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These r my main points

Registering the NGO

WFiling articles oI incorporation7
WFiling reports
WTax issues
WSecuring licenses.

Appllcable Laws
ConsLlLuLlon of lndla ArLlcles 19(1)(c) and 30
lncome 1ax AcL 1961
ubllc 1rusLs AcLs of varlous sLaLes
SocleLles 8eglsLraLlon AcL 1860
lndlan Companles AcL 1936 secLlon 23
lorelgn ConLrlbuLlon (8egulaLlon) AcL 1976

1he rlghL of all clLlzens Lo form assoclaLlons or unlons ls guaranLeed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of lndla
ArLlcle 19(1)(c)

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