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8LSLn1A1lCn Cn

Lx1L8nAL MC8lLl1?
8LSLn1Lu 8?
8lSPl uAuP?A?
W Lmployees who are noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhelr career ln Lhe
presenL organlzaLlon may seek sulLable employmenL ln
oLher organlsaLlons Slmllarly organlsaLlons may also prefer
candldaLes from exLernal sources lf Lhe lnLernal candldaLes
are noL found sulLable 1hls slLuaLlon ln career
developmenL of boLh Lhe lndlvlduals and organlsaLlons
resulL ln exLernal moblllLy or employee Lurnover LxLernal
moblllLy ls also known as exLernal career
Lx1L8nAL MC8lLl1?
W LxLernal moblllLy means shlfLlng of employees lnLo
and ouL of an organlsaLlon lL ls deflned as Lhe raLe
of change ln Lhe employees of an organlsaLlon
durlng a deflnlLe perlod lL measures Lhe exLenL Lo
whlch old employees leave and new employees
enLer lnLo an organlsaLlon
1?LS Cl Lx1L8nAL MC8lLl1?
W LxLernal moblllLy ls of Lwo Lypes
W 2SLL8A1lCn
W ACCLSSICNS Accessorles are addlLlons of new
candldaLes Lo Lhe exlsLlng employees Accesslons
lnclude employmenL of new candldaLes re
employmenL of former employees employees
called back Lo work afLer lay off eLc
SeparaLlons means LermlnaLlon of employmenL 1hey
lnclude volunLary qulL or reslgnaLlons by employees when
Lhey are dlssaLlsfled wlLh Lhe presenL [ob and/or
organlsaLlon or when Lhey geL beLLer employmenL ln oLher
Layoff of lack of work CrganlsaLlons LermlnaLe Lhe
servlces or employees when Lhe [obs are ellmlnaLed or
reduced due Lo adopLlon Lo Lechnology or adverse buslness
condlLlons of lack or power maLerlals breakdown of
machlnery eLc
AfLer undersLandlng Lhe company sLraLegy and
recrulLmenL pollcy Lhe P8 manager has Lo search for Lhe
candldaLe who can conLrlbuLe for Lhe achlevemenL of Lhe
company sLraLegy
Pe has Lo search for candldaLe ln varlous sources
11radlLlonal source of recrulLmenL and
2Modern source of recrulLmenL
lL ls dlvlded ln Lo Lwo parLslnLernal source exLernal

W %a) resenL ermanenL LmployeesCrganlsaLlons
conslder Lhe candldaLe from Lhls source for hlgher
level [obs due Lo avallablllLy of mosL sulLable
candldaLes for [obs relaLlvely or equally Lo Lhe
exLernal source Lo meeL Lhe Lrade unlon demands
due Lo Lhe pollcy of Lhe organlzaLlon Lo moLlvaLe
Lhe presenL employees
W %b)resenL 1emporary or asual Lmployees
CrganlsaLlons flnd Lhls source Lo flll Lhe vacancles
relaLlvely lower level owlng Lo Lhe avallablllLy of
sulLable candldaLes
%) 8eLrenched or 8eLlred LmployeesCenerally a parLlcular
organlsaLlon reLenches Lhe employees dueLo lack of
work1he organlsaLlon Lakes Lhe candldaLes for
employmenL from Lhe reLrenched employees dueLo
obllgaLlon Lrade unlon pressure and Lhe llkeSomeLlmes
Lhe organlzaLlons prefer Lo reemploy Lhelr reLlred
employees as a Loken of Lhelr loyallLy Lo Lhe organlzaLlons
%a)ampus 8ecrulLmenLulfferenL Lypes of
organlzaLlons llke lndusLrlesbuslness flrms servlce
organlzaLlons soclal or rellglous organlzaLlons can
geL lnexperlenced candldaLes of dlfferenL Lypes
from varlous educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons llke colleges
and unlverclLles lmparLlng educaLlon ln Sclence
ommerce Lnglneerlng1echnologyManagemenL
SLudles eLc and Lralned candldaLes ln dlfferenL
dlsclpllnes llke vocaLlonalenglneerlngmedlclne
from Lhe Lralnlng lnsLlLuLes llkevocaLlonal 1ralnlng
lnsLlLuLes of SLaLe CovLs ln varlous Lrades
%b)uaLa 8ank 1he managemenL can collecL Lhe blodaLa of
candldaLes from dlfferenL sources llke LmploymenL Lxchange
LducaLlonal 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLescandldaLes eLc and feed Lhem ln
C) asual AppllcaLlon. uependlng upon Lhe lmage of Lhe
organlsaLlonlLs prompL response parLlclpaLlon of Lhe
organlzaLlonal ln Lhe local acLlvlLles level of unemploymenL
1hls would be sulLable source for Lemporary and lower level
%%S|m||ar Crgan|sat|on.Genera||yexper|ence candldaLes
are avallable ln Lhe organlzaLlons produclng slmllar
producLs or are engaged ln slmllar buslness 1he
managemenL can geL sulLable candldaLes from Lhls source

%e)rofesslonal CrganlzaLlons rofesslonal

organlzaLlon or assoclaLlons malnLaln compleLe blo
daLa of Lhelr members and provlde Lhe same Lo
varlous organlzaLlon on requlslLlon 1hey also acL as
an exchange beLween Lhelr members and recrulLlng
flrms ln exchanglng lnformaLlon clarlfylng doubLs

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