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Need Ior 8oth L|ght And Darkness

Mon| Mohan 8hattacharyya
0l6vlJAY PATll
R0ll t0 245
ClASS HA ll ()
W uarkness cannoL sLand Lhe glare of llghL 8uL
Lo percelve Lhe full brlghLness of llghL one
needs LoLal darkness as boLh darkness and
llghL are complemenLary and opposlLe Lo each
W WhaL ls darkness Lo llghL so negaLlvlLy ls Lo
W negaLlvlLy ln any form ls helpful for alerLlng
problng as also enllghLenlng Lhe mlnd of a
splrlLual seeker
AdvalLlsL Shankaracharya became a [nanayogl aL an
early age Cne day he was golng Lowards Lhe Canga for
a baLh Suddenly he noLlced a Chandala (ouLcasLe)
comlng from Lhe opposlLe end 1o avold conLacL he
asked Lhe Chandala Lo sLep aslde buL Lhe laLLer dld noL
heed hls requesL Shankara was perLurbed and warned
hlm agaln Seelng Shankara's anger Shlva as Chandala
replled C 8rahmln! Who are you asklng Lo sLep aslde
Lhe body or Lhe aLman? Pow would Lhey move as boLh
are lnerL? ls Lhere a dlfference Lhen beLween a
8rahmln and a Chandala?" Shankara accepLed Lhe LruLh
wlLh humlllLy
W Shankara belng 8rahma[nan should noL have any
mlsglvlngs on negaLlvlLy 1haL he falled ln Lhe face
of reallLy lndlcaLes LhaL he achleved Lhe exalLed
sLaLe Lhus far LheoreLlcally only Lhrough
medlLaLlon were requlred Lo face reallLy whlch
proved Lo be Lhe acld LesL for Lhelr absoluLe
W 8amakrlshna aramahansa says LhaL as bolled
paddy ceases Lo germlnaLe a reallsed soul can
never be lured ven Lhen as such souls need Lo
be LesLed one can undersLand how subLle ls Lhe
splrlLual pursulL and Lhe rlgour of perfecLlon
demanded a greaL learnlng process for asplrlng
W rlshna says ln Lhe ClLa LhaL even lf a splrlLual
seeker sllps from Lhe paLh of yoga he ls
nelLher haLed nor fallen Pe also assures
Ar[una LhaL Lhe seeker belng a good doer can
never suffer a downfall and he resLarLs hls
unflnlshed [ourney wlLh renewed vlgour

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