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This system is used Lo creaLe a Lool LhaL manages Lhe handllng of passporL and llcense uslng
Lhe unlque ldenLlflcaLlon assoclaLed wlLh each lndlvldual 1he appllcaLlon deals wlLh
allowlng Lhe clLlzens Lo reglsLer for a unlque ldenLlLy 1he lu ls supporLed wlLh a pln
ClLlzen's belng lssued passporL or Lhose have a passporL ls Lhen assoclaLed wlLh Lhe ulu 1hls
helps Lhe clLlzen Lo Lravel abroad wlLhouL havlng Lhe passporL 1he ulu wlll provlde access
Lo Lhe passporL from Lhe alrporL for Lhe alrllne from Lhe cenLrallzed server 1he deLalls and
proflle of Lhe clLlzen wlLh Lhe phoLo can be vlewed as parL of securlLy check
1he crlme deparLmenL can also use Lhe appllcaLlon Lo Lrace or sLop any person from
Lravelllng abroad 1he alrllne geLs a noLlflcaLlon when Lhe alrporL sLaff has access Lo Lhe
clLlzen's passporL 1he crlme deparLmenL can sLop or Lrace elLher uslng Lhe ulu or passporL
number 1hey could also pass Lhe name of Lhe person and Lhe sysLem can generaLe a llsL of
phoLo prevlews of people havlng a passporL
1he clLlzen uses Lhe Aadhaar scheme Lo apply for llcense 1he deLalls of Lhe clLlzen are
plcked from Lhe reglsLraLlon daLabase 1he clLlzen ls provlded wlLh Lhe LesL deLalls by Lhe
appllcaLlon 1he deLalls conLaln Lhe locaLlon daLe and Llme lnformaLlon 1he LesL deLalls are
provlded Lo Lhe clLlzen on compleLlon of Lhe LesL 1he llcense lssue and denlal ls recorded

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