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What did Carol realize when she looked on of the windows of the house with a light inside? 2. Who did she see coming out of the locked room? 3. Did Mr Ross see her? 4. What did he do when he went out of the locked room? 5. What did Mrs Duncan ask to Carol? What did she answer? 6. What were doing other people in the house when Carol was planning to open the locked door? 7. Where was the key? 8. What did Carol do with the key? CHAPTER 5: A DEAD MAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Which things did Carol see when she went into the room? What did she remember? What happened when Carol looked at his face? What did she realize? Who came into the room? What was Mr Ross confession? What did Carol do after leaving the island? And her mom? What does she know about the island now?

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