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List of drugs for the exam on Pharmacology Agents Affecting the Afferent NS Novocainum (Procaine) [Local anesthetic] - for

r infiltration anesthesia 0.25 and 0.5%, conducting 1 and 2%, cerebrospinal 5% solution. PA: Amp 0.25%, 0.5%, 1% 1,2,5,10 ml. Ung.5% Lidocain [Local anesthetic and Antiarrhythmic agent] PA: Amp 2%-10 ml, 10%-2 ml Ultracain (Articaine) [Local anesthetic] for infiltration and conducting anesthesia1%0.5-3 ml. PA Amp 1% and 2%-1 ml Anesthesine - [Local anesthetic] PA: Tab 0.3, Supp 0.05-0.1 Tannine [Astringent] PA: powder, 1-2% for rinsing of mouth, nose, throat, larynx, 310% for local lubrication of burns, scissures, ulcers, decubitus) Carbo activatus [Adsorbent] PA: Tab 0.5 Menthol [Irritant] PA: Sol. Spirit 1-2% externally and PO Ammoniac solution (Sol. Ammonii caustici 10%) - [Irritant] PA: vial 10 ml - a small piece of cotton or gauze wetted with the drug is brought to the nose inlet for inhalation in syncope conditions. It also has disinfectant properties and is used for surgeons hands cleansing. Agents Affecting the Efferent NS Atropini sulfas [M-holinoblocker] PA: amp 0.1%-1 ml IM or IV, Eye ointment 1%- 5-10 ml Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) [Mcholinoblocker] PA: Aeroz 15 ml 2 inhalations bid or tid Platiphyllini hydrotartras [Mholinoblocker] PA: Tab 0.005; Amp. 0.2 % 1 ml IV, IM Pirenzepine (Gastrozepin) [M1holinoblocker]: tb 50 mg, amp 0.5%-2 ml Pilocarpini hydrochloridum [Mholinomimetic] PA: Eye drops 1% and 2%, Ung 1% and 2% - 5-10 ml, Tab 5 mg. Adults: 5 mg PO tid. Proserine (Neostigmine)[Anticholinesterase]: tb. 0.015; Amp. 0.05% 1 ml SC, IM Galantamine hydrobromide [Anticholinesterase] PA: Amp 0.1%, 0.5%, 1% - 1 ml SC Alloximum [AhE Reactivator] PA: Amp 0.075 (sol for inject 1 ml) IM

Izonitrozinum [AhE Reactivator]: Amp 40%-3 ml IM Tubocurarine chloride (Curarin)- [NonDepolarizing Myorelaxant] PA: Amp. 1% - 1.5 ml IV Ditiline - [Depolarizing Myorelaxant] PA: Amp. 2% - 5 and 10 ml IV Adrenalini hydrochloridum - [1 2 1 2 Adrenomimetic] PA: Amp. 0.1% - 1 ml SC, IM, IV; 1-2% - 5-10 ml Eye drops Noradrenalini hydrotartras - [1 2 1 Adrenomimetic] PA: Amp. 0.2 % - 1 ml: 4-8 mg in 500 ml 5% Glucose or 0.9% NaCl IV infusion Mesatone [1, 2 - Adrenomimetic] PA: Amp 1% - 1 ml SC, IM, IV Salbutamol - [2 - Adrenomimetic] PA: Aeroz, Tab 2 mg Prazosine - [1 - Adrenoblocker] PA: Tab 1; 3 and 5 mg Anaprilinum - [1 2 - Adrenoblocker]: Tb 0.01, 0.04, amp 0.25%-1 ml Metoprolol - [1 -Adrenoblocker] PA: Tab 0.05, 0.1, Amp. 1 % - 5 ml Reserpine - [Sympatholytic] PA: Tab 0.1 mg and 0.25 mg General Anesthetics. Hypnotics. Antiepileptics Ketamine (Kalipsol, Ketalar) [Agent for Non-Inhalation Narcosis] PA: Amp 5%-10 ml IM and IV Zolpidem [Hypnotic] PA: Tab 10 mg Zopiclone [Hypnotic] PA: Tab 7.5 mg Carbamazepine [Antiepileptic] PA: Tab 0.2 Natrii oxybutyras - [Agent for NonInhalation Narcosis, Antihypoxant] PA: Amp. 20 % - 10 ml IM, IV, syrup 5%-400 ml. PO 1 tbsp 2-3 times a day. Natrii valproas [Antiepileptic] PA: Tab 0.3 Levodopa - [AntiParkinson Agent] PA: Tab 0.25 and 0.5 Nitrasepam [Tranquilizer] PA: Tab 5 mg Phenobarbitalum - [Antiepileptic] PA: Tab 0.05, 0.1 Opioid and Non-Opioid Analgesics Morphini hydrochloridum - [Opioid Analgesic]: Tb 0.01; Amp. 1 % - 1 ml SC Promedolum (Trimeperidine) - [Opioid Analgesic] PA: Amp 1% and 2% - 1 ml SC, IM, IV Acid acetylsalicylic -[NSAID] PA: Tab 0.25, 0.35, 0.5 g

2 Diclofenac-natrium - [NSAID] PA: Tab 0.025; Amp. 2.5% - 3 ml IM Tramadole [NSAID] PA: Caps 0.05, Amp 5%-1 and 2 ml IM, IV, SC Naloxone [NSAID] PA: Amp 0.04%-1 ml IM, IV Analgine [NSAID] PA: Tab 0.5, amp 25%-2 ml IM, IV Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) [NonNarcotic Analgesic, Antipyretic] PA: Tab 0.2 g Meloxicam [NSAID, selective COX-2 inhibitor] PA: Tab 0.015 Celecoxib [NSAID, selective COX-2 inhibitor] PA: Caps 0.1 Nimesulide [NSAID, preferable COX-2 inhibitor] PA: tb 0.1 Antipsychotic Agents and Lithium Aminazine - [Neuroleptic] PA: Amp. 2.5% - 1 ml IM, IV; Dr. 0.025 g Droperidolum - [Neuroleptic] PA: Amp. 0.25% - 10 ml SC, IM, IV Diazepam [Tranquilizer] PA: Tab 5 mg, Amp 0.5%-2 ml IM, IV Gidazepamum [Tranquilizer] PA: Tab 0.02 and 0.05 g Phenazepamum - [Tranquilizer] PA: Tab 0.5 mg and 1 mg Buspirone [Tranquilizer] PA: Tab 5 and 10 mg Coffeini - natrii benzoas - [CNS stimulant, analeptic, respiratory stimulant] PA: Tab 0.1, 0.2; Amp 10% and 20% - 1 and 2ml IM, IV Cordiamin [Analeptic]: Amp 1 and 2 ml SC, IM, IV; Vial 15 ml PO 15-40 drops 2-3 times a day Sulfocamphocaine - [Analeptic] PA: Amp 10%-2 ml SC, IM, IV Tinctura Valerianae [Sedative Agent] PA: Vial 30 ml PO Etimizol [Respiratory Stimulant] PA: Amp 1.5%-3 ml- 2 ml IM, IV Amitriptylinum - [Antidepressant] PA: Tab 0.025, Amp.1% - 2 ml IM Fluoxetine [Antidepressant] PA: Tab 0.02 Sertraline (Zoloft) [Antidepressant] PA: Caps 0.05 and 0.1 Piracetam (Nootropil)- [Nootrop]: Caps. 0.4, Amp. 20% - 5 ml IM, IV Phenibutum [Nootrop] PA: Tab 0.25 Drugs Affecting the Respiratory Systems Aminophilline (Euphilline) - [Spasmolytic, Broncholytic] PA: Tab 0.015; Amp. 24% - 1 ml IM, 2.4%-10 ml IV Acetylcysteinum - [Mucolytic agent, antidote for Paracetamol overdose] PA: Amp. 10% and 20% - 10 ml; Tab 0.1 and 0.2. Adults and children: 1-2 ml of 10% or 10% solution by direct instillation into trachea as often as every hour; or 3-5 ml of 20% or 6-10 ml of 10% solution administered by nebulizer every 2-3 hours. Paracetamol toxicity: 10 g PO followed by 5 g q 4 hours for 17 doses (a total of 1,330 mg/kg). Ambroxol (Lasolvan) - [Mucolytic agent] PA: Tab 0.03 PO Bromhexine [Mucolytic agent] PA: Tab 0.004 and 0.008 PO Tusuprex [Antitussive agent] PA: Tab 0.01 and 0.02 PO Libexine [Antitussive agent] PA: Tab 0.1 PO Cardiostimulants Digoxin - [Cardiac Glycoside] PA: Tab 0.25 mg and 0.1 mg; Amp. 0.025% 1 ml IV Dobutamine - [1-adrenomimetic] PA: Amp. 5% - 5 ml IV infusion Corglycone - [Cardiac glycoside] PA: Amp 0.06%-1 ml IM, IV Sthrophanthine [Cardiac glycoside] PA: Amp 0.025%-1 ml IV Unitiolum [Antidotes donor of Sulfhydric groups] PA: Amp 5%-5 ml IM, IV infusion Antianginal and antiarrhythmic agents Nitroglycerinum [Nitrate, Antianginal agent] PA: Tab 0.5 mg (Sublingual), Vial 1% spirit 5 ml, Aerosol (lingual) 0.4 mg/metered spray; 2% ointment (Topical) Isosorbide mononitrate [Nitrate, Antianginal agent] PA: Tab 10 and 20 mg PO Amlodipine [Dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel blocker] PA: Tab 2.5, 5 and 10 mg PO Verapamil [Phenylalkylamine Ca2+ channel blocker] PA: Tab 0.04, 0.08, Amp 0.25%-2 ml IV Novocainamide [Antiarrhythmic agent]: Tab 0.25, Amp 10%-5 ml IV Amiodaronum - [Antiarrhythmic agent] PA: Tab 0.2, Amp. 5% - 3 ml IV infusion Molsidomine [Peripheral vasodilator] PA: Tab 0.002 PO A. Antihypertensive agents. Lipidlowering agents. Angioprotectors Captoprilum (Capoten) - [IACE] PA: Tab 25 and 50 mg PO Lisinipril [IACE] PA: Tab 10, 20 and 40 mg PO

3 Enalapril (Renitec) - [IACE] PA: Tab 5, 10 and 20 mg PO Drotaverine (No-spa) [Spasmolytic]: Tab 0.04, Amp 2%-2 ml IM, IV Fenofibrat [Lipid-lowering agent] PA: Caps 0.1 PO Lipostabil [Lipid-lowering agent] PA: Caps PO, Amp 10 ml IV Probucol [Lipid-lowering agent] PA: Tab 0.25 and 0.5 PO Lovastatine [Lipid-lowering agent, HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor] PA: Tab 10, 20 and 40 mg PO Magnesii sulfas - [Laxative, spasmolytic, sedative, cholagogue] PA: Amp 20% and 25% - 10 ml, powder Nifedipine [Dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel blocker] PA: Tab 0.01 Pentoxyphilline [Peripheral vasodilator] PA: Tab 0.1 g, Amp 2%-5 ml Clopheline [2- Adrenomimetic] PA: Tab 0.075 mg and 0.15 mg, Amp 0.01% - 1 ml Drugs Used in Gastrointestinal Diseases Metoclopramid (Cerucal) [Antiemetic] PA: Tab 10 mg, amp 0.5%-2 ml IM, IV Ranitidine [H2 antagonist] PA: Tab 0.15 g Famotidine [H2 antagonist] PA: Tab 0.02 and 0.04 Almagel [Astringent] PA: Vial 170 ml Contrical (Aprotinin, Trasylol) [Antienenzyme, Antifibrinolytic] PA: Vial 30,000 and 50,000 UA IV infusion Cholosasum (syrup from Wild rose fruits) [Cholagogue]: vial 300 ml Bisacodyl [Purgative] PA: tb 5 mg, supp 10 mg Omeprazole [Proton Pump Inhibitor] PA: caps 20 mg Pancreatin [Digestant] PA: tb 0.25 Allocholum [Cholagogue] PA: tb officinal (bile, Carbo activatus, Extr. from Garlic and Nettle) Siliborum [Hepatoprotector] PA: tb 0.04 Essentiale [Hepatoprotector] PA: caps officinal, amp 5 ml Agents affecting the Kidney and Uterus Hydrochlorthiazide [Thiazide Diuretic] PA: Tab 25 and 100 mg Furosemide [Loop Diuretic] PA: tb 0.04, amp 1%-2 ml Spironolactone [Potassium Sparing Diuretic Aldosterone antagonist] PA: Tab 25 mg Oxytocinum [Posterior Pituitary Hormone - Uterine stimulant] PA: amp 1 ml (5 UA) Ergometrine maleate [an Ergot alkaloid Uterine stimulant] PA: tb 0.2 mg, amp 0.02%1 ml IM, IV Dinoprost [Uterine stimulant] PA: Amp 0.5%-1 ml Intraamnionly and Extraamnionly Fenoterol (Partusisten) [Tocolytic] PA: Aeroz 15 ml, Tab 5 mg, Amp 0.005% - 10 ml Drugs affecting the Blood Filgrastim -[Leucopoiesis

Stimulant] PA: (Vial 0.3 mg/ml and 0.48 mg/ml IV infusion with 5% Glucose) Methyluracilum [Leucopoiesis Stimulant] PA: Tab 0.5 PO, Supp 0.5 per rectum Fercovenum [Erythropoiesis Stimulant] PA: amp 5 ml (1 ml: 20 mg Fe and 90 g Co) IV Cyanocobalamine [Erythropoiesis Stimulant] PA: amp 0.01%, 0.05% and 0.1%-1 ml IM, IV Acidum Folicum [Erythropoiesis Stimulant] PA: tb 1 mg PO Heparinum [Anticoagulant of direct action] PA: vial 5 ml (5,000 UA/ml) SC, IM, IV Fraxiparin [Anticoagulant of direct action] PA: Syringe/injections 1 ml (1 ml 9,500 IU) SC Neodicumarinum [Anticoagulant of indirect action] PA: Tab 0.05 and 0.1 Vicasolum [Coagulant] PA: Tab 15 mg, Amp 1%-1 ml IM, IV Acidum Aminocapronicum [Antifibrinolytic] PA: Vial 5%-100 ml IV infusion Epogen (Eprex, Epoetinum ) [Erythropoiesis Stimulant] PA: vial 2,000 UA/ml; 4,000 UA/ml; 10,000 UA/ml SC or IV Vitamins Thiamini chloridum [Vitamin B1] PA: Tab 5mg and 10 mg, Amp 5%-1 ml IM, IV Acidum Nicotinicum [Vitamin PP] PA: Tab 0.1 g and 0.5 g, Amp 10%-1 ml IM, IV

4 Ergocalciferolum [Vitamin D2] PA: Dr 500 IU, Sol. Oleosae 0.5%-10 ml (1 drop 5,000 IU) PO Retinoli acetas [Vitamin A] PA: Dr 3,300 IU, Sol. Oleosae 3.44% and 8.6% - 10 ml PO Acidum Ascorbinicum [Vitamin C] tb 0.05 and 0.1, amp 5% and 10% - 1 and 2 ml IM, IV Rutinum [Vitamin P] PA: Tab 0.02 g PO Tocopheroli acetas [Vitamin E] PA: Vial Sol. Oleosae 5%, 10% and 30% - 50 ml. PO 0.05-0.1 g a day, Amp - Sol. Oleosae 5%, 10% and 30% - 1 ml IM Hormones Corticotropine (ACTH) [Anterior Pituitary Hormone] PA: Vial 2 and 5 ml, 10-40 IU/ml. Primarily for the diagnosis of disorders of pituitary adrenal axis. 25 IU is infused IV and 24 hr urine is collected. If <74 mole of 17hydrocorticosteroids are present in the 24 hr urine adrenal insufficiency is indicated. L-Thyroxine [Thyroid Hormone] PA: Tab 50 and 100 mg Mercazolilum (Methimazole) [Antithyroid drug Thyroid Inhibitor] PA: Tab 5 mg PO 34 times a day Insuline [Pancreatic Hormone] PA: Vial 5 and 10 ml (40 and 80 UA/ml) SC, IV infusion: individualized dosage adjusted according to patients blood and urine glucose concentration Glibenclamide [Sulfonylureas Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs]: Tab 5 mg Metformin [Biguanids Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs] PA: Tab 0.5 and 0.85 g. PO 0.5 bid or 0.85 g PO once daily with morning meal Prednisolone [Corticosteroid] PA: Tab 1 and 5 mg, Amp 3%-1 ml IM, IV Progesteronum [Estrogen] PA: Amp Sol. Oleosae 1% and 2.5 % - 1 ml IM Testosterone propionate [Androgen] PA: Amp ol 1% and 5% - 1 ml Androcur (Cyproterone Acetate) [Antiandrogen] PA: Tab 50 mg, Amp 10%-3 ml Retabolile (Nandrolone) [Anabolic steroid] PA: Amp Sol. Oleosae 5% -1 ml IM Enzyme anti-enzyme agents. Salts, Acids, Alkalis. Plasma substitutes Lydazum (Hyaluronidase) [Protein enzyme] PA: Vial 64 CU Calcii chloridum [Macro and microelements] PA: Amp 10%-5 and 10 ml IV, PO Sol 10% 1 tbsp tid Calcii gluconas [Macro and microelements] PA: tb 0.5, amp 10%-5 and 10 ml Natrii hydrocarbonate [Macro and microelements] PA: tb 0.3 and 0.5, amp 4%-20 ml Asparcam [Macro and microelements]: officinal tb, amp 5 and 10 ml Glucose [Carbohydrate Total Parenteral Nutrition component, caloric agent, fluid volume replacement] PA: Vial 5%, 10%, 20% - 200 and 400 ml Magnesii sulfas [Macro and microelements] - amp 20 and 25%-10 ml Sol. Natrii chloridum [Macro and microelements] PA: 0.9% isotonica pro injectionibus 5, 10 and 20 ml, 10%-200 and 400 ml Antiallergic and Immunomodulating agents Dimedrolum (Diphenhydramine) [1st Generation H1 antihistaminic] PA: Tab 0.02; 0.03; 0.05 g, Amp. 1% - 1ml IM, IV Suprastine [1st Generation H1 antihistaminic] PA: tb 25 mg, amp 2%-1 ml Loratidine [2nd Generation H1 antihistaminic] PA: Tab 10 mg Thymogen [Immunostimulant] PA: Vial 0.01% - 10 ml i/nasally or SC, IM 0.5-1 ml qd Cycloferone [Immunostimulant] PA: Amp 12.5%-2 ml IM or IV, Tab 0.15 Laferone (Interferone ) [Immunostimulant] PA: amp 1,000,000 IU and 3,000,000 IU SC, amp 100,000 IU (i/nasal) A. Antiseptics Hydrogenium peroxidum [Antiseptics Oxidant] PA:Vial 3%-30 ml Kalii permanganas [Antiseptics - Oxidant] PA: Powder, 0.1% - lavage of stomach Viride nitens (Brilliant green) [Antiseptics - Dyes] PA: Vial Sol. spirit 1% and 2% - 10 ml Iodine [Antiseptics - halogen] PA: Sol. spirit 5%-10 ml Ioddicerinum [Antiseptics - halogen] PA: Vial 25 ml 0.5%-for disinfection of wound, burns Chlorhexidinum [Antiseptics - Biguanide] PA: Vial 20%-500 ml only locally as 0.5% spirit or 1% water solution for surgical scrub, neonatal bath, mouthwash, obstetrics and a general skin antiseptic

5 Furacilinum [Antiseptics Furan derivative] PA: Tab 0.1; 0.02, Powder, 0.2% solution and cream Spiritus aethylicus [Antiseptics Alcohols]: Vial 70%, 95% - 100 ml Antibiotics and Antifungal Drugs Bensilpenicillini-natrii [Penicillin antibiotic] PA: Vial 500,000 UA IM, IV 3-4 hourly Bicillinum-5 [Penicillin antibiotic] PA: Vial 1,500,000 UA IM every 4 weeks Amoxycillin [Penicillin antibiotic] PA: Tab 1.0; Caps. 0.25, 0.5. PO 0.5-0.75 bid, in severe cases ad 1.0 g tid (typhoid, bronchitis, urinary infections, Subacute bacterial endocarditis and gonorrhea) Ceftriaxon [3d generation Cephalosporins] PA: Vial 0.5 and 1.0 Doxycyclini hydrochloridum [Tetracycline antibiotic] PA: Tab 0.1 g Gentamicini sulfas [Aminoglycoside antibiotic] PA: Amp 4% - 2 ml IM, IV 2-3 times a day Amikacini sulfas [Aminoglycoside antibiotic] PA: Amp 5%, 12.5% and 25% - 2 ml IM, IV infusion 2-3 times a day Azithromycin (Sumamed) [Macrolide antibiotic, subgroup of azalides] PA: Tab 0.5 g to be taken 1 hr before or 2 hr after meal. PO 0.5 g once daily (children above 6 month 10 mg/kg) for 3 days is sufficient for most infections. Urogenital infections (including gonorrhea) in both men and women - 1.0 g single dose is curative. Nystatinum [Antifungal polyene antibiotic] PA: Tab 250,000 and 500,000 UA PO 3-4 times a day Clotrimazole [Antifungal - Imidazoles] PA: Cream 1% - 20.0, Vial 1%-15 ml, Tab vaginal 0.1 g Itraconazole [Antifungal - Triazoles] PA: Caps 0.1. PO 0.2 qd or bid for 3 months or more Synthetic antimicrobic agents Co-Trimoxazole [combination of Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprime] PA: Tab 120 (80+40) and 480 (400+80) mg Ciprofloxacin [Fluoroquinolones] PA: Tab 0.5 and 0.75 g PO bid for 10 days; Gonorrhoea single 0.5 g dose is nearly 100% curative; Amp 1%-10 ml, vial 0.2%-50 and 100 ml IV infusion 12 hourly Agents to teat Tuberculosis & Antiviral Drugs Isoniazidum [1st line Antitubercular drug] PA: Tab 0.3 g PO 2-3 times a day, Amp 10%-5 ml IM or IV slowly qd 30-150 Pirazinamide [1st line Antitubercular drug] PA: Tab 0.25 and 0.5 g PO 1.0 g bid Rifampicinum [1st line Antitubercular antibiotic] PA: Caps 0.15, 0.3 and 0.45 g PO qd Azidotimidine (Retrovir, Zidovudine) [Antiviral drug] PA: Caps 0.1 and 0.25 g PO 56 times a day; Vial 2%-20 ml IV infusion Aciclovir [Antiviral drug] PA: Vial 0.25 IV or IV infusion tid, Tab 0.4 and 0.8 4-5 times a day, eye ointment 5%-30 ml Remantadine [Antiviral drug] PA: Tab 0.05. PO 1.0 bid Antiprotozoal Drugs Chingaminum (Chloroquin, Delagil) [Antimalarial Drug] PA: Tab 0.25. PO 1st day: 1.0 once (4 tb), then 0.5 3-4 times a day, 2nd and 3rd days 0.5 qd. Amp 5% - 5 ml IM 10 ml every 6-8 hr (not >3 times) or IV in Sol. Glucose 40%-10-20 ml or Sol. Natrii chloridum 0.9% isotonica only in severe cases Mebendazole (Vermox) [Anthelmintic] PA: Tab 0.1 bid for 3 days Metronidazolum (Trichopol) [Antiprotozoal drug]: Tab 0.25 and 0.5

Manifestation and emergence treatment of acute poisonings with medical agents Adrenaline, Aminazine, Noradrenaline, Paracetamole, Mesatone, Butadione,

Atropine, Morphine, POC (phosphoric-organic compounds), Clopheline, Pachycarpine, Phenobarbitale, Novocaine, Anapriline, Diazepam, Ethanol, Closepine,

Indomethacine, Dimedrole

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