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uLMC luSlCn lC1u8LS (Lhls experlmenL below was done by !

on 8osensLell)
LxL8lMLn1AL SL1u
1 8ell [ar demo fusor runnlng on alr
2 CuLer grld ls consLrucLed of 0023" sLalnless sLeel safeLy wlre
3 CuLer grld has a dlameLer of 6
4 lnner grld ls consLrucLed of 0020" LanLalum wlre
3 lnner grld has a dlameLer of 124"
6 ower supply conslsLs of a fullwave recLlfled 12 kv 30 mA neon slgn Lransformer conLrolled by
a varlable Lransformer (varlac)
7 vacuum sysLem conslsLs of a small Leybold u168 LwosLage dlrecL drlve pump (16 cumeLers /
hour) LowesL aLLalnable pressure ln Lhe bell [ar ls 13 m1orr
8 An MkS 10 1orr capaclLance manomeLer was used Lo measure Lhe chamber pressure
9 1he bell [ar had been venLed Lo and was aL aLmospherlc pressure [usL prlor Lo pumpdown and
lmage capLure

lor Lhe sake of load Llmes l'm dlvldlng up Lhe Len lmages l have Lo share lnLo Lwo separaLe posLs 1hls
posL wlll comprlse of 1 1orr Lhrough 100 m1orr and Lhe nexL posL wlll comprlse of 30 m1orr Lhrough 13
m1orr l Look Lwo phoLos aL 13 m1orr Lhe flrsL was Laken when Lhe chamber pressure flrsL reached 13
m1orr (20 23 mlnuLes lnLo Lhe pumpdown process) 1he second lmage was Laken afLer a good flve
hours of pumplng

1here ls also a posslblllLy LhaL we may be able Lo measure plasma parameLers wlLh a cheap self made
devlce called langmulr probe" and add LhaL as our pro[ecL CreacLlon and provlng we made plasma

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