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Workplace Risk Assessment


Job Title: Teachers/SEA/CCW/YCW

I ntensity

Participating in Sport Activities / Dance class / PE Class

If an incident has occurred, how severe was the injury? (Severity if something went wrong)

How often are incidents likely to occur? - at least once a week up to once or more a day Medium - at least once a month up to once a week Low - at least once a year up to once a month None - not applicable High

- a severe injury requiring Surgery Medium - moderate injury such as a sprain or fracture Low - a minor injury such as a bruise or scratch None - not applicable High

Existing Controls

Running backwards / running up hill / through forested land / cross country Jumping to catch ball landing hard on knee / leg / foot Falling Chinese Skipping / Yoga poses Skating / Skiing Overexertion / not conditioned for activity



Medium Medium High High High

Medium Medium Low Medium Medium

Wear proper sports shoes; For skating and skiing wear same PPE as students do. Go over running routes prior to event Stretch before event Use appropriate personal protective equipment knee pads, helmets suitable to the event. Know own limitations Know hazards of activity Respect others limitations Discuss / identify hazards prior to event

Recommendations: Post on H&S Bulletin Boards / Share with H&S Committees

Dated: October 19, 2011 Signed by: Developed by Committee Members at October 19, 2011 H&S Training

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