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Gbor Kin CV and portfolio

Everything in its right place Ive got two colours in my head /Thom Yorke/

Gbor Kin, from Hungary, is a 33 year-old self-taught painter. He paints with oil on canvas, plywood, using mixed media.


Gbor Kin Date of birth: 27. 01. 1974. Place of birth: Kazincbarcika, Hungary

In 1997, motivated from self-dilligence, I have turned back to the world of childhood dreams. maybe because, I wanted to become carefree by spreading my troubles, my pleasures away on a canvas. soon I dazed into the scent of the linseed oil, into the night owl-fantasies, with roundabout eyes, paintbrush in my hands. maybe that is why my paintings are ballancing on the boarder of imagination and reality, mixing/stirring several painters conception. I find it important to be faithful, to be multicoloured and regenerate from painting to painting, if you like it, to have some kind of lack of style, that is the biggest freedom, according to Picasso as well. my teachers were books, and those greate figures/persons, whose imprints I visited in many galleries abroad too. while I originate from Kazincbarcika, Hungary, I also associate with the local artists there. I am especially greatful to Istvn Mezey graphic artist and painter, who has arranged my first exhibition in 2003 December, in the Small Gallery there. our refreshing conversations about painting were a great help for me. just like my favourite, inspirational musics, that proove that there is no difference between song and painting only the toolbar of the expression changes. /Gbor Kin/

2003, December - Small Gallery, Kazincbarcika, Hungary. With the title of Bitter-sweet. Opened by: Mria Hegeds poet, literary woman, teacher, artist.
2005. December - ArtUnio Gallery, 64. Bogdnyi Str., Szentendre 2000, Hungary. Title: Bordaterpesz - Ribstraddle Opened: Zsolt Erdlyi (Superman), media person. Music played by: Karably, Hungarys leading chanzonpunk band. 2006. February - Helyrsgi Club and Gallery, 2. Malom Str., Szkesfehrvr 8000, Hungary. Title: Bordaterpesz - Ribstraddle Opened by: Orsolya Karafith, contemporary poet. 2006. May Jaffa Cafe 39. Rday Str., Budapest 1092, Hungary As part of the Plein Art contempororary fine art and idustrial art festival. 2006. June- The KOGART House, 112. Andrssy Road, Budapest 1062, Hungary Title:Oncology on Canvas 24-hour painters marathon (Eli Lilly and Co.) 2 paintings get into the travelling exhibition material that travels to the biggest cities in Hungary. The goal of the event was to sell the best paintings in an auction and the money coming from the sold paintings went to charitable aims (related to oncological cures). The dates and places of the travelling exhibition: 2007. January, 15-January 28. - Dote Gallery (Nagyerdei Boulevard 98.), Debrecen, Hungary 2007. February 1-February 13.- Duna Plaza (Vci Str 178.), Budapest, Hungary 2007. February 15-February 26.- Xantus Museum (Szchenyi tr 5.), Gyr, Hungary 2007. March 2- March 16.- Parti Gallery (Mria Str. 1.) Pcs, Hungary 2007. March 19-March 30.- Szeged University, Jzsef Attila Tanulmnyi s Informcis Kzpont (Ady tr 10.), Szeged, Hungary 2007. April - Herman Ott Museum (Grgey t 28.) Miskolc, Hungary. 2006. 07. 28. - 2006. 08. 06. Valleys of Art 2006 Kapolcs, Hungary. The most popular festival of Arts in Hungary. Sponsored by: Varga winery Vernissage Live.


melancholy, 2002. oil on canvas, 100x100 cm

locusts and sardines, 2002. oil on canvas, 100x50 cm

blue bird of happiness, 2003 oil on plywood, 60x50 cm privately owned

perishable, 2002. oil on canvas, 120x100 cm

the blue palette, 2003 oil on canvas, 65x45 cm

city hang out, 2003. oil on plywood, 60x80 privately owned

a night on the giants' shoulder, 2004. Oil on canvas, 130x105 cm

lullaby, 2004. oil on canvas, 130x110 cm

search path, 2004. oil on canvas, 130x75 cm

almost icarus, 2005. oil on canvas, 130x50 cm

siamese twins, 2005. oil on canvas, 130x105 cm

stinging angel, 2005. oil on canvas, 130x105 cm

three madonnas with trotters, 2005. oil on canvas, 130x110 cm

car wash, 2006. oil on canvas 130x100 cm

fishing bears, 2006. oil on canvas 130x110 cm

in a bunker, 2006. oil on canvas, 130x105 cm

the hill, 2007. oil on canvas, 130x105 cm

Megtudjuk-e egyszer? apr csillagrendszer-ltnk spirlban rldik, feltltik s-energik rg, plafonra ragasztott csillagok szl fejre kigett szupernovkknt hullnak, valahol lggmbt fjnak: tgul vilgunk, plnkon krdjellel az gre kiltunk, hogy hol van Isten, megtudjuk-e egyszer? fogalmam sincsen. /Gbor Kin/

Do we ever get to know? our tiny planetarian-being is worn away in a spiral, being charged with ancient-energies since old times, stars glued to the ceiling are falling as burnt-out supernovas to grey heads, somewhere a ballon is blown: our world is expanding, with a questionmark on our T-shirts we shout to the sky, that where is God, do we ever get to know? I dont really have a clue. /Gbor Kin/

Manager:Mercedesz Trum Contact: Tel: +36 30 4858 353

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