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Atma paramAtma i.e., Soul and Supreme Soul - a New Hindu view.

. (Use Baraha6-0 for transliteration of sanskrit words) Atma i.e., Soul is universally accepted concept but for different angles of viewing at it. Here, a New Hindu angle is presented. Atma is a sanskrut word and is composed of two words Ah [an exclamatory warning note] and tama [dark cesspool] (Ah+tama = Atma) which means it is that which warns of impending pit fall of dark cesspool if tread in that path. This is Natures gift to conscientious beings developed in Her continuous endeavor of self preservation and improvement. It is correct scientifically too. In conscientious beings, in the path of biological development of conscience as the memory of the most generalized conditioned reflexes while in dialectical relationship with environment, survival of the fittest is the governing rule. Thus, anything which is not conducive to self preservation and improvement - a basic rule of Nature, will not survive for long and will lead to its elimination. As a reflex reaction while in danger of self destruction a warning note is generated which we call it as Atma - soul . This generates imprint in the genetic coding too and will be carried further in procreation as a trait. So, can it be destroyed? Can it be drowned? Can it be burned? No. It can only be developed further according to the principles and laws of Nature. That is what is said in the Hindu scriptures about Atma, the Soul. Further, correct understanding of Laws of Nature will lead to enhancement in the security and well being of the Being and accumulation of such traits will lead all of a sudden to the birth of an entity, a class apart, whom we call a messiah (avatAra puruSha). This is in accordance with the Natures principle of accumulation of quantitative changes will suddenly lead to qualitative change. He will clear misconceptions and will be able to block wrong doers. He will be an accomplice of Nature. He is called parama puruSha a great soul personality in the prakRuti-puruSha duo. Thus, it further leads to a notion that he who with correct understanding of laws of Nature can even move at times ahead of Nature with her experiments in Evolution as Nature is heavily involved in totality of Laws of Nature including the law of Negation of negation. This develops at times into the era of prakRuti puruSha Nature and the Lord duo which leads into yugaMtara - an Epoch. This usually occurs when in the social environment of conscientious Beings there is a surge in the numbers of a dharmi non-followers of laws of Nature. Hence there is a saying in Bagavatgeeta - yadA yadA dharmasya glAnirBavati BArata! aByuthanaM adharmasya saMBavAmi yuge yuge. One thing stands out, though Nature appears to be slow in progress in evolution because of holistic approach in consideration of Laws of Nature in totality the result will always be correct, good and eternal. However, because of compunctions of social pressures actions of even the Lord parama puruSha however good he may be, he will not be perfect and hence there will be a discontinuity - an end to epoch but, Evolution continues. Hence, yugaMantara. advait, dvaita , and viShiShTadvaita. Views of shankara, madhva and rAmAnuja AchArya. In the above exposition it can be seen that materially the souls of a Commoner and the Lord are same. Hence, they are not different basically as such. This is advaita the essence of preaching of shankaracarya. But this leads to ahaM brahmOsmi I am the Lord concept. Though they are same materially, the Lord and Commoner can not be equated because they are different like ocean and a drop of water - one is infinity and another is negligible. However large can be an entity it can not be equated with infinity. Mathematically, maxima != 1/0 which means, however great may be an Entity it can not be equated with paripurNa the whole some. This is the essence of madhvAcAryas dvaita sidhAMta. This leads to defeatist attitude.

rAmAnija held a view that though Atma and paramAtma are materially same they can not be equal or equated as one drop of water can not be equated with ocean though they are of same material. But in the end, due to accumulation of quantitative changes, however small be in quantity they can become one by merger. This stresses continuous struggle for improvement to achieve merger with Lord in the End nirvANa. Mathematically, though infinity!= maxima, infinity + maxima = infinity.

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