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true my friend, and along this path we've chosen we have all known for certain, that it takes

more than sweat, to cross this mountain, more than tears, to carry this burden. for what we live, die and do, to achieve something that we know is true, that victory has already been promised, by He but for those of the bravest, that will not back down even for a moment, for fear they might be carried away by the current, but will always continue to move forward, their aim and desire will never be shattered, to taste, feel and smell the fruits of the Garden, for in Allah we trust, our strength and our guardian, may we seize the victory or die in His blessing. So, my friend, always be accepting, for all the pain, the hardship, the suffering, for all of this is in Allah's planning, to make us stronger and wiser, where we will finally meet Him in the Hereafter.... To make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq) Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 76 :: Hadith 477 Narrated Abu Said: Some people from the Ansar asked Allah's Apostle (to give them something) and he gave to everyone of them, who asked him, until all that he had was finished. Wh en everything was finished and he had spent all that was in his hand, he said to them, '"(Know) that if I have any wealth, I will not withhold it from you (to k eep for somebody else); And (know) that he who refrains from begging others (or doing prohibited deeds), Allah will make him contented and not in need of others ; and he who remains patient, Allah will bestow patience upon him, and he who is satisfied with what he has, Allah will make him self-sufficient. And there is n o gift better and vast (you may be given) than patience."

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