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Glass Cannon By: Jordan Melin

(We see a bare stage and there sits a man alone bloody coming from the corner of his lip. We see feint blue and red hues circling from Stage left. A woman on a radio can barely be heard. The man name is TRAVIS, he is in late thirties to early forties, gangly and very pale and has eerie smirk on his face. He looks right at the audience and speaks.) TRAVIS Some say the mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life. Sometimes the mind bends so much it snaps in two. Life. Life is such a simple word with an impractical meaning. No one knows why we are here. We go about our lives waxing and waning and coming to the ultimate goal of old age and death in our beds. No pain, no tragedy, just euphoric sleep. Life blesses those who are pure or natural, not the ones like me. The horrors of life just keep coming again, and again, and again until Eureka. You become the horror of life. My mind snapped a long time ago; it evolved to a state to that of the supernatural. (A cop enters) COP #1 This is 319 here...I got a male in custody in the back corner of Smith and Grain. Request confirmation, over. TRAVIS (Still at the audience and doesn't acknowledge the cop) Peasant. A vassal. A dismal dismayed mound that carries out the authority of the one. Thoughtless. Probably picked on as a child and now reaps revenge on those who called him some of the lesser words of society. Expendable. COP #1 (Some radio static) Copy that. Alright sir, I going to have to ask you to get up please. TRAVIS (at audience) I move on my own accord. COP #1 Sir you are wanted for questioning. If you don't move I will have to use force. TRAVIS (At audience) There is nothing you need from me and your tedious questions will prove m

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