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Penfield, W.; Roberts L. (1959). Speech and Brain Mechanisms. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Age constraints on first versus second language acquisition: Evidence for linguistic plasticity and epigenesisq Rachel I. Mayberry* and Elizabeth Lock, Accepted 17 April 2003 Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. (2008). How languages are learned (3rd ed.). NY: OUP Teachers College, Columbia University, Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 2009, Vol. 9, No. 1The Critical Period Hypothesis: Support, Challenge, and ReconceptualizationThe Critical Period Hypothesis:Support, Challenge, and Reconceptualization Andy Schouten1Kanda University of International Studies

The Effect of Age on Acquisition of a Second Language for School

Virginia P. Collier George Mason University, 1987-1988

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