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Welcome to North Surrey Learning Centre


Why Attend NSLC?

North Surrey Learning Centre Centre is: Designed to help students set and meet educational goals Friendly, safe, caring environment Student centered/self-directed learning

Why attend NSLC?

Mentor teachers/one-on-one instruction Career education opportunities - work experiences, trades training programs, apprenticeship Counselling academic and personal Digi-media opportunities Graduation - 80 credit and Adult

What makes NSLC a safe, caring and inclusive school?

Our school is a small secondary school that is built on a foundation of respect respect for self, students, staff and the school. We have found the following guidelines are necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the school and the success of our students. Students need to adhere to the following expectations while under the jurisdiction of the school: traveling to and from or while at school sponsored events. Your cooperation is appreciated. If you are in violation of the code of conduct, parents/guardians will be notified.

NSLC Code of Conduct

Acceptance all expressions of racial/ethnic bias or acts of racist/sexist behavior will be dealt with appropriately and may result in suspension. Appropriate follow-up will occur. No violence we are a violence free environment. Any form of violence, verbal threats, bullying, cyber-bullying, intimidation, harassment or vandalism will not be tolerated. A violation of this type will result in school discipline and possible suspension or dismissal from the school. No drugs or alcohol students under the influence of drugs or in possession of an illicit substance may be suspended. A violation of this type could result in dismissal from the school.

Language and behaviour - please use respectful language and behaviour at all times. Please do not engage in swearing, slurs against others, inappropriate hand gestures or bullying. Attendance is mandatory. Please phone if you are going to be absent. Unexcused absences will need to be made up (by double shifting, attending evening class, or Friday school). Continual, chronic absenteeism could result in withdrawal from the program. Late arrival students arriving up to hour late may be asked to make up the time during break or at the end of class. Students arriving more than hour late without being excused by a parent/guardian will be required to attend Friday school.

NSLC Code of Conduct

NSLC Code of Conduct

Self-directed/student centered learning we expect that students will make reasonable academic progress. Students not progressing may be placed on agreements/contracts to help ensure academic goals are achieved. Electronic devices all cell phones/gaming devices must be turned off during instructional time. Non-compliance will result in appropriate discipline. PLDs may be used; however these devices must not interfere with the learning environment. Computers no food or drink at the computers. Not for use as a personal listening device. Use of computers for email/social networking (Facebook) can happen outside of instructional time only. Inappropriate use of computers may result in loss of privilege.

NSLC Code of Conduct

Reading - there will be a 15 minute silent reading period each day after Nutrition Break. Please ensure you have selected appropriate reading material.

School attire students are expected to wear suitable clothing. Clothing with inappropriate logos, pictures, offensive language is not permitted. No undergarments showing, no bare midriffs; shorts and skirt hemlines need to be at the bottom of the finger tips. No trips at break - students are expected to stay on site; must have parental/guardian permission to leave school early.
Smoking The Province of B.C. has enacted amendments to the Tobacco Control Act, making it illegal to smoke or use tobacco or hold ignited tobacco in or on school property. Smoking is not permitted during Nutrition Break

School Hours
Morning Session: 8:30 am to 11:35 am Nutrition Break: 9:55 am to 10:10 am Reading Block: 10:10 am to 10:25 am Afternoon Session: 12:10 pm to 3:15 pm Nutrition Break: 1:35 pm to 1:50 pm Reading Block: 1:50 pm to 2:05 pm

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Aileen Kinsella Principal

Cathy Thornley Secretary/Clerk

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Jesse Lalli Grade 10 Challenge English, Socials, Planning

Sam Langridge Grade 10 Challenge Math, Science, Planning

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Yasuko Adloff District Attendant Grade 10 Challenge

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Jennifer Ohearn Business Ed, Monday & Tuesday

Karen Lively Business Ed, Wednesday & Thursday

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Jennifer Aulakh English, Communications, Creative Writing

Gareth Convery Night Class English, Communications, Social Justice

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Jan Malcolm Mathematics, Science & Tech

Kamal Riarh Science 10, Earth Science, Mathematics

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Lindsay May Social Studies 10/11, Social Justice 12

Jonathan Rempel Aboriginal Support Teacher; Adventure Co-op

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Kevin Stockdale PE, Academic Support

John Zboya TIC Career Development Facilitator

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Nola Carlson Counsellor

Denise Roberts Youth Care Worker

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Vala Braun Inner City Secondary School Worker

Kip Chhokar Aboriginal Youth Care Worker

Rogues Gallery/NSLC Staff

Lorraine McFarlane District Attendant

Jan Olafsen District Attendant

- a learning community where students are encouraged to strive for excellence achieve their personal best! - a learning community committed to preparing all students for their personal, academic and career futures!

Have successful 2011/12 School Year

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