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Opening sequence
Jessie Wu

The first scene was a guy trying to get over a fence, close-up of his face showed his fear as he looked back to the athletes approaching, this signified he was planning doing something that shouldnt be done.

The camera panned and zoomed out to show the athletes coming to this mysterious group of people.

The athletic clothing these people wearing gave an illusion that they were athletes who came to join the Olympic, suggested by the camera framing a building with a logo about the Olympic with a establishing shot as they get over the fence.

Close-up of the guns they took out from the bags created tension and implied their actual purpose entering the house-murdering.

Their appearance stereotypically met our expectation of arabic terrorists. By huging each other, this symbolised their determination and that they were closed to each other. Cross-cutting of a guy who seemed to be in one of the room of the building was the contrast to the terrorists outside, he was on his own and this signified he might be a victim who was comparatively vulnerable.

Cross-cutting of both sides of the door successfully created contrast between the terrorists and the athlete. There were other athletes being attacked at the same time and all of them dressed in pure white underwear, implying they were not armed and the possibility to strike back was small.

The athlete between the other athlete who was held by a gun was seen small and this simbolised his lack of control of the situation. The overshoulder shot of the terrorist holding a gun at the victim, brought about stress both on the victim and the audience, and made us indentify with the victim who was less superior. Tension was built with the fast pace in the opening sequence for the rest of the film.

After the attack, the opening sequence no longer directly showed what actually happened to the hostages, instead, it was mentioned indirectly by the news reporters on television. There were shots of numerous televisions located in different places, this symbolised the attack was taken seriously all over the world. With the reporters reports, the audience are enabled to slightly learn about how the attack had developed.

The pannig shot connoted that the terrorists held different opinions toward the reaction of the press and that some of them were impatient and thoughtless. This also suggested they were as nervous as the others.

The camera quickly shot the dead body lying on the floor, this short scene signified that the terrorists were serious and that they would actually take action to reach their purpose. The bloody scene introduced that the film consisted of some sinister actions as well.

The last scene of the hostages were presented by a shot from a along distance, after a tracking shot of several reporters reporting the incident. The guy on television declaring the unexpected death of the hostages drew our attention.
The panning shot and the zooming in suggested that the guy watching the show was the main character. The lowangle shot of him symbolised his importance and his following leadership of the assassination team.

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