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Developing Your Web Presence

UK Internet Statistics 2011


Mobile media users pick up their phone 18 times a day to consume content via apps/browser. Mobile in the Media Day, IAB Research , January 2011


Global mobile data traffic in 2010 (237 petabytes per month) was over 3 times greater than the total global Internet traffic in 2000 (75 petabytes per month). Cisco, January 2011


There are 48 million people in the world who have a mobile phone but do not have electricity at home. Cisco, January 2011


Over a third of mobile internet users globally use it to search for a product or service to buy in the past month. Welcome to Social Entertainment - Annual Report 2011, January 2011


More children aged between two and five can use a smartphone (19%) than can tie their own shoelaces (9%). AVG as cited by TechEye, January 2011


It is estimated that the number of mobile broadband subscribers will hit 1 billion by the end of 2011 (up from 500 million in 2010). Ericsson as cited by ReadWriteWeb, January 2011


The number of UK adults aged over 50 consuming social media on their mobile has risen by 52% year on year. TGI MobiLens, January 2011


In 2007, there were 500 million internet-connected devices - about 1 for every 20 people on the planet. In 2010, that number grew to 35 billion, or about 5 per person. By 2013, may grow to 1 trillion devices, or 140 devices per person. Cisco as cited by, February 2011


More than a quarter (26%) of mobile video viewers watch more mobile video now than they did a year ago. QuickPlay Media as cited by eMarketer, February 2011


It is estimated that by 2015, 1 in 8 mobile users worldwide will either buy transport or entertainment tickets on their mobile or will have them delivered to their phones. eMarketer, February 2011


There are currently 13.9 million mobile internet users in the UK.

This figure is expected to rise to 17.3 million by 2012 and 18.6 million by 2013.
eMarketer, February 2011


Smartphone manufacturers shipped 100.9 million devices in Q4 2010 PC manufacturers shipped 92.1m units worldwide. First quarter in which smartphones outsold PCs.

IDC as cited by ReadWriteWeb, February 2011


62% of smartphone users have made a purchase on their handset within the last 6 months. Adobe, February 2011


Nearly 1 in 5 (19%) teens have used their phones to read a QR code. Dubit Research as cited by eMarketer, March 2011


The mobile you have in your hand has more computing power than all of NASA in 1969, the year they put a man on the moon., March 2011


53% of users are watching TV at the same time as browsing on their Mobile. Ipsos, March 2011


Mobile barcode usage has increased by 1800% year on year International Data Corporation (IDC) as cited by MobiAd News, March 2011


51% of mums say that they are "addicted" to their smartphone BabyCenter March 2011


1 in 4 respond positively to mobile ads GetJar as cited by IAB, March 2011


More than half of smartphone owners use mobile devices in retail stores. Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies, March 2011


Globally, 40% of Google Maps usage is mobile. Google Internal data, March 2011


Mobile internet user penetration is set to hit 37% in the UK by 2015. eMarketer, April 2011


Mobile Internet Users in the UK (Millions): 2010: 14.1 2011: 15.9 2012: 17.3 2013: 18.6 eMarketer, April 2011


80% of mobile internet users in the UK under 25 use a mobile device to communicate with friends while watching TV. Digital Clarity, April 2011


78% of potential car buyers say they will use their mobile device for both searching and purchasing their car GoMoNews, April 2011


Half of men and 3 out of 4 women access the internet from their phones. Carphone Warehouse, April 2011


3 billion Android apps have been downloaded to date. TechCrunch, April 2011


Half a billion people worldwide will use their mobiles as metro and bus tickets by 2015. Juniper Research, April 2011


3.6 million households in the UK use their mobiles for broadband access, which amounts to 17% of the population. Ofcom as cited by IAB, May 2011


20% of mobile users in the UK make use of mobile banking. This is up from just 10% of mobile users in 2010. TNS, May 2011


1 in 10 UK consumers uses mobile wallet and 1 in 5 use mobile banking. TNS, May 2011


2 out of 3 mums use smartphones while out shopping. MobileMarketingWatch, May 2011


1/3 of all items posted to Facebook are from a mobile device., May 2011


Comic Relief text donations accounted for 20% of the total raised. as cited by Brand Republic, May 2011


20% of mobile users in the UK make use of mobile banking. This is up from just 10% of mobile users in 2010.TNS, May 2011


2 billion people worldwide will own at least one smartphone by 2015. Parks Associates, May 2011


Nearly 9 out of 10 (89%) of iPad owners watch YouTube on their device. imano, May 2011


Mobile shopping is now more popular than online among 15-44 year olds. InMobi as cited by MobiAD, May 2011


In 2010, revenue from mobile gambling in Britain more than doubled to $65.8 million,

showing that consumers are increasingly playing games on their mobile devices.
IHS Screen Digest as cited by Mobile Commerce Daily, June 2011


Mobile payments users to grow by 40% to reach 2.5 billion globally by 2015. Juniper Research, June 2011


Mobile app downloads are forecast to reach over 180 billion by 2015. IDC as cited by, June 2011


55% of mums that own an iPhone or Android smartphone agree that mobile ads play a role in their purchasing decisions. Greystripe as cited by MobiAdNews, June 2011


2 in 3 mums that own an iPhone or Android smartphone use them as part of their shopping process. Greystripe as cited by MobiAdNews, June 2011


58% of mobile shoppers are aged between 18 and 34. ComScore, June 2011


Paypal processes $10m a day in mobile transactions. PayPal blog, June 2011


Smartphones are expected to increase from 23% of total phone shipments in 2010 to 45% in 2015., June 2011


Mcommerce to be worth 19bn by 2021. IAB , June 2011


41% Smartphone penetration in the UK ComScore

June 2011


Almost 1 in 4 people (23%) are interested in using their mobile phones instead of cash to make purchases. YouGov, June 2011


2/3 of smartphone and tablet owners use them while watching TV. Nielsen, June 2011


1 in 3 UK adults now use smartphones. IDC as cited by, June 2011


NFC mobile payments to drive contactless transactions to reach nearly $50 billion worldwide by 2014. Juniper research, June 2011


Nearly 1/4 (22%) of all global mobile bandwidth is consumed by people watching YouTube videos. Allot Communications as cited by, July 2011


75 percent of mums regularly hand their smart phones to their children. Flamingo as cited by Contagious Magazine, July 2011


Mums are 40% more likely to use mobile social networking tools than the average smartphone owner. Flamingo as cited by Contagious Magazine, July 2011


37% of iPhone owners play games on their phones on a daily basis., July 2011


68% of tablet owners spend at least an hour a day on the device., July 2011


Almost half of mobile users make more than one purchase a month via their mobile devices. Myxer as cited by, July 2011


For 1 in 4 smartphone owners, their phone is their primary way of accessing the internet. Pew Internet & American Life Project, July 2011


The mobile industry now accounts for 2% of global GDP. Chetan Sharma as cited by, July 2011


It is expected that consumers will spend $50bn a year via NFC phones by 2014. Juniper Research , July 2011


81% of smartphone users have their mobile switched on all of the time, even when they are in bed. 4 in 10 adults and teens admitting using their smartphone after it woke them.

Ofcom, August 2011


Nearly half (47%) of UK teenagers own a smartphone. Ofcom, August 2011


1 in 5 smartphone users access financial information via mobile. Comscore MobiLens , August 2011


When asked what they would prefer to give up for a week, 70% of smartphone owners admitted that they would rather give up alcohol rather than their phone. 1/3 said they were prepared to give up sex instead of their smartphone.

Merkely and Partners, August 2011


The average Android user spends nearly an hour (56 mins) on their smartphone. Two thirds of time spent is within apps. Nielsen, August 2011


1 in 5 teen smartphone users regularly watches video clips on their phone. Ofcom, August 2011


23% of UK teenagers claim to watch less TV and 15% admit they read fewer books now that they have smartphones. Ofcom, August 2011


Mobile accounts for 10% of ecommerce.

Screen Pages as cited by IAB, October 2011


1 in 10 adults redeem mobile coupons. eMarketer, August 2011


Smartphone users are more engaged with ads while shopping. Nearly 2 in 3 users had seen an ad while shopping and more than half that number had clicked on one. Yahoo!/Ipsos as cited by eMarketer, August 2011


10% of YouTube's views come through mobile. Experian Hitwise, August 2011


1 in 3 iPhone users say that they would use contactless payments if given the opportnity. YouGov, August 2011


The use of wireless hotspots almost doubled in the last 12 months to 4.9 million users. Office for National Statistics, August 2011


Half of all smartphones worldwide are Android. Mobiledia, August 2011


More than half (51%) of adults and nearly two thirds (65%) of teenagers use their smartphones while they are out socialising. Ofcom, August 2011


Nearly a quarter (23%) of adults and a third (34%) of teenagers have used their smartphone during mealtimes. Ofcom, August 2011


1 in 5 adults and nearly half (47%) of teenage smartphone users admitted using or answering their handset in the bathroom or toilet. Ofcom, August 2011


27% of teenagers admit to leaving their phones on while at the cinema or library. Ofcom, August 2011


47% of adult smartphone users have downloaded an app. Ofcom, August 2011


Teenage smartphone owners are more likely to have paid for an app download (38%) than adult owners, amongst whom just 25% had paid for an app.

Ofcom, August 2011


The average transaction value for a purchase carried out on a mobile phone has increased by 43% in the last 12 months. IAB UK, September 2011


Online video ads reach nearly 2 in 3 smartphone users. Comscore MobiLens , September 2011


In 2010, 1 in 10 Brits said that they might respond to a mobile ad if they thought it was relevant. This number is expected to increase to 1 in 5 by 2012. mobileSQUARED and adsmobi, September 2011


1 in 4 UK smartphone users are exposed to mobile display advertising. ComScore MobiLens , September 2011


It is estimated that mobile payments will account for $670 billion globally by 2015., September 2011


Mobile ads are 6 times as effective as standard banners. MegaMind as cited by eMarketer, September 2011


Mobile Internet is expected to eclipse wired internet by 2015. IDC as cited by The Independent, September 2011


2 in 5 video viewers upload video content ComScore, January 2011


More than half of video viewers watch videos with others ComScore, January 2011


Video is the most social and engaging medium: 1 in 3 video viewers comment, 2 in 5 upload videos, 1 in 2 regularly share videos, more than 1 in 2 view online videos with others. ComScore, January 2011


Half of all video viewers regularly share videos ComScore, January 2011


200m mobile clips are streamed on YouTube every day YouTube Blog, January 2011


More than 400 tweets per minute contain a YouTube link, and over 150 years worth of YouTube video is watched on Facebook every day. YouTube Blog, January 2011


Over 15 million people in the UK watch 200 million videos daily ComScore Video Metrix, January 2011


People who see an advertiser's ad on the YouTube homepage are 4 times more likely to visit the advertiser site, search for the brand or watch the company's video on YouTube, than those who did not see the ad YouTube internal data, February 2011


Globally, we spend 2.9 billion hours on YouTube in a month. Thats 326,294 years! DoubleClick Ad Planner as cited by February 2011


YouTube has 490 million users worldwide (unique visitors per month), generating an estimated 92 billion page views each month DoubleClick Ad Planner as cited by, February 2011


The average YouTube user visits the site 14 times per month, spending an average of 25 minutes on the site each time DoubleClick Ad Planner as cited by, February 2011


More than half the videos on YouTube have been rated or commented on by users. ReelSEO, April 2011


In 2010, there were over 700 billion video playbacks on YouTube ReelSEO, April 2011


YouTube Mobile gets over 100 million views per day. ReelSEO, April 2011


Over 13 million hours of footage was uploaded to YouTube in 2010 ReelSEO, April 2011


Each week, YouTube receives the equivalent of 115,000 full-length feature films in uploads. ReelSEO, April 2011


Every auto-shared tweet results in six new browsing sessions. ReelSEO, April 2011


Every day, millions of clips are favourited and millions of subscriptions occur. ReelSEO, April 2011


57% of global internet users watch music videos. Nielsen, April 2011


Britons watch 11,000 years of video online every month. Nielsen VideoCensus, May 2011


Nearly 1 in 5 visitors go on to an entertainment website after a visit to YouTube. Experian Hitwise, May 2011


Over 3 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. YouTube internal data, May 2011


1 in every 59 visits to a UK website comes from YouTube. Experian Hitwise, May 2011


YouTube accounts for 20% of visits to social networking sites in the UK. Experian Hitwise, May 2011


More than 48 hours of video are uploaded YouTube site every minute. YouTube Blog, May 2011


Nearly 9 out of 10 (89%) of iPad owners watch YouTube on their device. imano, May 2011


By 2015, one million minutes of video - the equivalent of 674 days - will cross the internet every second. Cisco as cited by June 2011


66% of online video viewers watch premium short-form content, such as music videos, film trailers and sports highlights. MediaTel, July 2011


23% of people watch online video every day, nearly double the 2010 figure. MediaTel, July 2011


Three times more people watch music videos on YouTube than download music. Nielsen, July 2011


Nearly 1/4 (22%) of all global mobile bandwidth is consumed by people watching YouTube videos. Allot Communications as cited by, July 2011


240 million hours are spent watching online video content, of which 184 million hours are spent on YouTube. Experian Hitwise, "Online Video Bringing Social Media to Life",October 2011


Monthly reach of YouTube currently stands at 19.8m UK adults. UKOM, August 2011


10% of YouTube's views come through mobile.

Experian Hitwise, August 2011


Online population watching more and more video online: in June 2011, 26 million people watched 2.3 billion videos for a total of 6.4 billion minutes. Per person that equates to an average of 87 videos viewed for an average of 4.1 hours per month. UKOM Video Census June 2011 quoted in IAB: H1 2011:

Internet Usage

Nearly a quarter of Brits said that the PC had replaced their TV as a main source of evening entertainment UKPA, March 2011

Internet Usage

20% of Britons regularly eat their evening meal in front of the computer UKPA, March 2011

Internet Usage

UK Internet Users: 2009: 43m 2010: 44m 2011: 46m 2012: 47m 2013: 48m eMarketer, March 2011

Internet Usage

Broadband Penetration (% of households) 2009: 62% 2010: 70% 2011: 75% 2012: 78% 2013: 81% eMarketer, March 2011

Internet Usage

More than 3 out of 4 (76%) tablet owners have bought their tablet in addition to a desktop or laptop computer. 1 in 12 bought their tablet instead of, or to replace a desktop or laptop computer.

YouGov, April 2011

Internet Usage

2/3 Brits go online while out with friends and 1 in 9 do while out on a date. Carphone Warehouse, April 2011

Internet Usage

Approximately 1 in 12 tablet owners purchased a tablet instead of, or to replace a desktop computer, laptop or other computer.
YouGov, April 2011

Internet Usage

The daily visits to news & media websites reached a three year high for the second time this year on Monday, May 2, 2011 following the announcement of the death of Osama Bin Laden. The previous peak was on March 11, 2011 from the news of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Hitwise, May 2011

Internet Usage

Internet traffic is projected to approach 1 zettabyte per year in 2015 thats equivalent of all the digital data in existence in 2010. Cisco as cited by, June 2011

Internet Usage

By 2015, nearly 3 billion people will be using the Internet more than 40% of the worlds projected population. Cisco as cited by June 2011

Internet Usage

Social sharing now produces an estimated 10% of all web traffic and 31% of referral traffic to sites from search engines and social networks. Starcom MediaVest Group and Rubinson Partners as cited by, June 2011

Internet Usage

In the UK, 22 million people play video games on consoles. Gamers on mobiles and social network sites are not far behind; 21 million play video games on their mobiles and 18 million on social networking sites.

Newzoo BV "2011 National Gamers Survey", July 2011

Internet Usage

Over 10 million people joined Google+ in the first 2 weeks. Google, July 2011

Internet Usage

More than 2 out 3 (68%) 18-34 year olds claim that their PC/laptop is the entertainment device they "can't live without". This compares to 28% of this group who claim that they "can't live without" TV. MediaTel, July 2011

Internet Usage

In a drive to eliminate the use of paper in school by 2015 in South Korea, the country plans to spend more than $2bn on ebooks and tablets., July 2011

Internet Usage

76% of British homes are connected to the internet (compared to 25% in 2000). Ofcom, August 2011

Internet Usage

9 out 10 adults aged 35-44 have internet access at home. Ofcom, August 2011

Internet Usage

26% of adults aged over 75 have internet access at home. Ofcom, August 2011

Internet Usage

74% of UK adults have broadband (fixed + mobile). Ofcom, August 2011

Internet Usage

Penetration of broadband access in internet homes is now 94%. Over a quarter of users have super-fast broadband (28% access online with a connection speed of over 8Mb). 46% of at home UK internet users access the internet with a connection speed of between 2Mb and 8Mb. UKOM APS/Netview May 2011 quoted in IAB: H1 2011October 2011

Search Data

48% of users say they start with a Smartphone search and finish on a desktop. Ipsos, March 2011

Search Data

27% of people rarely or never look at more than one page of search engine results. Verdict Research as cited by, April 2011

Search Data

29% of people think the placement of a brand on the search results page reflects the importance of the brand company. Verdict Research as cited by, April 2011

Search Data

34% of people think information about a particular company, service or slogan in an offline channel has driven them to search for information online

Verdict Research as cited by, April 2011

Search Data

51% of people expect leading brands to be on top of the search results page. Verdict Research as cited by, April 2011

Search Data

63% of people normally find websites via a search engine. Verdict Research as cited by, April 2011

Internet TV

350 million internet-enabled television sets are expected to be sold worldwide by 2015 Parks Associates, January 2011

Internet TV

59% of tablet owners in the UK have watched a TV program or a full length movie on the device. QuickPlay Media as cited by eMarketer, February 2011

Internet TV

The royal wedding broke records by attracting the largest ever concurrent live streaming audience online. Telegraph, May 2011


There were 107 trillion emails sent on the Internet in 2010., January 2011


40% of all tweets are now composed on mobile devices, up from around 20% a year ago Mashable, January 2011


In 2010, there were 25 billion tweets on Twitter., January 2011


There were 456 Tweets per second when Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 (a record at that time). The record was beaten four seconds after midnight in Japan on New Years Day when there were 6,939 Tweets per second. Twitter Blog, March 2011


Roughy 140 Million Tweets are sent each day. Twitter, March 2011


Twitter users helped find a missing child in Saudi Arabia just three hours after the childs parent tweeted about the disappearance. TNW, April 2011


Every auto-shared tweet results in six new browsing sessions. ReelSEO, April 2011


Less than 12 after the initial tweet about the death of Osama Bin Laden, there were almost 40,000 blog posts and news articles and 2.2 million tweets on the topic.

Sysomos Blog, May 2011


The royal wedding was mentioned around 67 times a second on Twitter as viewers took to the social network to publish their thoughts on the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton

Telegraph, May 2011


The number of social media posts about Osama bin Laden's death eclipsed those of the royal wedding and the Japanese earthquake. In a 3.5 hour period after it happened, an average of 3,000 messages per second were being posted on the micro-blogging site. MediaTel, May 2011


By the end of 2010, there were 600 million people on Facebook. 250 million of those joined Facebook during 2010., January 2011


Globally, we spend 9.3 billion hours on Facebook in a month. Thats 1,065,449 years. DoubleClick Ad Planner as cited by February 2011


On Facebook the royal wedding dominated status updates, with around 74 mentions every second. Telegraph, May 2011


1/3 of all items posted to Facebook are from a mobile device., May 2011

Social Networking

88% of Brits use social networking sites eMarketer, February 2011

Social Networking

100 million people take a social action on YouTube (likes, shares, comments etc) every week. ReelSEO, April 2011

Social Networking

72% of under 25s comment on programmes via social networks as they watch them. Digital Clarity, April 2011

Social Networking

84% of top UK senior executive headhunters agree that having a social media profile is important for senior executives seeking a new role.

InterExec as cited by, April 2011

Social Networking

Nearly half (43%) of 9-12 year olds in the UK have social networking profiles. European Commission, May 2011

Social Networking

Over 10 million people joined Google+ in the first 2 weeks. Google, July 2011

Social Networking

Mums are 40% more likely to use mobile social networking tools than the average smartphone owner. Flamingo as cited by Contagious Magazine, July 2011

Social Networking

Social networks/blogs now account for around 25% of all time spent online in the UK. IAB, October 2011


UK consumers spent 6.8bn online in December which equates to approximately 111 per shopper. IMRG as cited by, January 2011


Boxing day was the busiest day of 2010 for online retailers in the UK, with visits to websites around 12% higher than before Christmas.

Experian Hitwise as cited by MediaTel, January 2011


More than a third of Dominos Pizza deliveries in the UK are now ordered online. Internet Retailing, January 2011


32% of shoppers will purchase Valentines Day gifts online, a 9% increase from 2010. eBillme, January 2011

eBay in numbers: $2 billion - the amount generated in global mobile sales in 2010 - > 3 X the value in 2009. 1 per second - the number of purchases made every second through eBay's mobile apps.

94 per minute - the number of bids average users make.

4 Ferraris purchased every month through eBay's mobile apps. UK & Germany combined generated nearly 1/3 of all eBay's mobile sales in 2010. Mobile Commerce Daily and TechCrunch, January 2011


Total UK online sales reached 58.8bn by the end of 2010 - an 18% increase on 2009.

Its predicted that this total will reach 69bn by the end of 2011.
IMRG as cited by, January 2011


51% of the UK population has engaged in some form of M-commerce, that's 23m people, and 27% of the UK population has paid for something on their mobile using their credit card or bank details. IAB, February 2011


58% of purchase decisions begin on search engines GroupM, February 2011


More than 50% of all consumers have changed their perceptions about brands based on social influences. GroupM, February 2011


48% of consumers combine social media and search engines in their buying process. GroupM, February 2011


90% of consumers use the internet to research vehicle purchases. Kia Motors as cited by Marketing Week, March 2011


Consumers spent $1 billion on e-books in 2010. That number is expected to triple by 2015. Forrester as cited by Wall Street Journal , March 2011


78% of potential car buyers say they will use their mobile device for both searching and purchasing their car GoMoNews, April 2011


Ebooks are now outselling paperbacks in the US. Total Ebook sales reached $90.3m in February compared to paperbacks at $81.2m., April 2011


Online retail is growing 6 times faster than high street sales and is predicted to exceed 37 billion by 2014. Verdict Research as cited by, April 2011


2,000 cars are purchased via eBay mobile apps per week. Mobile Commerce Daily, May 2011


Mobile shopping is now more popular than online among 15-44 year olds. InMobi as cited by MobiAD, May 2011


More than 1 in 4 UK adults claim that online product reviews have a major influence on their purchasing decisions. TGI, June 2011


55% of mums that own an iPhone or Android smartphone agree that mobile ads play a role in their purchasing decisions. Greystripe as cited by MobiAdNews, June 2011


2 in 3 mums that own an iPhone or Android smartphone use them as part of their shopping process. Greystripe as cited by MobiAdNews, June 2011


58% of mobile shoppers are aged between 18 and 34. ComScore, June 2011


Consumers are less likely to buy highticket items through social networking sites. 65% say that they would only ever spend between 1 and 50 on a social networking site.

Havas Media Social and Lightspeed Research, June 2011


Nearly 1 in 5 consumers (17%) stated they were likely to buy from a brand if it was recommended by someone they knew. Havas Media Social and Lightspeed Research, June 2011


53% of consumers are more likely to look up information about a brand if a friend had recommended it. Havas Media Social and Lightspeed Research, June 2011


Online ads are expected to account for 40% of total media spend in the UK by 2015. eMarketer, June 2011


In game purchases are expected to surpass pay-per-downloads by 2013., July 2011


Online sales accounts for 10% of retail in the UK. Digital Strategy Consulting, August 2011


Record Spend: UK Online adspend in H1 2011 reached a new high of 2,256.2m IAB, October 2011


Spending on UK internet advertising grew by 13.5% year on year on a like-for-like basis. The advertising industry as a whole grew by 1.4%

IAB, October 2011


Display advertising accounted for 23% of UK online advertising in H1 2011, with 510.1m spent across all display formats throughout Jan-June 2011

IAB, October 2011


Search: Paid-for listings maintained its position as the largest single format with a 58% share of the UK market. 1,313.4m was spent on search in H1 2011. IAB, October 2011


The average transaction value for a purchase carried out on a mobile phone has increased by 43% in the last 12 months.

IAB UK, September 2011


Online video ads reach nearly 2 in 3 smartphone users. Comscore MobiLens , September 2011


In 2010, 1 in 10 Brits said that they might respond to a mobile ad if they thought it was relevant. This number is expected to increase to 1 in 5 by 2012.

mobileSQUARED and adsmobi, September 2011


1 in 4 UK smartphone users are exposed to mobile display advertising. ComScore MobiLens , September 2011


It is estimated that mobile payments will account for $670 billion globally by 2015., September 2011


Mobile ads are 6 times as effective as standard banners.

Conclusion How are you integrating online marketing & mobile marketing into your overall strategy/plan? Research commissioned by Google in November 2010 showed that UK businesses who embrace the internet grow more quickly with fewer resources Please call Alan French now to help you understand how to plan, develop & grow your business using the internet +447805675740 MegaMind as cited by eMarketer, September 2011


Statistics Source

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