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Pregnant Teenagers

Sarah Platt
The most controversial birth on Coronation Street. Sarah Louise Platt was only a 12-year old schoolgirl when she fell pregnant by classmate Neil Fearns. Sarah didn't realise she was pregnant until five months later, when it was too late for an abortion, and so had to give birth to the child. Although her pregnancy and birth went smoothly, she rapidly realised that her childhood had ended and her life would never be the same again.

Demi Miller
Demi arrived in Walford at the age of 13, and immediately became the talk of the Square due to her pregnancy. When she entered the square with her twin brother (Darren) and family, she was already 6 months pregnant. As the story progressed the father of the baby was revealed but later an incident occurred where he overdosed and died.

Amy Barnes
On her 15th birthday, Amy meets a boy, who she sleeps with. Michaela supports Amy when she discovers she is pregnant. After a car incident with Ste and an injured Amy recovers she goes into labor and gives birth to a baby, Leah Barnes, on her kitchen floor, to the surprise of the family. Amy's mother Kathy Barnes decides to raise Leah as her own child, ashamed of her daughter's underage pregnancy but Amy grows close to Leah and decides to be her mother.

Grandparent figure

Dot Branning/Cotton
Chain-smoking Dot is a religious woman, with an endless capacity for gossip. From the launderette, she keeps a watchful eye over Albert Square's residents. Married to Jim Branning the love of Jack-the-lad/B her life. Dot likes to help out others and is a very strong character always looking out for her family and friends.

Blanche Hunt
Blanche is the mother of Deirdre Barlow, grandmother of Tracy Barlow and great-grandmother of Amy. Her storylines have revolved around her family life, various romances and her "acerbic tongue". Blanche was written out of the series in October 2009 and on 2 December 2009, Jones died after a long period of illness.

Harold Bishop
Born in Brisbane, Queensland, Harold Bishop was a church-going, vegetarian prude whose blustering ways had a certain charm. Harold Bishop is truly a pillar of the Erinsborough community. Despite suffering enormous personal tragedy, he remains the heart and soul of Ramsay Street. A church-going, peaceloving vegetarian, Harold had two children with his first wife Mavis and met the love of his life Madge in high school.

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