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Wednesday, 9 November 11

Improvisation Festival
Get the best improvisers from around the
world to teach and perform in one place..

Focus on performances & workshops Celebrate all forms of improvisation,

comedy, drama, mask, music, dance etc..

Include UK improv community / troupes

Wednesday, 9 November 11

The main activities of the company will be: 1. To book performers and to promote the Brighton Improv Fringe Festival each year 2. To get the best teachers from around the world to run workshops here. 3. To nurture the uk improv community

Wednesday, 9 November 11

Branding Ideas for the company

Sparkimprov - Sounds a bit newmedia, so it might be a good name to use for running workshops / classes or doing corporate jobs. It also sounds ok as a serious and credible events company that might run a festival.
Wednesday, 9 November 11

Branding Ideas for the company (continued)..

Kitschensync - I like all of the meanings behind the word kitsch. Sounds more like a theatre / performing arts / new media company.
Wednesday, 9 November 11

Branding Ideas for the company (continued)..

Breezycity is a name derived from Windy City, a nickname for Chicago. Its also quite apt for Brighton given the amount of wind we get and is quite tting given the association the word breeze has with the sea. It also evokes a connection to secondcity whilst still being unique. Too bland?
Wednesday, 9 November 11

Branding Ideas for the company (continued)..

Memorable. Clearly establishes a reputation / preference for long-form improvisation. Provides a close link with chicago. Sounds a bit too much like boom chicago though..

Wednesday, 9 November 11

Wednesday, 9 November 11

Festival Model: Reading Festival

Ideally, yers should read like a whos who of improv. Word-class troupes will hopefully headline the festival along with popular/local UK troupes. Troupes should be announced & leaked in the build-up to the festival.. Workshops should also be marketed in the same manner...
Wednesday, 9 November 11

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