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SUMMER ASSIGNMENT NSC 412 NSC/04/055 ENDOCARDITIS This is a microbial finfection of the endothial surface of the heat.

Occurs mostly in people with prosthetic head values, structural cardiac defects & more common in older people, who have low immune, metabolic alterations associated with aging. People at high risk are: 1. Prosthetic cardiac values 2. History of bacterial endocarditis 3. Patent ductus arteriosis 4. Aortic value dixases etc. People at moderate risk are: 1. Degenerative value disease 2. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 3. Most congenital Cardiac Malformations 4. Repaired Patent ductus Arterosis etc. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Usually, its onset is incidious, its signs & symptoms develop from the toxic effect of the infection, destruction of the heart values and from embolization of fragments of vegetative growths on the heart.

A deformity or injury of the endocardium leads to accumulation on the endocardium of fibin & platelets & clot formation infections organisms (streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci pneumococci) invade the clot & endocardial lesion. As the clot continues to expard on the endocardial the infecting organism is covered by the new clot & concealed from the bodys normal denfense. this infection may erode through the en

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