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W CompuLer 8eservaLlon sysLems laLer called Clobal

ulsLrlbuLlon SysLems (CuS) were creaLed by Alrllnes Lo allow
1ravel AgenLs Lo make onllne booklngs
W SLarLed ln 1960
W wldely accepLed ln 1970
W Puge LransacLlonal sysLems LhaL process around 3000
requesLs per second from 40000 Lo 30000 Lermlnals
W Allow maklng booklng on alrllnes LhaL accepL Lo pay a booklng
W Are more and more lndependenL of Lhelr foundlng
W used Lo sLore reLrleve lnformaLlon conLacL LransacLlons
eLc deslgned by alrllnes
W Can accepL reservaLlons and booklngs from more Lhan 60000
Lour operaLors and Lravel agenLs
SLages of uevelopmenL
S1AGL I Manual Lo auLomaLlc reservaLlon
W Jay back ln 19301974
W no dlrecL llnk beLween fllghL llsL and passenger reservaLlon
W Alrllnes experlenced overbooklng and under booklng
W 1hen came SA8L8 (Seml AuLomaLed 8uslness LnvlronmenLal
8esearch) 1he fore faLher of modern CuS developed for
Amerlcan Alrllnes
W LaLer lL was renamed as SA88L (Seml AuLomaLed 8uslness
8esearch LnvlronmenL)
S1AGL II 1he 1rue C8S
W 8eLween 1974 1984
W lnsLallaLlon of Lermlnals ln 1ravel agency and 1our CperaLlon
W Lnabled 1ravel agency Lo process alrllne reservaLlons
Lhemselves wlLhouL havlng Lo phone Lo Lhe alrllnes
S1AGL III lrom C8S Lo CuS
W 1984 lL came lnLo exlsLence
W CoL spread Lo hosplLallLy lndusLry Loo
W LxLended supply of producLs ln 8eservaLlon SysLem from
alrllnes Lo oLher Lourlsm producLs car hlre hoLels eLc
W LxLended area of acLlvlLy
W Jorld wlde dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork
W Clobal perspecLlve
W AuLomaLlc raLe and lnvenLory conLrol
W lull reservaLlon funcLlonallLy
W Croup block feaLures
W Sales flow conLrol
W MulLl alr crafL's raLe avallablllLy
W LfflclenL searchlng
W 8eporLs and Logs
Maln 8oles and luncLlons
W rovlslon of upLodaLe accuraLe lnformaLlon
W lully lnLegraLed reservaLlon sysLem allowlng conflrmaLlon
W Allowlng changes and amendmenLs
W lssulng LlckeLs and relaLed documenLs
W rovlslon of Lravel lnfo rouLlngs and Lhe llke
Some wellknown CuSs
W CreaLed by Alr lrance kLM
Slberlan Alr LufLhansa
W used by onllne Lravel
agencles ebookers expedla
W Cver 400 lndlvldual alrllnes
W Cver 800 Lravel agencles
W Cwned by Alr Llngus Alr
Canada 8rlLlsh Alrways
Swlss Alr unlLed Alr
W Cwned by nlppon Alrllnes
Amerlcan Alrllnes CaLhay
aclflc Alrllnes
W Cwned by uelLa norLh wesL
and 1rans JesL Alrllnes
CuS neLwork
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Manager Airports & Security
Manager FIying Operations
Manager Human Resources
GeneraI Manager
Manager Finance
Manager CommerciaI Services
Manager CommerciaI Operations
and Charters
Manager FIight Safety
W Alr lndla ls lndlas flnesL flylng Ambassador 1he urge Lo excel
and Lhe enLhuslasm whlch characLerlsed Alr lndlas flrsL fllghL
way back on CcLober 13 1932 ls qulnLessenLlal even Loday
Lhanks Lo Alr lndlans who have kepL allve Lhe LradlLlon of
flylng hlgh
W !8u 1aLa Lhe faLher of Clvll AvlaLlon ln lndla and founder of
Alr lndla Look off from karachl Lo Mumbal (Lhen known as
8ombay) vla Ahmedabad
W Alr lndla as Lhe naLlonal carrler has LradlLlonally played a
plvoLal role ln promoLlng Lourlsm Lo lndla
W Alr lndla ls gradually expandlng lLs fleeL LlghL new alrcrafL
flve 8777200L8s and Lhree 8777300L8s have [olned Lhe fleeL
enabllng lL Lo expand lLs neLwork
1he Merger
W 1he recenL merger of Alr lndla and lndlan Lhe counLry's leader ln
Lhe domesLlc secLor has helped Lhe alrllne Lo emerge as a ma[or
force ln Lhe alrllne lndusLry
W 1he rebrandlng exerclse ls currenLly underway and passengers
are geLLlng Lo see Lhe unlfled face of Lhe new lnvlgoraLed Alr
lndla 1he merged enLlLy whlch presenLly has a fleeL of 148
alrcrafL offers passengers seamless Lravel across domesLlc and
lnLernaLlonal rouLes
W Alr lndla now operaLes 38 weekly servlces Lo four desLlnaLlons ln
Lhe uSA new ?ork newark Chlcago and Los Angeles
W 1he alrllne also offers a dally nonsLop fllghL beLween Mumbal
new ?ork and uelhlnew ?ork followlng Lhe lnducLlon of brand
new 8oelng 777200L8 ln lLs fleeL
henomenal CrowLh
W 1he precedlng flve years has seen phenomenal growLh on Lhe
Luropean and uS secLors
W Slnce uecember 2002 noL only has Lhe neLwork been
expanded Lo cover newark and Los Angeles ln addlLlon Lo
new ?ork and Chlcago ln uS Lhe capaclLy has also been
lncreased from 10 Lo 38 fllghLs per week
W Llkewlse fllghLs Lo uk have been lncreased from 10 Lo 30 23
of Lhese Lo London and flve Lo 8lrmlngham
W lrequencles have also been slgnlflcanLly enhanced on Lhe
SouLhLasL Asla and lareasL rouLes
lleeL AcqulslLlon
W Alr lndla has placed an order on 8oelng Alrplanes Company
for acqulslLlon of 68 new alrcrafL 30 for Alr lndla and 18 for
Alr lndla's low budgeL subsldlary alrllne Alr lndla Lxpress
W 1he 30 alrcrafL ordered for Alr lndla lnclude elghL 8777200L8
Medlum CapaclLy ulLra Long8ange alrcrafL 13 8777300L8
Medlum CapaclLy Long8ange alrcrafL and 27 8787 Medlum
CapaclLy Long8ange alrcrafL
W lor Alr lndla Lxpress 181seaLer 18 8737800J alrcrafL have
been ordered llve 8777200L8s Lhree 8777300L8s and 12
8737800 alrcrafL have so far been lnducLed
new Subsldlary Alrllne Alr lndla Lxpress
W Alr lndla's lowcosL subsldlary Alr lndla Lxpress was launched
ln Aprll 2003
W lL offers 140 lnLernaLlonal fllghLs Lo 12 sLaLlons ln Lhe Culf
lncludlng uubal Shar[ah Abu uhabl and Al Aln ln Lhe unlLed
Arab LmlraLes MuscaL and Salalah ln Cman uoha ln CaLar
8ahraln Slngapore ln SouLh LasL Asla and Colombo ln Srl
W Alr lndla currenLly operaLes fllghLs from Mumbal and 12
oLher lndlan clLles vlz Ahmedabad AmrlLsar 8angalore
Chennal uelhl Coa Pyderabad kochl kolkaLa kozhlkode
Lucknow and 1hlruvananLhapuram
W Alr lndla's global neLwork currenLly reglonwlse ls
Uk London and 8lrmlngham
Lurope arls lrankfurL
As|a ac|f|c 8angkok uhaka Pong kong kuala Lumpur Csaka Seoul
ShanghalSlngapore and 1okyo
Gu|f M|dd|e Last Abu uhabl uammam uubal !eddah kuwalL
MuscaL and 8lyadh
USA Canada Chlcago Los Angeles new !ersey new ?ork and
Afr|ca uaresSalaam and nalrobl
W A|r traff|c contro| (A1C) ls a servlce provlded by groundbased
conLrollers who dlrecL alrcrafL on Lhe ground and ln Lhe alr lL
lnvolves communlcaLlon wlLh alrcrafL Lo help malnLaln sepototloo
LhaL ls Lhey ensure LhaL alrcrafL are sufflclenLly far enough aparL
horlzonLally or verLlcally for no rlsk of colllslon
W ConLrollers may coordlnaLe poslLlon reporLs provlded by plloLs or
ln hlgh Lrafflc areas (such as Lhe unlLed SLaLes) Lhey may use 8AuA8
Lo see alrcrafL poslLlons
W A1C ls especlally lmporLanL for alrcrafL flylng under lnsLrumenL fllghL
rules (ll8) where Lhey may be ln weaLher condlLlons LhaL do noL
allow Lhe plloLs Lo see oLher alrcrafL Powever ln very hlghLrafflc
areas especlally near ma[or alrporLs alrcrafL flylng under vlsual
fllghL rules (vl8) are also requlred Lo follow lnsLrucLlons from A1C
W May provlde weaLher advlsorles Lerraln separaLlon navlgaLlon
asslsLance and oLher servlces Lo plloLs dependlng on Lhelr
W ln some counLrles A1C may also play a securlLy or defense role (as
ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes) or acLually be run enLlrely by Lhe mlllLary (as
ln 8razll)
W Alr Lrafflc conLrol was flrsL lnLroduced aL Londons AlrporL ln 1921
Archle League who conLrolled alrcrafL uslng colored flags aL whaL ls
Loday LamberLSL Louls lnLernaLlonal AlrporL ls ofLen consldered
Lhe flrsL alr Lrafflc conLroller
W A1C servlces are provlded LhroughouL Lhe ma[orlLy of alrspace and
lLs servlces are avallable Lo all users (prlvaLe mlllLary and
W Jhen conLrollers are responslble for separaLlng some or all
alrcrafL such alrspace ls called conLrolled alrspace ln
conLrasL Lo unconLrolled alrspace where alrcrafL may fly
wlLhouL Lhe use of Lhe alr Lrafflc conLrol sysLem
W 1o ensure communlcaLlon all plloLs and all conLrollers
everywhere are requlred Lo be able Lo speak and undersLand
Lngllsh Jhlle Lhey may use any compaLlble language Lngllsh
musL be used lf requesLed 1he naLlve language for Lhe reglon
ls normally used
1here are generally four dlfferenL Lypes of
W CenLre conLrollers who conLrol alrcrafL enrouLe beLween
W ConLrol Lowers (lncludlng Lower ground conLrol clearance
dellvery and oLher servlces) whlch conLrol alrcrafL wlLhln a
small dlsLance (Lyplcally 1013 km horlzonLal and 1000 m
verLlcal) of an alrporL
W Cceanlc conLrollers who conLrol alrcrafL over lnLernaLlonal
waLers beLween conLlnenLs generally wlLhouL radar servlce
W 1ermlnal conLrollers who conLrol alrcrafL ln a wlder area
(Lyplcally 3080 km) around busy alrporLs
Alr Lrafflc conLroller
W A|r traff|c contro||ers are people who operaLe Lhe alr Lrafflc
conLrol sysLem Lo expedlLe and malnLaln a safe and orderly flow
of alr Lrafflc and help noL prevenL mldalr colllslons
W 1hey are also called a|r traff|c contro| off|cers (A1CCs) a|r traff|c
contro| spec|a||sts or slmply contro||ers
W 1hey apply separaLlon rules Lo keep each alrcrafL aparL from
oLhers ln Lhelr area of responslblllLy and move all alrcrafL safely
and efflclenLly Lhrough Lhelr asslgned secLor of alrspace
W 8ecause conLrollers have a demonsLrably large responslblllLy
whlle on duLy Lhe A1C professlon ls ofLen regarded as one of Lhe
mosL dlfflculL [obs Loday and can be noLorlously sLressful
Core skllls of a conLroller
W Alr Lrafflc conLrollers are generally lndlvlduals wlLh excellenL memory
are organlzed have spaLlal awareness are qulck wlLh numerlc
compuLaLlonal skllls are asserLlve buL calm under pressure and are
able Lo follow and apply rules yeL be flexlble when necessary
W 8lgld physlcal and psychologlcal LesLs and excellenL hearlng and
speaklng skllls are a requlremenL and conLrollers musL Lake
precauLlons Lo remaln healLhy and avold cerLaln medlcaLlons LhaL are
banned for conLrollers
W Should have Lhe ablllLy Lo absorb daLa qulckly from a varleLy of
sources and Lo use Lhls Lo vlsuallze ln Llme and space Lhe poslLlon of
each alrcrafL under conLrol 1hls sklll ls Lermed slLuaLlonal awareness
(ovloq te plctote or ovloq te fllck) and ls cenLral Lo Lhe [ob
Alr Lrafflc conLrol Lowers
W lloLs are hlghly Lralned professlonals who fly alrplanes and
hellcopLers Lo carry ouL a wlde varleLy of Lasks
W LxcepL on small alrcrafL Lwo plloLs usually make up Lhe cockplL
crew Cenerally Lhe mosL experlenced plloL Lhe coptolo ls ln
command and supervlses all oLher crew members 1he plloL
and coplloL share flylng and oLher duLles such as
communlcaLlng wlLh Alr 1rafflc ConLrollers and monlLorlng Lhe
W Some large alrcrafL have a Lhlrd plloLte fllqt eoqloeet
who asslsLs Lhe oLher plloLs by monlLorlng and operaLlng many
of Lhe lnsLrumenLs and sysLems maklng mlnor ln fllghL repalrs
and waLchlng for oLher alrcrafL (buL nowadays Lhls duLy ls
performed by palr of compuLers)
8efore deparLure
W 8efore deparLure plloLs plan Lhelr fllghLs carefully
W 1hey Lhoroughly check Lhelr alrcrafL Lo make sure LhaL Lhe
englnes conLrols lnsLrumenLs and oLher sysLems are
funcLlonlng properly
W 1hey also make sure LhaL baggage or cargo has been loaded
W 1hey confer wlLh fllghL ulspaLchers and avlaLlon weaLher
forecasLers Lo flnd ouL abouL weaLher condlLlons en rouLe and
aL Lhelr desLlnaLlon
W 8ased on Lhls lnformaLlon Lhey choose a rouLe alLlLude and
speed LhaL wlll provlde Lhe fasLesL safesL and smooLhesL
W Jhen flylng under lnsLrumenL fllghL rulesprocedures
governlng Lhe operaLlon of Lhe alrcrafL when Lhere ls poor
vlslblllLyLhe plloL ln command or Lhe alrllne dlspaLcher
normally flles an lnsLrumenL fllghL plan wlLh alr Lrafflc conLrol
so LhaL Lhe fllghL can be coordlnaLed wlLh oLher alr Lrafflc
1akeoff and Landlng
W 1akeoff and landlng are Lhe mosL dlfflculL parLs of Lhe fllghL
and requlre close coordlnaLlon beLween Lhe plloL and flrsL
W lor example as Lhe plane acceleraLes for Lakeoff Lhe plloL
concenLraLes on Lhe runway whlle Lhe flrsL offlcer scans Lhe
lnsLrumenL panel
W 1o calculaLe Lhe speed Lhey musL aLLaln Lo become alrborne
plloLs conslder Lhe alLlLude of Lhe alrporL ouLslde
LemperaLure welghL of Lhe plane and speed and dlrecLlon of
Lhe wlnd
W 1he momenL Lhe plane reaches Lakeoff speed Lhe flrsL offlcer
lnforms Lhe plloL who Lhen pulls back on Lhe conLrols Lo ralse
Lhe nose of Lhe plane
Jhlle on Lhe move
W unless Lhe weaLher ls bad Lhe acLual fllghL ls relaLlvely easy
W lloLs wlLh Lhe asslsLance of auLoplloL and Lhe fllghL
managemenL compuLer sLeer Lhe plane along Lhelr planned
rouLe and are monlLored by Lhe alr Lrafflc conLrol sLaLlons Lhey
pass along Lhe way
W 1hey regularly scan Lhe lnsLrumenL panel Lo check Lhelr fuel
supply Lhe condlLlon of Lhelr englnes and Lhe alr
condlLlonlng hydraullc and oLher sysLems
W lloLs may requesL a change ln alLlLude or rouLe lf
clrcumsLances dlcLaLe
W lor example lf Lhe rlde ls rougher Lhan expecLed Lhey may
ask alr Lrafflc conLrol lf plloLs flylng aL oLher alLlLudes have
reporLed beLLer condlLlons
W 1hls procedure also may be used Lo save fuel and lncrease
W lloLs musL rely compleLely on Lhelr lnsLrumenLs when
vlslblllLy ls poor
W Cn Lhe basls of alLlmeLer readlngs Lhey know how hlgh above
ground Lhey are and wheLher Lhey can fly safely over
mounLalns and oLher obsLacles
W Speclal navlgaLlon radlos glve plloLs preclse lnformaLlon LhaL
wlLh Lhe help of speclal maps Lells Lhem Lhelr exacL poslLlon
W CLher very sophlsLlcaLed equlpmenL provldes dlrecLlons Lo a
polnL [usL above Lhe end of a runway and enables plloLs Lo land
compleLely bllnd"
W Pere Lhe alr Lrafflc englneers play ma[or role Lo keep Lhe
ground equlpmenL Lo Lhelr absoluLe speclflcaLlon for bllnd
W AlLhough flylng does noL lnvolve much physlcal efforL Lhe
menLal sLress of belng responslble for a safe fllghL no maLLer
whaL Lhe weaLher can be Llrlng
W lloLs musL be alerL and qulck Lo reacL lf someLhlng goes
wrong parLlcularly durlng Lakeoff and landlng
W As wlLh mosL buslnesses Loday's world essenLlally requlres
alrporLs also Lo maxlmlze revenue mlnlmlze cosLs and
lmprove servlce efflclency
W Alrllnes demand lL and AlrporL auLhorlLles lmpose lL as lL
helps boLh Lo achleve Lhese end ob[ecLlves
W 1he dellvery of lmproved servlces lncrease ln operaLlonal
efflclency and producLlvlLy by capLurlng revenue lnformaLlon
aL Lhe source of orlgln and preparaLlon dellvery and
managemenL of all documenLaLlon requlred ln Lhe process ls
of paramounL lmporLance ln ensurlng a fasL and Lruly effecLlve
buslness soluLlon
Jhy effecLlve managemenL mandaLory???
W Accordlng Lo recenL forecasLs released by A|rports Counc||
Internat|ona| (ACI) over Lhe nexL 13 years global alr
passenger Lrafflc wlll grow by over 4 per annum
W 1hls means LhaL by 2020 someLhlng llke 7 bllllon people wlll
be uslng Lhe worlds alrporLs
W 1he frelghL Lrafflc Loo ls growlng aL even greaLer raLe of
around 31 per annum reachlng some 170 mllllon Lons ln
2020 lL ls clear LhaL greaLer alrporL capaclLy ls a precondlLlon
for achlevlng Lhe forecasL growLh
W ln 2004 alrporL operaLors spenL more on new capaclLy Lhan
ever before and conLlnued lnvesLmenL ln lnfrasLrucLure
developmenL aL many congesLed hubs ls seL Lo conLlnue
W Spendlng on new alrporL Lechnologles ls also lncreaslng
drlven noL only by Lhe need Lo caLer for growlng consumer
demand buL also by Lhe need Lo reduce congesLlon and
lmprove passenger LhroughpuL safeLy and securlLy
W More and more AlrporLs and Alr 1rafflc ConLrol unlLs are re
assesslng Lhelr lnformaLlon 1echnology SLraLegy" as a parL of
effecLlve managemenL process
W Senlor managemenL reallsed LhaL ln order Lo achlve greaL
success Lhe dlfferenL deparLmenLs conLalned wlLhln an
alrporL should work ln harmony Lhey musL llnk and lnLegraLe
Lhelr resources people equlpmenL faclllLles and lnformaLlon
across Lhe alrporLs
ManagemenL funcLlons lnclude
A|r 1raff|c Contro|
AlrcrafL 8eglsLraLlon
8unway used
AcLual 1lme of Landlng and ueparLure
number of ClrculLs
number and 1ype of Approaches
new LsLlmaLes of Arrlval and ueparLure
new lllghL lnformaLlon
Apron nand||ng
lnformaLlon Lo be enLered ln lA1A ln local Llme or u1C
8lock Cn/Cff (lf noL enLered by Lhe alrllne/handllng agenL)
llrsL 8ag LasL 8ag 1lmes
Cround Servlces Supplled Lo Lhe AlrcrafL
A|r||ne]nand||ng Agents
8lock Cn/Cff 1lmes
assenger and lrelghL lnformaLlon
Checkln uesk Cpenlng and Closlng
ueparLure CaLe Cpenlng and Closlng
new lllghL ueLalls (lf noL enLered by A1C)
new LsLlmaLes of Arrlval and ueparLure 1lmes
Seasonal Schedule lnformaLlon
||ght Informat|on D|sp|ay System
S Staff Management D|sp|ays
Seasona| Schedu|e
Code Shared lllghL numbers
MulLlSecLor AlrporLs
AlrcrafL 1ype
LsLlmaLed 1lme Cf Arrlval
LsLlmaLed 1lme of ueparLure
CperaLlonal uays Cf 1he Jeek
LxcepLlon uaLes
AllocaLed 8esources
A 1yplcal AlrporL ManagemenL CharL
MalnLenance a parL of ManagemenL
Lagleeye vlew of an AlrporL

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