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8USM3320 8us|ness Commun|cat|ons Se|f Lva|uat|on kat|ngs Worksheet

AJopteJ ftom 1) wwwcseunledu/goddard/Courses//@eamLva|uat|onlormdoc

2) hLLp//wwwhrworldcom/feaLures/16waysmeasureperformance021908/
8aLe yourself for each of Lhe characLerlsLlcs ln Weeks 3 7 and 12 ln Week 3 raLe yourself ln Week 7 raLe
yourself ask a close frlend or famlly member who ls noL Laklng Lhls course Lo raLe you uo noL leL Lhem
know how you have raLed yourself ?ou can enLer Lhelr resulLs ln Lhe second column under Week 7" Lo
compare ln Week 12 raLe yourself ask all your Leam members Lo raLe you 1ake Lhe average of Lhe resulLs
enLer Lhe average ln Lhe second column under Week 12 uo Lhey percelve you Lhe same way you percelve
yourself? WrlLe a reflecLlve blog enLry on 8lackboard relaLed Lo Lhese raLlngs and your vlews on your ablllLles
ln weeks 3 7 and 12 1he raLlng scale ls 1 uoocceptoble 2 loot J Avetoqe 4 CooJ ooJ 5 xcelleot
enera| Character|st|cs Assessment Week 3 Week 7 Week 12
uant|ty of work or output o qeoetol bow mocb wotk Jo yoo typlcolly Jo os
oo loJlvlJool ot teom membet?

ua||ty of work or output o qeoetol bow woolJ yoo tote tbe poollty of yoot
ootpot/Jellvetobles fot ptojects yoo bove completeJ?

Meet|ng Dead||nes]@|me||ness o yoo complete tosks oo tlme ooJ os

Attendance o yoo otteoJ oll teom meetloqs? o yoo otteoJ closs?
9unctua||ty o yoo typlcolly ottlve to closs ot teom meetloqs oo tlme ot lote?
9rob|em So|v|ng o yoo qeoetolly llke to lJeotlfy clotlfy ooJ solve ptoblems?
9ersona| Appearance o yoo Jtess ptofesslooolly ooJ otteoJ to yoot
petsoool byqleoe?

@ak|ng In|t|at|ve and kespons|b|||ty o yoo ofteo see wbot oeeJs to be Jooe
ooJ Jo lt wltboot beloq tolJ ot ptessoteJ to Jo tbe oecessoty tosk? e toooloq
teom meetloqs ptoject moooqemeot?

@|me Management ow well Jo yoo moooqe yoot tlme?

@ota| Score

Commun|cat|on Sk|||s Assessment Week 3 Week 7 Week 12
9resentat|on Sk|||s]9ub||c Speak|ng ow JlJ yoo tote yootself oo tbe
lteseototloo 5kllls levels? 1toospose yoot totloq bete

Ierba| Commun|cat|on tbet tboo pobllc speokloq bow woolJ yoo tote yoot
speokloq skllls lo ooeooooe sltootloos ot smoll qtoop sltootloos?

9hone Commun|cat|on o yoo cooslJet yootself oo effectlve ooJ ptofessloool
commoolcotot oo tbe telepbooe?

enera| Wr|t|ng Sk|||s ow woolJ yoo tote yoot wtltloq skllls socb os
otqoolzotloo of o popet?

Wr|t|ng Lma|| JoolJ yoo cooslJet yoot emoll commoolcotloos ptofessloool?
Wr|t|ng keports ote yoot ooJetstooJloq of bow to wtlte o tepott ooJ sklll lo
wtltloq o tepott

9ersuas|on Sk|||s ow well Jo yoo motlvote ooJ losplte otbets?
@ota| Score

@eamwork Sk|||s Assessment
Lmpathy ow well Jo yoo llsteo to ooJ ooJetstooJ otbets vlews ooJ

Co||aborat|on Sk|||s Ate yoo o belpfol ooJ collobototlve teom membet?

Conf||ct Management Jbeo ptoblems ot Jlsoqteemeots otlse lo o qtoop
bow ote well Jo yoo Jlscoss tbe Jlsoqteemeot(s) oJopt to qtoop Jyoomlcs ooJ
Jevelop solotloos?

eadersh|p Sk|||s o yoo eojoy leoJloq o qtoop ot Jo yoo ptefet to wotk lo
tbe bockqtoooJ?

@eam sp|r|t]mora|e o yoo coottlbote posltlvely to teom motole ooJ spltlt?

@ota| Score

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