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joints - general

2011. 11. 20.

continuous joints (synarthrosis) syndesmosis (fibrous joint) interosseus membrane skull sutures (serrated, sqaumous, plane) gomphosis (teeth in the jaw) some special, very strong ligaments tibiofibular syndesmosis synchondrosis (cartilaginous joint) intervertabral disk epiphysial disk hip bone development in the skull (especially connections of temporal bone) symphysis (pubic symphysis) synostosis after epiphysisal disk ossification, hip bone ossification skull: between occipital and sphenoid bones sacrum ___________________________________________________________________________ discontinuous joints - diarthrosis, synovial joint, articulation ("real joint") obligatory parts of the synovial joints: articular surfaces - et least 2 surfaces, (convex: head, concave: socket) articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage (frequent) or fibrous cartilage (rare: temporomandibular, sacroiliac, sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular joints) articular capsule (fibrous membrane, synovial membrane) articular cavity articular ligaments additional features of the synovial joints: articular disks (temporo-mandibular, sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, radiocarpal joints) meniscus articularis (knee joint) articular lips (labrum articulare - shoulder joint, hip joint bursae articular muscles description of the joints: articular surfaces - exact names of the bony parts of the joint surfaces articular cartilage - is it hyaline cartilage or fibrous cartilage articular capsule - attachment line, is it taut or lax articular ligaments - names, origin, insertion, function are there any additional features? - if yes, the description of them functional description: movements in the joints: name of the movement (flexion-extension, anteflexion, retroflexion, abductionadduction, ulnar abduction - radial abduction, supination-pronation, opposition-reposition, rotation, circumduction) axis (around which the movement is carried out) - sometimes exact definitions are required! (e.g. the construction axis of the upper limb) angle of excursion (angle between its initial and final positions) limitations in the movements - ligamentous, bony, soft tissue limitations (muscles carriing out the movement) anatomical (normal) position versus midposition of the joint

joints - general

2011. 11. 20.

type of the joint: according to the shape of the surfaces or the degrees of freedom (number of the axes around which the bones are moved) plane surface two (or more) flat surfaces amphiarthrosis - very little, gliding movements (e.g. midcarpal joints, 2nd5th carpometacarpal joints, sacroiliac joint) restricted ball and socket - moveable in the three axes of the space - in a restricted manner (e.g. joints of the clavicle) 1 axis, 1 degree of freedom: cylindrical surfaces hinge joint (gynglymus) - the axis of the cylinder is perpendicular to the axes of the bones (e.g. interphalangeal joints, humeroulnar joint, talocrural joint) pivot joint (trochoid) (peg or rotary) - the axis of the cylinder is parallel with the axes of the bones (e.g. proximal and distal radioulnar joints, atlantoaxial joint, costovertabral joints, subtalar joint) 2 axes, 2 degree of freedom ellipsoid joint- a concave and a convex surface (e.g. radiocarpal joint, atlantooccipital joint) (2 main axes, but multiaxial - in the radiocarpal joint circumduction is possible) saddle joint (sellar) - 2 surfaces with concave and convex curvature in each (only in the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb (carpometacarpea pollicis) - 2 main axes, but circumduction is possible) !!! trochogynglymus - compound joint, the elbow and the knew are here: elbow: 3 joints in 1 capsule, knee: hinge shape with 2 axes of movements 3 main axes, so infinite number of axes and infinite number of degrees ball and socket - sphere-like convex surface, and an appropriate socket (shoulder joint, radiohumeral joint, 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints, hip joint, talocalcaneonavicular joint) (...restricted ball and socket may be mentioned here...) joints combined of necessity: at different points of the same bones (proximal and distal radioulnar joints; subtalar joint and talocalcaneonavicular joint)

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