLhrough
resulLs ln almosL all funcLlonal areas
W 8uslness rocess 8eenglneerlng lnvolves
changes ln sLrucLures and ln processes wlLhln
Lhe enLlre buslness envlronmenL
Jat |s a rocess? Jat |s a rocess?
W speclflc orderlng of work acLlvlLles across Llme
and space wlLh a beglnnlng an end and clearly
ldenLlfled lnpuLs and ouLpuLs a sLrucLure for
W L ls a sLrucLured measured seL of acLlvlLles
deslgned Lo produce a speclfled ouLpuL for a
parLlcular cusLomer or markeL L lmplles a sLrong
emphasls on how work ls done wlLhln an
(uavenporL 1993)
So a 8us|ness rocess |s? So a 8us|ness rocess |s?
group of loglcally relaLed Lasks and
sLrucLured acLlvlLles LhaL use a flrms
resources and lnherenL capablllLles Lo produce
a speclflc servlce or a producL Lhereby
provldlng cusLomerorlenLed resulLs and ln
Lurn supporL Lhe organlzaLlons goals and
And f|na||y ke And f|na||y ke Lng|neer|ng |s Lng|neer|ng |s
8eenglneerlng ls Lhe fundamenLal reLhlnklng
and redeslgn of buslness processes Lo achleve
dramaLlc lmprovemenLs ln crlLlcal
conLemporary measures of performance such
as cosL quallLy servlce and speed
(Pammer Champy 1993)
8k Cr|g|ns 8k Cr|g|ns
W SclenLlflc ManagemenL (lW 1aylor)
W !ob LnrlchmenL (lrederlck Perzberg )
W 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL and kalzen (uemlng eL
W n Search of Lxcellence (eLers and WaLerman)
W valuedded nalysls (orLer)
W 8eenglneerlng Lhe corporaLlon (Pammer
W Sloan ManagemenL 8evlew rLlcle (uavenporL
Jy te need for ke Jy te need for ke Lng|neer|ng? Lng|neer|ng?
- uemandlng
- SophlsLlcaLlon
- Changlng
- Local
- Clobal
- 1echnology
- CusLomer
1he globallzaLlon of Lhe economy and Lhe llberallzaLlon
of Lhe Lrade markeLs have formulaLed new condlLlons ln
Lhe markeL place whlch are characLerlzed by cusLomer
focus lnLenslve compeLlLlon and lnsLablllLy ln Lhe
buslness envlronmenL
ow |s 8k ac|eved? ow |s 8k ac|eved?
8eenglneerlng sLarLs wlLh a
hlghlevel assessmenL of Lhe
organlzaLlons mlsslon
sLraLeglc goals work
processes ln place Lhe
lnformaLlon provlded for Lhe
processes Lo be carrled ouL
Lhe Lechnology avallable
and lasL buL Lhe mosL
lmporLanL Lhe needs of Lhe
8eenglneerlng sLarLs wlLh a
hlghlevel assessmenL of Lhe
organlzaLlons mlsslon
sLraLeglc goals work
processes ln place Lhe
lnformaLlon provlded for Lhe
processes Lo be carrled ouL
Lhe Lechnology avallable
and lasL buL Lhe mosL
lmporLanL Lhe needs of Lhe
ey Caracter|st|cs of 8k ey Caracter|st|cs of 8k
ueclslonmaklng becomes parL of Lhe [ob of
employees (employee empowermenL and people
ueclslonmaklng becomes parL of Lhe [ob of
employees (employee empowermenL and people
SLeps ln Lhe processes are performed ln naLural order
and several [obs geL done slmulLaneously
SLeps ln Lhe processes are performed ln naLural order
and several [obs geL done slmulLaneously
rocesses have mulLlple verslons 1hls enables Lhe
economles of scale LhaL resulL from mass producLlon
yeL allows cusLomlzaLlon of producLs and servlces
rocesses have mulLlple verslons 1hls enables Lhe
economles of scale LhaL resulL from mass producLlon
yeL allows cusLomlzaLlon of producLs and servlces
ey Caracter|st|cs of 8k (Contd) ey Caracter|st|cs of 8k (Contd)
Work ls performed where lL makes Lhe mosL sense Work ls performed where lL makes Lhe mosL sense
ConLrols and checks and oLher nonvalueadded work are
ConLrols and checks and oLher nonvalueadded work are
8econclllaLlon ls mlnlmlzed by cuLLlng back Lhe number of
exLernal conLacL polnLs and by creaLlng buslness alllances
8econclllaLlon ls mlnlmlzed by cuLLlng back Lhe number of
exLernal conLacL polnLs and by creaLlng buslness alllances
slngle polnL of conLacL ls provlded Lo cusLomers slngle polnL of conLacL ls provlded Lo cusLomers
ey Caracter|st|cs of 8k (Contd) ey Caracter|st|cs of 8k (Contd)
Several [obs are comblned lnLo one Several [obs are comblned lnLo one
hybrld cenLrallzed/decenLrallzed operaLlon ls used hybrld cenLrallzed/decenLrallzed operaLlon ls used
locus on end cusLomers locus on end cusLomers
mprovemenLs ln performance (CosL CuallLy Speed
mprovemenLs ln performance (CosL CuallLy Speed
Clobal perspecLlve on buslness processes Clobal perspecLlve on buslness processes
Cb[ect|ves of 8k Cb[ect|ves of 8k
W Customer Iocus lm Lo ellmlnaLe cusLomer
W Speed 8educLlon ln process Llme
W Compress|on CuLLlng ma[or Lasks of operaLlonal
cosLs and caplLal
W I|ex|b|||ty dapLlve processes and sLrucLures Lo
changlng condlLlons and compeLlLlon
W ;ua||ty Superlor servlce and value Lo cusLomers
W Innovat|on maglnaLlve changes
W roduct|v|ty mprove effecLlveness and
Imp|ementat|on of 8k Imp|ementat|on of 8k
W SelecLlon of Lhe sLraLeglc (addedvalue) processes for
W Slmpllfy new processes mlnlmlze sLeps opLlmlze efflclency
W Crganlze a Leam of employees for each process and asslgn a
role for process coordlnaLor
W Crganlze Lhe workflow documenL Lransfer and conLrol
W sslgn responslblllLles and roles for each process
W uLomaLe processes uslng 1(nLraneLs LxLraneLs Workflow
W 1raln Lhe process Leam Lo efflclenLly manage and operaLe Lhe
new process
W nLroduce Lhe redeslgned process lnLo Lhe buslness
organlzaLlonal sLrucLure
Cang|ng t|mes w|t 8k Cang|ng t|mes w|t 8k
8k |s not to be confused w|t 8k |s not to be confused w|t
W rocess uLomaLlon
W CapaclLy uownslzlng
W rocess CuLsourclng
W 8uslness mprovlslng
W rocess SlmpllflcaLlon
W ConLlnuous mprovemenL
8k Versus rocess S|mp||f|cat|on 8k Versus rocess S|mp||f|cat|on
8k Versus Cont|nuous Improvement 8k Versus Cont|nuous Improvement

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