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The Nature of Sin

(2 Sam. 11:2-5, 14-18, 26-27, 12:13-15)

What is the source of temptation to sin?

The source of our temptation unto sin is internal, born of the desires of our flesh (Matt. 15:19,
Ro. 7: 14-20, Gal. 5:16-20, James 1:13-15)

What can we do to help us resist temptation?

When tempted, we should pray for help and God will help us (1 Cor. 10:12-13)

A little girl was asked how she dealt with temptation. She replied, "When Satan comes
knocking at the door of my heart, I send Jesus to answer the door. When Satan sees Jesus,
he says, 'Oops, I am sorry. I must have the wrong house.'"

When we sin, whom do we sin against?

David doubly wronged Uriah, yet the scriptures say he sinned against the Lord (2 Sam.
12:13, Psalm 51:4)

How so? His actions gave “great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to
blaspheme” (2 Sam. 12:14, KJV) In other words, he gave a bad witness. David
was supposed to be a “man after God’s own heart” (Compare: Prov.6:32)

David’s sin also brought great harm to his household (1 Sam. 12:10-14)

Likewise, a later sin, numbering Israel, resulted in the deaths of 70,000 of his people (2 Sam.
24:1-15, 1 Chron. 21:1-14)

He also brought harm to himself (Ps. 38:3)

Haven’t we been set free from sin through accepting Jesus? (See: Ro. 6:15-16, Heb. 10:26-

Luther said, "The sin nature is like a man's beard. You shave and get rid of it one day, but
it comes back the next."

Avoiding Sexual Sin

What are you looking at and dwelling upon? (2 Sam. 11:2, David sees Bathsheba bathing and
notices that she is very beautiful, Prov. 6:25-29, The cost of desire, Matt. 5:27, to keep on
looking at another with lust = adultery in the heart, Ro.13:11-14, “Clothe yourselves with the
Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”, Phil.
4:8, Focus your thoughts on what is pure and right, 2 Pe 2:14, eyes full of adultery unable to
desist from sin.)
Do you think of your spouse as God’s gift to you? Do you appreciate that gift? (Prov. 5:15-
20, "Drink water from your own cistern...rejoice in the wife of your youth." See also: 1 Cor. 7:1-
5)) Was not a great part of David’s sin a lack of appreciation for what God had given him? (1
Sam. 12:7-9)

What key aspect of a marriage is lost in committing adultery?

Trust: it takes a long time to build, but only seconds to destroy, and once ruined, may
never be fully regained.

Side Question: Could Bathsheba have refused to go to David? (Ecc. 8:4)

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